Yes, these guys have so many lies it's hard to know where to begin. I never heard anybody would go to hell if they didn't do what Geshe-la said or gave back their robes in the NKT.
And just because Pema or Rabten are in the NKT doesn't mean they can't also be in the ISC.
And just because someone is an NKT teacher or ex teacher doesn't mean they were with us from the beginning--- sorry the panel discussion with Carol-- does anybody buy that? I mean she really "fell" for the "cult?" Really? Because Geshe-la is really open-minded, and authentic, he really gives a LOT of choice to people, even to let the DL followers come trampling around in his centers. I suppose he does this because he wants them to show their true colors.
I have heard these sorts of staged conversations by what I see as infiltrating Dalai Lama people, like at the Portugal festival, I heard these two women talking about how one was a newbie, the other a little more experienced, and the newbie suffered from mental health issues; the more long term person kept saying "Geshe-la is a Buddha. He SAID so." Uh, no. That's not what he said--- but I guess that's two future survivors for you.... pretend Geshe-la said something else, one of them has a mental illness, which made her join the "cult" etc. etc.. We get misrepresented a LOT by people posing as members of our organization. I am mentioning this so our Tibetan friends will be aware that we have a big issue, even though I think most people are too polite to say.... yeah, not all westerners are honest okay--- and the apple doesn't far from the DL tree when they are not.
So what do I think of survivors? I think they are mostly if not all people who wanted to come and make the NKT people look like a cult.... if they are in a cult it is not Geshe-la's cult but perhaps if anyone is reading this who likes to go to NKT Centers, join up (anyone is welcome, no requirements are even made to do the Shugden practice if we show up at the empowerment-- that is our internal decision--- that is how much freedom Geshe-la gives--- okay--- complete freedom, and a willingness to have people hear the Dharma regardless of their background)-- so if somebody who reads this is a person who joins up with the NKT to pretend to be us and then go be a survivor or otherwise make us look bad, let me tell you, I think it's pretty obvious what you are doing, and it is making the Dalai Lama look like a TERRIBLE teacher with followers willing to stop at nothing to get people to stop openly defying THEIR guru. Just know, that before I met people who I discovered were up to this sort of thing, that I only found the Dalai Lama best avoided. Now my opinion of him is that he is beyond terrible, because of the things his students do. This is not about anyone pretending to agree or disagree: this is a message for the infiltrating sub-group of the NKT out there--- you are making the Dalai Lama look TERRIBLE and everything you are doing is backfiring.