Author Topic: China's Influence is growing in the world  (Read 4006 times)


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China's Influence is growing in the world
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:33:00 AM »
More and more countries are acknowledging China's growing influence. The CTA will lose out big time if they continue with their strategy against China. Now China is poised to revive the ancient silk road that will connect 60  countries across Europe, Asia, Middle-East and Africa.


Belt and Road Initiative: China Plans $1 Trillion New ‘Silk Road’

BEIJING — China is aiming to re-create Marco Polo's ancient "Silk Road" that connected Europe to Asia.
But instead of the camels and caravans that transported spices and silk hundreds of years ago, a $1.4 trillion network of modern trading routes would be built.

On Sunday, Chinese President Xi Jinping will host 28 heads of state at the opening of a two-day summit focusing on the so-called "Belt and Road" initiative.

Analysts suggest the project could shift the center of global economy and challenge the U.S.-led world order.

Beijing hopes the gathering will rally international support for the plan.
Xi's colossal program is 11 times the size of the U.S. Marshall Plan, which reconstructed Europe after World War II.
It envisions new roads, high-speed rail, power plants, pipelines, ports and airports and telecommunications links that would boost commerce between China and 60 countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Among Xi's guests will be Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as the leaders of Turkey, Italy, Pakistan and the Philippines. A minister from reclusive North Korea will also attend.

The U.S. delegation is led by Matt Pottinger, a special assistant to President Donald Trump and senior director for East Asia on the National Security Council. His visit to observe the summit was only announced Friday. And surrounded by heads of state, Pottinger's relatively low position raises questions about how seriously the Trump administration is taking the project.

Belt and Road can "solve global woes," according to state-run Global Times newspaper.
"The ambitious plan is not empty talk," the official Xinhua News Agency declared, highlighting that China has already invested more than $50 billion in 20 countries along the routes.

That total includes:
* The Gwadar port project in Pakistan, which will open trade routes to China's landlocked western region of Xinjiang.
* The China-Myanmar oil pipeline, which has provided Beijing with its first overland access to Middle East crude that skips the Malacca Straits choke point.
* The Chinese majority-controlled Greek port of Piraeus, which will serve as a maritime gateway to Central Europe with a planned Belgrade-to-Budapest high-speed rail link.

Former U.S. Assistant Defense Secretary Chas Freeman described the Belt and Road project as "potentially the most transformative engineering effort in human history."

He highlighted that the countries involved boast about 55 percent of global economic output, 70 percent of the world's population and an estimated 75 percent of known energy reserves.

"Americans currently conceive of power in almost exclusively military terms, which is ironic, because we claim to believe in the power of markets to shape events, and the Belt and Road Initiative relies on markets," Freeman told NBC News.
"American aloofness" is not an answer to the strategic challenge posed by the initiative, he argued.

"If we don't seize exports opportunities where they exist, the jobs will go to others, not Americans," Freeman added.
Belt and Road is still a vision, but if it's realized in a significant way, all roads in Eurasia will "lead to Beijing" in time, according to Freeman.

"China will become the center of economic gravity as it becomes the world's largest economy," he added. "The 'Belt and Road' program includes no military component, but it clearly has the potential to up-end the world's geopolitics as well as its economics."
Wang Yiwei, a professor of international relations at Renmin University, cited the example of Erik Prince, the Blackwater founder and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Prince's Frontier Services Group has announced two operational bases in China to provide security to the northwest and southwest corridors of the Belt and Road project.

"Regardless of the U.S. government attitude, U.S. companies will join the Belt and Road if there is money to be made," Wang told NBC News. "There is a huge market for U.S. technology, and by bringing development and stability to Afghanistan and other parts of Central Asia, which are hotbeds of terrorism, the Belt and Road will also benefit U.S. security."

With 12,500 miles, China already boasts of the longest high-speed rail network in the world — with plans to almost double it by 2025. Under Belt and Road, a total of 50,000 miles is projected.

The plan is to enable train travel from London to Beijing "in a mere two days," according to Freeman.
So what do ordinary Chinese people think of their country's most expensive foreign venture?
"I support it because it's good publicity for China, and we are not that poor anymore," said Meng Xiawu, a 30-year-old courier.

"China's infrastructure investments in other countries will eventually have good returns, and good relations will be established with these countries, so it's worth it," added Yao Yaodong, 25, who works at a venture capital firm.
But Li Xiaomin, 28, a human resources worker, disagreed.

"I beg to differ regarding investing in other countries, because I believe it's better to use the money for our country," Li said.
However, the country's children are being taught to embrace the "new Silk Road."
The government's Belt and Road fever has resulted in the China Daily releasing a children's bedtime story video called "The Belt and Road Initiative."

In part, it runs: "Once upon a time, several routes led from China to Central Asia to Europe. It was called the Silk Road. ... Ships traveled from China through Southeast Asia to Africa, and they'd bring things back to China like giraffes. ... China's president, Xi Jinping, proposed making new routes like the old routes. But even bigger. It's called the Belt and Road Initiative."

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: China's Influence is growing in the world
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2017, 04:57:05 AM »
It is believed that when you mix religion with politics, there are only losers in the game.

It is very interesting to note that while China builds her reputation and influence to serve the world with economic gains, she is also looking into advancing the lives of her people.  This is done by uplifting the livelihood of the Tibetans in China and also retaining Tibetans tradition and culture by renovating and rebuilding temples.  Most of all, the freedom of worship is also permitted in China especially in respect of the propitiation of Dorje Shugden.  I suppose the Chinese authority feels no point in going against the wishes of her people to worship a 400 year old deity.  If there were to be any risk in the worship of Dorje Shugden, it is the choice of DS devotees and the Chinese authorities have given that choice for the individuals.  There was no law to say that every Tibetan must worship Dorje Shugden as a counter action against the CTA's ban.

Logically, it is freedom of choice for all Tibetans in China, without the agenda to oppose the Dalai Lama and CTA's ban against the worship of Dorje Shugden.  Therefore if there is to be any "blame" by CTA that the Chinese Government is going against Dalai Lama,will hold no logical equation.

It is most interesting for CTA to still try to discredit China and it is almost futile in their efforts when more time and energy should be put to work to unite and make Buddhist harmonious.  If CTA can achieve that, maybe China will consider CTA a worthwhile party to negotiate or even talk to.

Hope that my humble opinion will be looked into by the Dalai Lama and CTA for the betterment of Tibetans in exile, Dorje Shugden practitioners and harmony among buddhists of the Tibetan tradition.


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Re: China's Influence is growing in the world
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2017, 05:49:16 PM »
Again, it is money that matters. No matter how tough you are, no matter how much much you hate about one country, without money, you can't grow the economy. In current days, China's economy is getting stronger and stronger, if this project kicks in, who doesn't want to be befriended with China? Plus, almost half of the countries in Europe and Middle East are facing economy and financial problem. This project will definitely strengthen the global economy. At least half of the globe.
Trump is a business man, he knows the calculation. Despite all the things he said about China previously, he still befriended China.
And, how long can the west support CTA if situation continue to go on like this? Take a look at the Tibetan in China and the Tibetan in exile in India.
We all clearly know the answer. Even if the CTA thought that Trump doesn't know how to calculate, but the world is not dumb.
China is winning the world's heart by helping them to improve their economy. Who doesn't want their country to be improved? Now, even the Dalai Lama is waiting the green light to go back to China.
I hope one day Dalai Lama will turn his head to China and say "Please take me back, without any condition! I want to be part of China!" CTA and India, if you still holding your hate to China, you can say bye bye to the world.


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Re: China's Influence is growing in the world
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2017, 06:23:48 PM »
In fact, not only China influence growing in the world, China's Central Government helps Tibet develop economy and society and increase the quality of life of Tibetan. Both of this news are bad news for CTA. If CTA still using religion as a political tools and do nothing, I think  they  will  be looser soon. Instead of united Tibetans to work towards a better living, CTA ban the Dorje Shugden practice and created division -non Dorje Shugden group and Dorje Shugden group. This show that CTA  takes the view that unity of the Tibetan nation was far more important than differences in religious beliefs. How do you trust a government who claimed they are democratic but do not allow religious freedom and attacked their own peoples?

If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists – to protect them and to promote their common welfare – all else is lost. ~ President Barrack Obama


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Re: China's Influence is growing in the world
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2017, 08:20:44 AM »
China is poised to revive the ancient silk road in a massive project that will connect 60 countries across Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa via a 1.4 trillion network of of modern trading routes which will be built The magnitude and impact of this has been spelt out by analysts who say that this project could "shift the centre of global economy away from the (current) US led world order".

Beijing is hoping for massive international support for this Belt and Road project,as this project is targetted at solving global woes. Under this porject, there will be construction of new roads, high-speed rail, power plants, pipelines, ports and airports as well as communication links. Commerce will be boosted between China and  60 countries in Asia, Europe, Middle East and North Africa.

China is full of hopes and confidence in this massive project. Even the children are being taught  to embrace the new "Silk Road"! There is even a children's bedtime story video called the "Belt and Road Initiative"!

There is a growing opinion that projects like these will catapult China into becoming the world's leading economic power . "China will become the center of economic gravity as it becomes the world's largest economy", says Freeman, the former US Assistant Defense Secretary.


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Re: China's Influence is growing in the world
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2017, 11:41:22 AM »
We can see many different ways how China's influence grows in the world. China has projects in Africa, in different countries in Asia and even in Europe and America, in fact worldwide. It is for sure that China's influence can not be neglected by anyone.

So how come the Central Tibetan Administration is fighting this battle were they and especially the Tibetan people loses so much. When do they wake up to reality and create better conditions for their people in Tibet?

It is really difficult to understand how the CTA does not put their people first! When will they finally make peace with China for the benefit of all?