Author Topic: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream  (Read 24057 times)


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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2012, 09:51:51 PM »
Yes, Emperor Kangxi's contribution is not only towards China, but also towards Buddhism in Tibet.

When the 7th Dalai Lama Kelzang Gyatso was born in 1708, the Dalai Lama's throne in Lhasa was occupied by Ngawang Yeshey Gyatso, who had been installed by Lha-bzang Khan, the Khoshut King of Tibet, as "the real 6th Dalai Lama" in place of Tsangyang Gyatso.

The Tibetans then turned to the Dzungars who in hope that they would free them of Lha-bzang Khan and enable the installation of the 7th Dalai Lama Kelzang Gyatso.

Lha-bzang Khan was defeated and killed by the Dzungars in Lhasa in 1717, but the Dzungars later looted and persecuted the Nyingmas.

The child (7th Dalai Lama) was quietly taken into Lithang Monastery for protection and training as there was a controversy of who/which is the real Dalai Lama at that time.

It was Emperor Kangxi who sponsored the 7th Dalai Lama Kelzang Gyatso's entrance into Kumbum Monastery, and it was marked by a formal ceremony.

An expedition sent by Emperor Kangxi, together with Tibetan forces expelled the Dzungars from Tibet in 1720. They then brought Kelzang Gyatso with them from Kumbum to Lhasa and enthroned him as the 7th Dalai Lama  in the Potala Palace. Emperor Kangxi granted the 7th Dalai Lama the title of "the Dalai Lama, the Propagator of the Buddhist Doctrine to Awaken the Public," plus a golden seal of authority. 

The 7th Dalai Lama took the novice and also later gelong vows of monkhood from the 5th Panchen Lama Lobsang Yeshi. The 7th Dalai Lama received teachings on all the major Buddhist philosophical treatises and became a scholar and master in both sutra and tantra. He wrote many books, especially on tantra.

Emperor Kangxi declared Tibet a protectorate of the Qing Empire and in 1727 installed two high commissioners, or ambans, and a garrison of Qing troops from China in Lhasa. Polhaney of Tsang, an important Tibetan aristocrat, ruled Tibet with Qing support in 1728–1747.

How Emperor Kangxi helped to restore power to the real (7th) Dalai Lama reminded me of how Dorje Shugden helped the 14th Dalai Lama escape Tibet so that His Holiness could re-establish His Holiness' reign as Dharma King of Tibet (Tibetan Buddhism globally). 

I found a picture of the golden seal bestowed by Kangxi, thought I share it with everyone.

negra orquida

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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2012, 12:34:08 AM »
Did you know that the Emperor Kangxi of China was a re-incarnation of Dorje Shugden?

I didn't know, but now I do! thanks for all the detailed information and research by everyone here. Wow Emperor Kangxi was indeed a great emperor!  How fortunate that the Chinese had the great blessings to be ruled by an enlightened emperor.

However I do wonder, why was Emperor Kangxi recognised as the emanation of DS? Is it due to the things he did in spreading dharma? Or was there a formal recognition by Tibetan monks (not meaning to say that an enlightened being needs to be endorsed by someone else.. but since not many lay people can recognise an enlightened being when they saw one, how to let them know that they are looking at one)? Is there some sort of pattern that other emanations of DS share to give us a hint that they are indeed emanations of DS?

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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2012, 03:28:39 PM »
I am not denying that Kangxi was a great emperor, but 'because he was great, he must be DS' is a very strange logic..

If you read Dreyfus' The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy before,  you would have read the below:

[20] In reference to the year 1655 (Wood Sheep), Sum-pa-mkhan-po notes: "[Birth of] the Kangshi emperor renowned as the reincarnation of Tul-ku Drak-ba Gyel-tsen (sprul sku grags rgyan skye bar grags pa'i khang zhi bde skyid rgyal po) (Rehu mig,) 70. 

The Rehu mig or chronological tables should refer to the one published in Delhi by International Academy of Indian Culture, 1959,

bod de'i rgyal po ni gzim khang gong ma sprul sku grags rgyan zer ba ni chag(s) sdang gi gtam kho nar zad do/ des na bsod nams chos 'phel ni lo 'dir 'das nas khong dge lugs la thugs zhen ches pas chos bsrung ba'i tshul bzung nas dge lugs pa skyong zhes grags pa bden nam snyam mo/

Anyone who can read good Tibetan can may be go through the text and let us know?

You can read Dreyfus' work here, guess where  ???, on the Dalai Lama's website:

Thank you Vajraprotector... I had been wondering where I could find a record of Emperor Kangxi being the same mindstream as Manjushri.

Of course, when one studies the story of Emperor Kangxi and the achievements he has given China, that his very life is biggest clue...

If there are many Buddhas around trying endlessly to show us the way and create the conditions for us to practice, and if we were to make a list of the "suspicious" people in our lives that may have been Buddhas in action, well... I would have to put Kangxi's name on the list.

Some bits of trivia:
In 1673, Kangxi's government helped to mediate a truce in the Tr?nh–Nguyen War in Vietnam, which had been ongoing for 45 years since 1627. The peace treaty that was signed between the conflicting parties lasted for 101 years until 1774.


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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2012, 05:23:43 PM »
It is amazing to know that Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden shared the same mindstream.  In other words, the emperor is the reincarnation of our precious protector.  No wonder Dorje Shugden has such strong affinity with China.  This proves that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha, he does nothing but to spread dharma life after life.  Even in this very life, the Shugden issue how it manifested also directly and indirectly benefiting China.  If Dorje Shugden is a demon, I don't think he can even take a good rebirth let alone reincarnated as an emperor.

If the emperor left such a noble mark during his very life time.  I am sure whatever we endure now, it will become better in the future.  The ban certainly will benefit many by spreading dharma in many ways.  Just like His Holiness, untiring in spreading dharma in every where.  Whenever His Holiness might be, there is when people hear about the ban and dharma.


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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #34 on: June 24, 2012, 01:09:55 PM »
Hehe, after reading this thread, I realize that Dorje Shugden has started his plot since Kangxi time, Look at where is the trend going now? China is one of the most influential country in the world now, but back in Kangxi time, Dorje Shugden already predicted and start plotting seed in China. I don't think spirit can do such prediction and plot, if you say Dorje Shugden is not enlightened being, then I don't know who is enlightened.


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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #35 on: June 24, 2012, 04:33:35 PM »
Looks like Dorje Shugden is always connected to His Holiness somehow. From having the 5th Dalai Lama's assistance assasinate Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen (who became Dorje Shugden) to the time Emperor Kangxi (who's an emanation of DS) helped the 7th Dalai Lama and now, the ban from 14th Dalai Lama to practise Dorje Shugden, it is uncanny how 'close' ther proximity and relationship is. If re-incarnations and emanations are of the same mindstream, then how can it be that form the time of the 5th Dalai Lama who composed a praise for Shugden to the 14th Dalai Lama, who practiced DS in the earlier stages of his life, HHDL suddenly changes his mind? Doesn't make much sense to me.

Also, reading from Big Uncle's post, it was Emperor Kangxi who was influential in approving and initiating of the building of the palace (later to become Yong He Gung, a Gelug temple) during his reign. Yong He Gung is now a big draw and attaction in Beijing, and one of the icon for Tibetan Monastery in the world. It houses a large Lama Tsongkhapa statue within. Do remember that Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen was a close disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa, who promised Nechung to arise as an uncommon protector, to proctect the teachings on emptiness that Lama Tsongkhapa taught so well and so apt for the Kaliyurga times. So being an emanation of DS, Emperor Kangxi built a Gelug legacy in Beijing, the heart of China! Something pre-planned? hmmm.

Anyways, here's a little about Emperor Kangxi I extracted highlighting his extraordinary capabilities during his successful reign:

"Kangxi (1654-1722), whose full name is Ai Xin Jue Luo Xuan Ye, was the second emperor after the Qing dynasty conquered the central plains. "Kangxi" is his Chinese era name. He was in power for as long as 61 years, being the emperor who reigned for the longest period in the history of China.
Kangxi ascended the throne at the age of eight and, when he was 14, he rooted out the Prime Minister Ao Bai and began to take over reign of the political affairs. During his reign, he got rid of the power of three Feudatories such as Wu Sangui, reoccupied Taiwan, suppressed the revolt of Galdan Khan at Junggar, and resisted the Russia's invasion to Northeast China and signed the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk, thus delimiting the borderline of northeast China. He gave much emphasis in dealing with the relations with the northern nomadic minorities and thus stabilized the country of multi-nationalities. Economically, Kangxi adopted a series of policies conducive to the well-being of a nation, such as actively encouraging and rewarding the people to reclaim the wasteland, rehabilitating the hydraulic engineering of the Yellow River, Huai River, and channels, and reforming the tax system. With these policies, he greatly lightened the farmers' burden and finally boosted the development of the agriculture economy, thus preliminarily recovering the social economy destroyed by the wars and slaughters during the early days of the Qing Dynasty. Culturally, he gave special treatment to the intellectual of Han nationality and actively learnt and advocated the Han culture conducive to the feudal reign, thus promoting the culture autarchy of Chinese feudal society to its crest. Yet, in the later years of Kangxi, his inappropriate handling of throne-inheritance issue led to twenty years' combat and clique among his sons. During this period, the administration of officials was neglected and a great number of clans emerged, which in turn directly jeopardized the social stability.
In the history of China's feudalism, Kangxi is undoubtedly an outstanding emperor in both military glory and civic achievements. He stabilized the regime during the early days of the Qing Dynasty and greatly strengthened the centralization of monarch power, propelling China's feudal system to its zenith. He quickly recovered the war-destructed economy and initiated a period of great prosperity in history."

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2015, 05:05:34 PM »
It is always interesting to read the History of China and this article is extremely so as it builds a relationship between a Great Chinese Emperor and Dorje Shugden.  What is most pleasing to share is the comment by one of the post contributors.  Read as follows:

"Hehe, after reading this thread, I realize that Dorje Shugden has started his plot since Kangxi time, Look at where is the trend going now? China is one of the most influential country in the world now, but back in Kangxi time, Dorje Shugden already predicted and start plotting seed in China. I don't think spirit can do such prediction and plot, if you say Dorje Shugden is not enlightened being, then I don't know who is enlightened."


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Re: Emperor Kangxi and Dorje Shugden = same mindstream
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2015, 07:27:05 PM »
Being born as an emperor, everything and all manner of good things are given to you on a silver platter.

However Kangxi is one of the most hardworking Emperors of all time, he was far sighted in his outlook and visionary. He was fair and when it is not necessary he would not burden his subjects. A rare leader in our long human history, so it not  surprising that Kang Xi was an emanation of Dorje Shudgen.