Author Topic: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town  (Read 8145 times)

Positive Change

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Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« on: June 25, 2012, 05:45:39 PM »
Monday June 25, 2012
Sky News Australia

The Dalai Lama has pledged a reported $US100,000 ($A99,785) in aid to survivors of two recent devastating earthquakes in northern Italy, during a trip to the region, hours after beginning a visit to the Mediterranean country.

The exiled Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader was greeted by several hundred people as he arrived in the town of Mirandola, in one of the worst hit parts of Emilia-Romagna region.

Ahead of Sunday's visit, aides had said the Dalai Lama intended to give $US50,000 to the local chapter of the Red Cross to assist with re-construction work, ANSA news agency reported.

'It wouldn't be right to come here, to this disaster-stricken place with empty hands. For this reason I will donate another $US50,000 to these people,' ANSA quoted him as saying on Sunday.

Together with Emilia-Romagna's regional president, Vasco Errani, and Mirandola's mayor, Maino Benatti, he visited the ruins of a local Catholic church which collapsed in the tremors. Later he met survivors at a tent camp.

Twenty-seven people died in the magnitude 6 and 5.9 quakes which struck on May 20 and 29 respectively. More than 10,000 people were left homeless.

The Dalai Lama's trip to Italy has stirred controversy as Milan's municipality reversed plans to give him an honorary citizenship on Tuesday.

Media reported that the city, Italy's financial capital, backed down following pressure from the Chinese government, which considers the Dalai Lama a dangerous separatist.

Local politicians reportedly feared that granting the Dalai Lama honorary citizenship could prompt China to reconsider investments at the Universal Exposition, or Expo, 2015 which Milan is hosting.

Corriere della Sera newspaper quoted Milan's leftist Mayor Giuliano Pisapia as saying the Chinese consul had told him the honorary citizenship would be seen as a 'sign of non-friendship towards the Chinese people'.

The Dalai Lama would instead address Milan's city council, Pisapia's office said.

Buddhist activists and Tibetan representatives have slammed the about-turn as 'disgraceful'.

Monday, 25 June 2012 02:59
Agence France-Presse

MIRANDOLA, Italy: The Dalai Lama visited emergency camps in northeast Italy housing thousands of people who were hit by two deadly earthquakes in May, Italian media reported yesterday.

Visiting the town of Mirandola, in the hard-hit Emilia Romagna region, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader told people not to lose hope.

“You must be determined, that is the only thing that will help you build a new house and face the future,” he said, calling the zone a “disaster”.

“It is not fair to come to a catastrophe zone like this empty-handed and so I have decided to donate $50,000 to the population,” he said.

The quakes, which hit on May 20 and May 29 with a magnitude of 6.0 and 5.8, killed 25 people and toppled houses, factories and historic churches and clocktowers.

Over 15,000 people were left temporarily homeless and just over 14,000 are still living in emergency structures, including schools, barracks and 37 tent camps, according to Italy’s Civil Protection Agency. The Dalai Lama will next travel to Matera in the southern Bari region to take part in a debate with fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureates Betty Williams and Rigoberta Menchu, then go on to Scanzano Jonico, nicknamed the city of peace, before ending his tour in Milan tomorrow. 

The reports of the earthquake back in May here:

Even in the wake of the news that Italy is withdrawing the idea of bestowing the Honorary Citizenship to HHDL, this does not even flinch the tenacity or compassion of HHDL. HHDL intentions and motivations to benefit others is clear. Crystal clear! There is no doubt in my mind that HHDL would ever hurt anyone intentionally.

So what about the sufferings of Shugdenpas the ban has created... does this mean HHDL is creating the suffering intentionally? Almost on a daily basis we hear andsee of HHDL's compassion and generosity... why is it that only ONE issue persists? The Ban? Why is there this "inconsistency" within the mind frame of HHDL?

Perhaps it is us viewing the ban as something that is bad, something that is wrong... sure every decision cannot please everyone and certainly will have a repercussion depending on which side one is on. However, I believe HHDL is an emanation of Chenrezig and I cannot for a moment think that an enlightened being would intentionally hurt... there must be a reason behind it all. A reason that we as mere mortals without foresight can ever comprehend. But with enough contemplation and reasoning, coupled with logic, logic of inconsistencies, one can deduce that a being such as HHDL undoubtedly has a much understanding and view so, we should hold firm to our practice and trust in HHDL>


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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 07:03:04 PM »
Same as all the other posts in this forum that has mentioned, I believe Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden has his own very reason for a much more important situation to arise, the sufferings that shugden practitioner is going through now, will bring them more benefit in the future where maybe this group of practitioner will be the main people that lead the Dharma to spread to worldwide, that’s why certain level of ‘training’ is a must.

It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

I do believe That Dalai Lama’s main intention is to benefit people. He does not talk only, but giving out big sum of money to help, Walk the talk is what a high Lama will do and Dalai Lama is clearly showing that quality. Even in the news reported that how Dalai Lama had helped the disaster area. So what doubt do we still have for Dalai Lama?

Positive Change

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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 05:40:35 PM »
Same as all the other posts in this forum that has mentioned, I believe Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden has his own very reason for a much more important situation to arise, the sufferings that shugden practitioner is going through now, will bring them more benefit in the future where maybe this group of practitioner will be the main people that lead the Dharma to spread to worldwide, that’s why certain level of ‘training’ is a must.

It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

I do believe That Dalai Lama’s main intention is to benefit people. He does not talk only, but giving out big sum of money to help, Walk the talk is what a high Lama will do and Dalai Lama is clearly showing that quality. Even in the news reported that how Dalai Lama had helped the disaster area. So what doubt do we still have for Dalai Lama?

I mean no disrespect Carpenter, but surely a Buddha, especially one of Compassion, would not outwardly or intentionally create obstacles for us. I believe the obstacles are the manifestations of our own negative karma coming to fruition and has nothing to do with the Buddha/Buddhas. Buddha does not punish nor reward. It is entirely up to our own merits and karma.

Buddhas are meant to guide us onto the path and keep us onto the path but that is only if we have the merits to experience thus. We may be in the same room as a living Buddha when a bomb explodes but guess who gets blown to bits? Surely not the living Buddha if he has no karma to be killed!

What I am trying to illustrate here is that, we cannot use the Buddha or the Dharma as an excuse or the reason behind our own failings. We must look within ourselves to see why we have come to that specific crossroad and contemplate on it using the wisdom of Buddha's teachings AND applying it to counter whatever obstacles there are. Sometimes the obstacles may seem unsurmountable that in itself is merely our perception and we have to push on... if not we say the Buddhas are wrong because we give up on our own Buddha potential!


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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 05:57:25 PM »
Monday June 25, 2012
Sky News Australia

The Dalai Lama has pledged a reported $US100,000 ($A99,785) in aid to survivors of two recent devastating earthquakes in northern Italy, during a trip to the region, hours after beginning a visit to the Mediterranean country.

Dear His Holiness the Dalai Lama,

We do not request $US100,000 from you, but we Shugden practitioners throughout the world are seeking religious freedom and sincerely request Your Holiness to please help us achieve our goals because we are survivors of horrible discrimination due to the ban of the practice of Dorje Shugden.

  Specifically, we are asking four things of Your Holiness:

1.  To give freedom to practice Dorje Shugden to whoever wishes to rely upon this Deity.

2.  To stop completely the discrimination between Shugden people and non-Shugden practitioners.

3.  To allow all Shugden monks and nuns who have been expelled from their monasteries and nunneries to return to their monasteries and nunneries where they should receive the same material and spiritual rights as the non-Shugden practitioners.

4.  To tell the Tibetan community throughout the world in writing that they should practically apply the above three points.

Can you please give us that?


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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2012, 02:25:10 AM »
Same as all the other posts in this forum that has mentioned, I believe Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden has his own very reason for a much more important situation to arise, the sufferings that shugden practitioner is going through now, will bring them more benefit in the future where maybe this group of practitioner will be the main people that lead the Dharma to spread to worldwide, that’s why certain level of ‘training’ is a must.

It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

I do believe That Dalai Lama’s main intention is to benefit people. He does not talk only, but giving out big sum of money to help, Walk the talk is what a high Lama will do and Dalai Lama is clearly showing that quality. Even in the news reported that how Dalai Lama had helped the disaster area. So what doubt do we still have for Dalai Lama?

I mean no disrespect Carpenter, but surely a Buddha, especially one of Compassion, would not outwardly or intentionally create obstacles for us. I believe the obstacles are the manifestations of our own negative karma coming to fruition and has nothing to do with the Buddha/Buddhas. Buddha does not punish nor reward. It is entirely up to our own merits and karma.

What I am trying to illustrate here is that, we cannot use the Buddha or the Dharma as an excuse or the reason behind our own failings. We must look within ourselves to see why we have come to that specific crossroad and contemplate on it using the wisdom of Buddha's teachings AND applying it to counter whatever obstacles there are. Sometimes the obstacles may seem unsurmountable that in itself is merely our perception and we have to push on... if not we say the Buddhas are wrong because we give up on our own Buddha potential!

I'm sorry Carpenter I would have to agree with Positive change for this view of yours seems to me like a wrong view It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

This is in fact the type of view which shows not taking responsibility for our own actions (be it good or bad) and the reliance for an outer force, here you mentioned Buddha/Dalai Lama, that actually creates obstacles to challenge or guide... I don't think so. Because it goes against everything we have learnt in Dharma about our karma, being accountable for our actions and that there is no one else to really blame or be held responsible for what we experience, be it good or bad.

I think it is all a manifestation of a collective karma from us Shugden practitioners as well as the Tibetan people. That is why the lost their country Tibet, that is why Buddhism degenerates and that is why we experience the results of the past.

Perhaps we could say the Dalai Lama's act on the ban is a manifestation of our karmic consequences for the wrong deeds we have done in the past. However, I do think the Dalai Lama's motivation for the Ban is spread Dorje Shugden practice in a skillful way but NOT to purposely create obstacles for us. However we may view it, we need to check within. But most importantly how we deal with it, whether we wish to deal with it in a positive light, taking positive steps, seeing it as an opportunity rather then a negative sad one is also totally up to us. Hence, if we choose to deal with it positively... we shall use this opportunity as a platform to push us to educate others on the benefits of Dorje Shugden. This is on our part. For every situation and tragedy, there is always a great lesson to learn. It is up to us to identify and see the opportunity, some may view otherwise. Again this is based on our mindset and karma as well on how we assess any situation in life.

Big Uncle

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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2012, 08:04:22 AM »
It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

That's terribly scary what you just said and I think it was not clear enough. If you don't mind, here's what I think...

The Buddhas, whether it is Dorje Shugden or the Dalai Lama do not create obstacles! The obstacles comes from our negative karma and it is definitely not a test. It is the blessings of Dorje Shugden that our obstacles are 'cushioned' so that we do not experience the full brunt and we are able to overcome them and progress along the path. If without the blessings of Dorje Shugden and our yidam, we would experience the full force of our negative karma, which would overwhelm us and it would most likely cause us to abandon our spiritual practice.

That's why purification practices are so important. It is not just the negative karma that we are purifying but our negative attitude of desire, hatred and ignorance which are the root cause of all our problems and negative karma. If you take our practice seriously, we would notice that it will affect even our attitude and that's the most important aspect. Once, we get the attitude right, we can take almost anything on and it will not affect us as much. One of the things that will happen is that our tolerance threshold increases and we can take much more and do much more for others. 


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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 12:33:07 PM »
Dear All
There are several things that interested me about this thread:

•   HHDL giving to the Red Cross – I think this is a very beautiful act.  Not only that it shows HHDL’s generosity, but it has some historical significance as well.  When China occupy Tibet in 1959, there are many Tibetan refugees fleeing their homeland.  Some of these refugees were settled in Europe with the help of Red Cross.  This is clearly stated in Trijang Rinpoche’s biography.  By HHDL giving back to the Red Cross, it is like a beautiful “Pay it Forward Act.”

•   Carpenter’s Post on June 26, 2012:

Same as all the other posts in this forum that has mentioned, I believe Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden has his own very reason for a much more important situation to arise, the sufferings that shugden practitioner is going through now, will bring them more benefit in the future where maybe this group of practitioner will be the main people that lead the Dharma to spread to worldwide, that’s why certain level of ‘training’ is a must.

It is not enough to stop your reasoning at HHDL has his own very reason and something big will come up.  You need to contemplate further as to what is his reason so you can fulfill it and help to end this situation.  Because once the purpose is fulfilled, the ban will be obsolete and we will help to give some relieve to the people that suffer the negative implications of the ban.

It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

I do not believe that Buddha created obstacles in our lives to guide us back to the right path.  I believe that everything I experience is the result of my own actions whether it is good or bad.  Everyday is a new fresh page and we can use it to draw our future.  Buddha or Dharmapala, however, can help to activate certain karma before it is ripened.  So that it is more bearable for us.  For example, if you have the karma to lose USD 1,000, it is better to lose it when you have USD 10,000 than to lose it when that USD 1,000 is everything you have.

Putting the obstacles as Buddha’s creation is not in accordance with the law of cause and effect and the premise that we are responsible for our own action.

I do believe That Dalai Lama’s main intention is to benefit people. He does not talk only, but giving out big sum of money to help, Walk the talk is what a high Lama will do and Dalai Lama is clearly showing that quality. Even in the news reported that how Dalai Lama had helped the disaster area. So what doubt do we still have for Dalai Lama?

I genuinely believe that HHDL is a Buddha and his intention is good.  Do see what I wrote above what I think on HHDL giving this donation to the Red Cross.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2012, 01:23:45 AM »
It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

That's terribly scary what you just said and I think it was not clear enough. If you don't mind, here's what I think...

The Buddhas, whether it is Dorje Shugden or the Dalai Lama do not create obstacles! The obstacles comes from our negative karma and it is definitely not a test. It is the blessings of Dorje Shugden that our obstacles are 'cushioned' so that we do not experience the full brunt and we are able to overcome them and progress along the path. If without the blessings of Dorje Shugden and our yidam, we would experience the full force of our negative karma, which would overwhelm us and it would most likely cause us to abandon our spiritual practice.

That's why purification practices are so important. It is not just the negative karma that we are purifying but our negative attitude of desire, hatred and ignorance which are the root cause of all our problems and negative karma. If you take our practice seriously, we would notice that it will affect even our attitude and that's the most important aspect. Once, we get the attitude right, we can take almost anything on and it will not affect us as much. One of the things that will happen is that our tolerance threshold increases and we can take much more and do much more for others.

Thank you for clearing up the misconception put forward by Carpenter and giving us this clear explanation and the need for purification.

Carpenter : it is wrong for you to even mention that HHDL creates obstacles for practitioners.  Please read the explanation posted by Big Uncle.


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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2012, 07:59:33 AM »
Same as all the other posts in this forum that has mentioned, I believe Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden has his own very reason for a much more important situation to arise, the sufferings that shugden practitioner is going through now, will bring them more benefit in the future where maybe this group of practitioner will be the main people that lead the Dharma to spread to worldwide, that’s why certain level of ‘training’ is a must.

Everyone one wants the ban to be lifted and by giving critics and appealing to have the ban doubt about that and I am not disagreeing.  But has anyone think about what happen afterwards when the ban lifted other than 'pomps' and grandeur of rejoicing and the great relief of the ban?  What will happen to the people who has supported the ban?  Are we going to admonish and create further harm on them as to what they did and supported the ban? There are much more than lifting the ban.

It has been known that if your life is too smooth and it is going downhill, Buddha will create obstacles to challenge you and guide you back to the right path. So I would believe that what Dalai Lama’s doing now is just as what I said. Create obstacle for the practitioner and get them prepare.

Buddha never creates obstacles to challenge us.  Never at all! It is our deluded mind, selfishness and karma (be it individual or collective) that brings about the obstacles and hence the ban still stays.  So what are we going to do about it.  Hence, the platform here to do more and get ourselves out of our comfort zone to create the causes for the ban to be lifted.

I do believe That Dalai Lama’s main intention is to benefit people. He does not talk only, but giving out big sum of money to help, Walk the talk is what a high Lama will do and Dalai Lama is clearly showing that quality. Even in the news reported that how Dalai Lama had helped the disaster area. So what doubt do we still have for Dalai Lama?

Definitely HHDL's motivation is mainly to benefit many, no doubt about that.  Hence, his generosity and compassion transcends everywhere he goes and does.  Never should we doubt HHDL for what he does it may seems to be contradictory at times.  Isn't this what most Lamas/Teachers do to teach us? Whenever our Teachers act is a reflection of our innate Buddha nature.


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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2012, 01:05:38 PM »
Sometimes it is hard to digest the actions and the speech of His Holiness.  No doubt, we all know that he is here to benefit and he has done a great deal life after life.  His work is incomparable.  But in this life because of the ban, it is hard to see the bigger goal that is suppose to happen.  I think a lot of us believe that it will happen but what if it will not due to the collective negative karma?  I remember many have said that Buddha dharma will degenerate to a time where even the word dharma is hard to hear.  Therefore, His Holiness is pushing Buddhism to such great heights manifesting the ban.  Just like us people know his great intention, so much sufferings have been done due to the ban.  How many have actually accumulated negative karma due to lack of understanding of the bigger picture?  Just like the post I saw previously, those unholy actions of sanghas ...  what negative karma has they created by doing such actions?

None of us know what's going to happen to the future.   I guess the most ideal way is to really spread Buddhism and bring dharma to as many as possible at least try our best to preserve Buddhadharma.

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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2015, 08:04:29 AM »
Sometimes it is hard to digest the actions and the speech of His Holiness.  No doubt, we all know that he is here to benefit and he has done a great deal life after life.  His work is incomparable.  But in this life because of the ban, it is hard to see the bigger goal that is suppose to happen.  I think a lot of us believe that it will happen but what if it will not due to the collective negative karma?  I remember many have said that Buddha dharma will degenerate to a time where even the word dharma is hard to hear.  Therefore, His Holiness is pushing Buddhism to such great heights manifesting the ban.  Just like us people know his great intention, so much sufferings have been done due to the ban.  How many have actually accumulated negative karma due to lack of understanding of the bigger picture?  Just like the post I saw previously, those unholy actions of sanghas ...  what negative karma has they created by doing such actions?

None of us know what's going to happen to the future.   I guess the most ideal way is to really spread Buddhism and bring dharma to as many as possible at least try our best to preserve Buddhadharma.

Many people on this forum have the same issue of how to digest or receive the messages from HH Dalai Lama.
It is without doubt that HHDL work is beyond comparison and benefitted many people.

But why the Ban?  Is it that when religions is linked to politics the whole picture gets murky?

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Re: Dalai Lama visits quake-hit Italian town
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2015, 03:44:39 PM »
I totally agree with Positive Change, the HHDL is obviously a holy being. Many people have also stated that He is an emanation of Chenrizig but I do not understand why an enlightened being would harm other monks just because they are Dorje Shugden practitioners. I do not believe that The HHDL is an evil person nor would He would hurt anyone without any reasons, besides, an enlightened being should not even be hurting someone. After all, Buddhism teaches us to be compassionate so why is He doing all these things? Can the HHDL please give us a good explanation as I believe we deserve one. Thank you