Author Topic: Why did the Dalai Lama not "kill" the "Demon" Dorje Shugden once and for all?  (Read 13100 times)

hope rainbow

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Isn't it paradoxal that His Holiness is refuting Buddha qualities to Dorje Shugden WHILE TEACHING PANCHEN SONAM DRAKPA'S PHILOSOPHICAL TEXTS!!!!

There are so many signs to see for those that have eyes. Do you have eyes?


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Yes this is degenerate age but there are still dharma teachers, practitioners and high lamas around. People who hold vows are still holding vows perfectly so how can people who have vows cannot overcome a mere spirit?

If all the high lamas cannot overcome a mere spirit then how can we be convinced of the power of the tantric practices that the high lamas initiating people into. Tantric practices are very powerful against negative spirits. Now if we think tantric practices are not potent anymore then it means there are no more high lamas in thw world anymore how can that be? 


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This is a very true question to ask HHDL and CTA if anyone here has the opportunity to do so, i am curious of what answer we can get. As said by many of our contributors here, Buddhas cannot be killed and moreover the ritual tat we are talking about originated from the Buddha wisdom. If we want to use this against Him, he already have a solution waiting for it. This is illogical at all.


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If he's stronger than the Tantra deities, it goes to show his true nature, the same quality as the other Tantra deities like what the other people here say. I think that this whole process of engaging in rituals that ultimately fail is part of the Dalai Lama's plans to proof to the world how powerful Dorje Shugden is. In the future when the ban is lifted and many are spreading this practice, people will look back to anecdotes of how the Lamas try to use powerful ritual to subdue Dorje Shugden and fail.

Very good point Big Uncle.  Buddhism is based on logic and HHDL himself is a master logician which HHDL displays perfectly except when it comes to Dorje Shugden. With this subject matter, much of what HHDL says is totally illogical.

I have always wondered why HHDL who is Chenrezig, and the other high lamas who are opposed to Dorje Shugden do not simply subdue him if they truly believe he is merely a minor and problematic spirit? How come no one, not even the three Great Dalai Lamas have been able to perform a successful puja to bind and control Dorje Shugden?

If HHDL is the Buddha of Compassion, would it not be a compassionate act to stop an evil spirit from doing more harm and accruing even more negative karma? After all, Tibetan Buddhism has so many examples of powerful spirits being subdued and made to swear oaths to seve the Dharma, out of compassion.

In addition, why allow the present reincarnation of Trijang Rinpoche to continue with a "wrong" practice, which according to claimants of Dorje Shugden being an evil spirit, would send the practitioner to the lower realms. Where is the compassion if you purposely empower a young reincarnation of your beloved Guru to undertake a practice that would send him to hell, notwithstanding the fact that the old Trijang Rinpoche should not even be able to return seeing that he was a great practitioner of the said evil spirit.

When we assemble all the facts and analyze them logically, there can only be one conclusion.  Either HHDL is NOT Chenrezig but an ordinary mind caught in its own confusion in which case, we should all ignore the ban,  or HHDL IS in fact the all knowing mind of the Buddha of Compassion who is now manifesting illogical contradictions so that we can examine the Dorje Shugden issue against our own reason and logic. and when we do, we can only arrive at the same decision i.e. to ignore the ban.


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Why cant any of the high lamas of the past and present exorcise Dorje Shugden? Because he is not a spirit! It's as simple as that! But why does no one ever ask this to HHDL or CTA? because they know that what they believe in is not true and they will not be able to answer that question in any shape, way or form and they will be stumped. It would be really interesting if during an interview, HHDL is asked this question and to actually see what his reaction will be.

Gabby Potter

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The answer is obvious, it's because Dorje Shugden is not even close to a demon, He is an enlightened Buddha! Spirits or demons could be dispelled easily if the procedures were done by High Lamas, and I don't think that HH doesn't have that ability, HH is very strong, powerful and compassionate. Somehow I believe that HH might have other motives, good ones of course.


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An enlighten being could not kill another Enlighten being. Being Chenrezig Himself, His Holiness might be using Dorje Shugden practice and excuse that stopping Tibet Freedom, to bring more people to be expose to Dorje Shugden and also another way to bring the Chinese to practice Protector themself, indirectly they promote Dorje Shugden to the world level. 

If Dorje Shugden is an Evil Spirit, He would have been destroyed during 5th Dalai Lama time, but why wait until now? Even at this moment, Dalai Lama could still have asked for Fire puja and invite the other Powerful High Lama to conduct fire puja to exorcise Dorje Shugden, but why it was not done?

Dondrup Shugden

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A Buddha can subdue any demons so a very interesting question is being asked here. 

My personal opinion is that the alleged Demon is not as accused but is a Buddha who takes the form of a Protector for practitioners of this time. An action done through sheer compassion and care.