Author Topic: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama  (Read 19033 times)


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2012, 06:41:36 AM »
Many people are still self denying that Dorje Shugden is an unenlightened being. But a very extremely powerful unenlightened one, i seen articles/personal account on how previous DS practitioners speaks bad abt the protector and relate their bad experiences to Him. Its funny to see HH DL to allow predictions from a goddess...although she is an unenlightened beings...didnt the Buddha said not to worship unenlightened beings once you have taken the refuge vows?


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2012, 08:24:13 AM »
It could be true that the Dalai Lama is appeasing the Indian Government and people.

I think it is also highly possible for the Dalai Lama to show his reliance on so many oracles of unenlightened beings like Nechung and the Hindu goddess to pave the way for the Dalai Lama institution to be discontinued. Perhaps the Dalai Lama institution is not so necessary for the future, otherwise why would the Dalai Lama seen to be making so many big mistakes like allowing Trijang Rinpoche to carry on with the Dorje Shugden practise for instance, starting the ban that split Tibetan, saying that his gurus are wrong (if the gurus are wrong, then buddhism can also be wrong etc)

When I first saw this video, I thought immediately that HH is appeasing the Indian Government and the people also. Every action from HH seems to contradict and can sometimes be extremely confusing. But then again, high lamas like HH must have his reasons. Tibet being free in 2012, I do not think so, it is October 2012 and no visit as for now.

When I was in China lately, there have only been approval given to the Shugden Lamas to visit China this year by the Chinese government.


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2012, 09:06:05 AM »
HHDL is a Great Being, a great teacher and a great statesman. He shows up in big international events promoting peace and inter faith harmony. It is no surprise to see HHDL in this video, He is also a great marketeer and a great public relation person. I guess we have to be civil and be politically correct if we stay in another country.

However I am unshaken from the ban and my belief in Dorje Shugden is as firm today as from the first day I was introduced to Him.


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2012, 10:41:06 AM »
I found it relatively funny that the commentator said that HHDL had to come to see this little girl who's the incarnation of a Hindu Goddess, to get her blessings. What blessings does Chenrezig need? What blessings does a Buddha need?

Also, I heard that the oracles were the ones that helped Dalai Lama escape Tibet. Love how they didn't mention which deity - DORJE SHUGDEN!!!!!! To me, HHDL does not need the prophecies of these deities as HHDL is himself a Buddha. Also, the many prophecies that these unenlightened beings have prophecised does not seem to have come true. So, why are people still relying on and trusting their words? Or even if their prophecies were true, it doesn't just fall down and happen like that just because it was prophecized. Work still has to be done towards making the prophecies come true and fruition. If you are predicted to be successful, but you still sit at home everyday and not work hard, that prophecy wouldn't come true, the karma for it to come true would have changed. Predictions for the future gives a possibility of what can happen, if we do the work NOW.


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2012, 03:56:24 PM »
I found it relatively funny that the commentator said that HHDL had to come to see this little girl who's the incarnation of a Hindu Goddess, to get her blessings. What blessings does Chenrezig need? What blessings does a Buddha need?

Also, I heard that the oracles were the ones that helped Dalai Lama escape Tibet. Love how they didn't mention which deity - DORJE SHUGDEN!!!!!! To me, HHDL does not need the prophecies of these deities as HHDL is himself a Buddha. Also, the many prophecies that these unenlightened beings have prophecised does not seem to have come true. So, why are people still relying on and trusting their words? Or even if their prophecies were true, it doesn't just fall down and happen like that just because it was prophecized. Work still has to be done towards making the prophecies come true and fruition. If you are predicted to be successful, but you still sit at home everyday and not work hard, that prophecy wouldn't come true, the karma for it to come true would have changed. Predictions for the future gives a possibility of what can happen, if we do the work NOW.

Here's one thing we need to ponder as well: why is it that Nechung is still consulted after so making so many mistakes repeatedly, one after another? And also if he was supposed to protect the Dalai Lamas, why did the 8th-12th Dalai Lamas die young? Why did he even allow those to happen if he was the Dalai Lama's protector? Also, the Dalai Lamas are famous for their clairvoyance and they are very famous for being able to foresee things that will happen and that acts of performing divinations and consulting oracles are just a show to help the Lama convince his students. They act as his alibi of sorts. HHDL does not need Nechung's predictions to make decisions or to know what will happen or what is happening. So HHDL consulting nechung is in reality for the CTA and to make them do what they are supposed to do. Perhaps, the CTA does not have the karma to receive help from Dorje Shugden at this point of time and they have to settle with nechung who seems to be delaying their independence, if anything.


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2014, 08:45:48 PM »
This is interesting to come across this video. It is now 2014 and there is still no news about free Tibet.

I just cannot understand why would HH Dalai Lama listen to a “Hindu goddess” in trance and Nechung that are not enlightened? In the Buddhist vows, we are not supposed to take refuge to non-enlightened beings. Why would HH Dalai Lama break his vows?

Besides, I also found an article saying that the little girl Sambhavi is a hoax! ( Why would HH Dalai Lama listen to her and treat her like a “Hindu Goddess” then?

For me, it is especially sad that HH Dalai Lama would listen to a false deity but he did not recognize Dorje Shugden, an enlightened protector that was passed down by his teachers. It is so illogical!!!


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2014, 11:45:57 PM »
Everyone can give prediction. This has happened so many times in the past but what is the point of it all if we don't do anything but sit on it after hearing of such predictions. It has become a feel good factor for many seeking hope but the reality is we must accept what is happening now and change for the better.

The action of listening to something who is inside this girl itself confuses more people as Buddhists we cannot propitiates to any spirits, gods, or whatever beings because they are unenlightened.


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Re: Hindu Goddess predicts for Dalai Lama
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2014, 08:30:38 AM »
I think the Dalai Lama made a real good move in meeting to this little Hindu Goddess incarnate. This girl is venerated by the 1 billion Hindus of India. She's in the news all the time and hundreds flock to her per day for blessings. By Dalai Lama meeting her, he pleases the 1 billion Hindus of his host country who sees him as respecting their faith. Small 'price to pay' for the 50 years of asylum India has granted Dalai Lama and Tibetans.

I agree with what u have just said. To add on, to get 1 billion Hindus to gain sight of His Holiness the Dalai Lama will also be a great blessing too. It is just something which HHDL can do in return for 50 years of kindness from the Indian nation. This will plant the seed of enlightenment in the Indians on the long run and eventually meet with a qualified guru and be able to practice Dharma in the future.

What ever prediction this Indian Goddess gives maybe true/untrue, but it sure has open a path and created a bridge for the Indians to create a connection with the Buddha Dharma

By now, a few days from the end of  2014, the predictions looks pretty silly to the 1 billion Indians. The Dalai Lama look even more silly. I understand that in politics you got to praise to please. But something like a prediction has a timeline for its expiration and when the prediction don't come true, it blows up it your face.

Dalai Lama needs to look further. Don't make predictions, especially not from a "Goddess" and spirits like Nechung. They have limited power and cannot be relied on.