Author Topic: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity  (Read 11649 times)

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2014, 06:39:25 AM »

However, the elderly criminal felt no sympathy for those persecuted because of their religious beliefs, and even tried to increase their sufferings, promoting the evil dalai's witch-hunt.

Fortunately the Chinese authorities timely stopped his fanatical, harmful behavior, and gave him an opportunity to reeducate himself about respecting others' religious beliefs.

Matibhadra, which is exactly what I am pointing at. If there was no ban on the Shugden practice at all, Jamyang Tsering would have no need to discourage anyone on the practice. One can be worshippers of any kind of spirits and no one would even bat an eyelid. And this incident of landing in the torturous jail would be decrease. I am not taking sides of any parties but anyone who goes against the ruling government must be prepared to face the consequences.
With my obscured view and shallow mind, I am in no position to comment on the actions of HHDL, but only with the wish for His Holiness to lift the ban soon. The protector have shown enough signs that all the claims against worshipping Him have been untrue.


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2014, 08:06:57 AM »
The ban has caused lots of suffering to both pro Dalai Lama and pro Shugden. If Dalai Lama has been kind enough to lift the ban, the world will be much more peaceful. Both side can spend more time doing their practice and do it in peace. Lift the ban NOW.


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2014, 05:28:39 PM »
If there was no ban on the Shugden practice at all, Jamyang Tsering wunderould have no need to discourage anyone on the practice.

No one “needs” to promote a witch-hunt. The elderly Jamyang Tsering did so because he holds perverted, criminal views, under the influence of his mastermind, the evil dalai.

And this incident of landing in the torturous jail would be decrease.

You are more likely to find “the torturous jail” in US, “the land of the free”, where many naive, deceived, if not idiotic Tibetans think there is such thing as “human rights”.

Or try US administered jails such as Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib. Here is a list of torture techniques routinely adopted in Guantanamo with presidential approval (

1. Sexual Assault/Humiliation
2. Sleep Deprivation
3. Sensory Deprivation
4. Solitary Confinement/Isolation
5. Mock Executions
6. Forced Medication
7. Use of Dogs to Scare Detainees
8. Temperature Extremes
9. Sensory Bombardment (Noise)
10. Watching Others Being Tortured
11. Psychological Techniques

Meanwhile, and since one picture speaks louder than one thousand words, below follow some pictures of infamous US-managed Abu Ghraib prison:


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2014, 05:51:59 PM »
While China is criticized for sending to prison a 70 years old criminal guilty of promoting an obnoxious witch-hunt mentored by a Western sponsored terrorist, the evil dalai, just look at whom is handcuffed and shackled in the so-called “Home of the Brave, Land of the Free”:

Virginia police handcuff, shackle 4-year-old boy with ADD

A four-year-old boy was handcuffed and shackled at Nathanael Greene Primary School after he threw a tantrum and hit his principal.

Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:6PM GMT

The boy was arrested at Nathanael Greene Primary School after he allegedly threw blocks, climbed over desks, hit and kicked the principal and the director of special education, WVTF reports.

Instead of calling the child’s parents, authorities at school called a sheriff’s deputy assigned to the schools, who then hauled the handcuffed boy to the sheriff’s office.

“The boy was out of control, basically, throwing his arms around and kicking– trying to kick the deputy, trying to run away, and the deputy felt that putting the handcuffs on him was for his safety as well as everybody else’s,” County Sheriff Steven Smith claimed.

The boy’s mother, Tracy Wood, was notified after the encounter had taken place and arrived at school soon afterwards.

"When you call a parent to get their child, when they get to the school, you expect the child to be there-- especially when you arrive in a timely manner," the surprised mother said.

The principal told Mrs. Wood that her son was transported to the sheriff’s office. She rushed there to calm the distressed boy only to find that his legs were in shackles.

"My son is a very loving, caring, protective little boy. He deserves to go to school and feel safe and know that he'll come back home to his mommy. He won't be carted off like a criminal," she said.

Charlottesville psychologist Jeffrey Fracher said the use of shackles and handcuffs on a child could have long-term consequences. “I can't imagine any scenario where it would be appropriate to handcuff a child that young.”


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2014, 06:21:02 PM »
And while we are still on the topic, just look at how elderly, even 81 years-old people, are sent to prison in Western countries who boast of being “democratic” and “respectful of human rights”.

And they are sent to prison not because of severely criminal conduct such as promoting witch-hunts and social rifts (as it was the case with 70 years old Jamyang Tsering), but simply because of not giving money to private bankers and to murderous aggression wars such as in Afghanistan (the destination of your taxes in most Western countries).

This is the case with the 81 years-old illustrious soprano Monserrat Caballé, who was extorted by the Spanish state to pay a quarter of a million of euros in order to avoid two years in jail for failing to contribute to such wicked endeavors.


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2014, 09:41:27 PM »
Religious freedom must be preserved in Tibet I commend the chinese authorities for making sure that those who engage in divisive sectarian activities are re-educated. The Dalai Lama is poisoning the minds of Tibetans who follow him, causing them to self-immolated, become religiously intolerant and violently nationalistic. These are not the actions of a Buddhist monk and these are not productive mind sets for the population to follow.


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2015, 07:07:31 AM »
I do agree with what Wisdom Being said the chinese people do not seem to be so religious i have been in China in the who;e journey I never see any temple or holy place and the local people are so worldly non of them talk about religion. This innocent man again is the victims of the ban he do not know really what happen he just blindly follow instruction only poor old man.


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2015, 08:08:51 PM »
However, I believe that the Chinese reaction is about the political Dalai Lama/Tibet issue rather than any desire to preserve the Dorje Shugden practice.

Irrespectively of any personal interest shown by any Chinese authority in the practice of Dorje Shugden, the Chinese government does not want a region controlled by fanatic, witch-hunting Western sponsored terrorists, be they Muslims in Xinjiang or Dalaite in Tibetan areas.

Therefore, the Chinese government does what any responsible government should do: it protects religious freedom, and therefore the persecuted practice of Dorje Shugden. The same cannot be said of the Indian government, an accomplice by omission of the evil dalai.

Since the Dalai Lama has condemned Dorje Shugden, the Chinese authorities have simply adopted the opposing view.

This sounds rather simplistic. It is not about merely opposing the evil dalai, but about opposing the evil dalai's sectarian fanaticism, aimed at causing religious and social rifts, and ultimately the chaos so much desired by the evil dalai's Western bosses, just as in the Middle East. 

I don't see any notable Chinese personalities being loud and proud about Dorje Shugden practice, nor do I see any public temples/statues of Dorje Shugden in China itself (excluding Tibet). Have you?

This is irrelevant. What is at stake are not the religious preferences of any Chine notable personality, but the stability and integrity of the country, and thus the need to counter the evil dalai's attempts to bring the chaos to Tibetan areas through sectarian hatred and fanaticism.


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Re: Elderly Tibetan is Jailed for Discouraging Worship of Controversial Deity
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2015, 08:35:27 PM »
I do agree with what Wisdom Being said the chinese people do not seem to be so religious i have been in China in the who;e journey I never see any temple or holy place and the local people are so worldly non of them talk about religion.

Maybe you ask your money back from your tourist guide.

China abounds in temples and holy sites, temples are almost permanently flooded with devout Chinese, and millions of Chinese are devoutly religious and frequent temple-goers. Besides, they show much more respect and devotion while in temples and shrines than many Westerners, often debauched and disrespectful in their behavior.

Anyway, your misinformed remark about the religiosity of the Chinese people thoroughly misses the point, because what is at stake is not the intensity of the religious inclination of the Chinese people, but the firm attitude of the Chinese government when it comes to fight the instigation of religious fanaticism and sectarian witch-hunts.

This innocent man again is the victims of the ban he do not know really what happen he just blindly follow instruction only poor old man.

A fanaticized poor old witch-hunter and violator of human rights, who belongs in the jail, until he is reeducated.