Author Topic: His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna May 25th 2012  (Read 4685 times)


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His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna May 25th 2012
« on: June 16, 2012, 04:18:53 PM »
I cannot help but wonder... in any of these commitments and human rights issues... are Shugdenpas even a part of this humanity call which supposedly is to accept all religion? Are they not Tibetans and human also??? How is it that HHDL can talk about such issues when in his very own house it is very messy and "unclean" . And just what does Mr. Lobsang the PM of Tibetan in exile say about all this? Looks like nothing and we're all pretending it is fine and dandy...

His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna

May 25th 2012

His Holiness began by outlining his two major commitments: that as a human being like the other seven billion on the planet, who want to be happy and have a right to be happy, he is committed to helping others find lasting happiness. Secondly, as a simple Buddhist monk he tries to promote harmony and understanding among different religious traditions. He said that it is very sad when religion becomes a ground for conflict, considering that all the major religions have the potential to help humanity.

“I believe the media also have a special responsibility to report these things. And in a democratic society, they also have a responsibility to sniff out what's going on. When hypocrisy becomes almost fashionable, the media should investigate impartially and objectively and report what they find in order to help build a clean society.”


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Re: His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna May 25th 2012
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2012, 05:35:03 PM »

Although I do agree that "his very own house it is very messy and unclean" I reckon that His Holiness should address his speech in such a manner when fronting the general press. After all this was a meeting between His Holiness and Christoph Schönborn (Austria's cardinal) to promote religious harmony. Considering the fact that His Holiness (who is the face of Buddhism in general) is promoting peace through mutual religious understanding, he plays a different role in this picture.

As for Dr. Lobsang Sangey...


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Re: His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna May 25th 2012
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2012, 05:36:27 PM »
Well, it's not even a different religion and we have a conflict, thanks to the ban  :-\

Dalai Lama said before that “The 20th Century was a century of bloodshed so the 21st century should be a century of dialogue,” a century in which we seek to resolve conflict peacefully and by working towards mutual agreement.

His Holiness' ultimate vision is a violence-free society, in which we can all exist side by side with one another in peace - we have to take the steps necessary to reduce friction between religious traditions, to reduce social and economic disparity, to reduce violence and destruction, arms and armed forces, and to encourage a genuine process of dialogue aimed at resolving conflict and finding solutions for our enduring problems. Even the recent Manchester Arena event with Rusell Brand is themed "Stand Up and Be the Change: Make this the Century of Dialogue".

His Holiness The Dalai Lama wants to establish dialogue with the China, yet has refused every request, petition and plea for dialogue with respect to his ban of Dorje Shugden, knowing that the practitioners are devastated by his banning of their traditional practice, a practice that he himself used to do and that he received from his own holy teachers/ tutors such as Trijang Rinpoche. So why preach dialogue all around the world and yet even dialogue with fellow Tibetans who share the same language, background, lineage is not possible?

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna May 25th 2012
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2012, 12:24:49 PM »
Vienna is very fortunate to have teachings from the most famous and powerful Buddhist master the world has ever known.

His Holiness is excellent. His teachings here in Dharamsala are mind blowing.


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Re: His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna May 25th 2012
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 05:38:04 PM »
His Holiness The Dalai Lama wants to establish dialogue with the China, yet has refused every request, petition and plea for dialogue with respect to his ban of Dorje Shugden, knowing that the practitioners are devastated by his banning of their traditional practice, a practice that he himself used to do and that he received from his own holy teachers/ tutors such as Trijang Rinpoche. So why preach dialogue all around the world and yet even dialogue with fellow Tibetans who share the same language, background, lineage is not possible?

Exactly my point Vajra.... so why? And when DIG DEEP and we see all the ILLOGICAL REASONS AND WEIRD TESTIMONIALS given, we can conclude that the only one good reason would be to fan the Dorje Shugden Practice to CHINA. What else is there?

Any logical person would not do this knowing hie "enemy" would use their weakness against them unless that person is Buddha of Compassion! And well all Buddhas are forgiving and seek to benefit others...
In fact if you are the "enemy" you are to be viewed as a precious treasure so difficult to find which is part of the beautiful 8 verses of thought transformation...

"Whenever I meet a person of bad nature
Who is overwhelmed by negative energy and intense suffering,
I will hold such a rare one dear,
As if I had found a precious treasure."   

So if we apply the Dharma in this situation and we think along the Dharmic sense... it seems like His Holiness is doing exactly as the verse above with his firmness in not talking to Shugdenpas and his no change in mind.

I also wonder... u see the Dalai Lama used to practice Dorje Shugden and now he does not, but still He did and all the teachings He is giving now were taught by the very Guru's he said was wrong about Dorje Shugden and is practising Dorje Shugden, hence wouldn't that make all his teachings ineffective and tainted? Is he not passing down tainted teachings to his followers who in the end will get no results from the practices? Would His Holiness go down to to the three lower realms as they say you would if you did DOrje Shugden, so His Holiness is going down to hell? Or does he has a special pass just cause He is the Dalai Lama lol? 

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: His Holiness Finds a Warm Welcome in Vienna May 25th 2012
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2015, 05:22:36 PM »
When HHDL visited Vienna in 2012, He was greeted with a warm welcome and as always talked about peace and harmony.

Shugdenpas just watched in amazement at the hypocrisy when HHDL spoke of peace and harmony and interfaith acceptance.

Now the tide has changed.  As HHDL travels protest follows.  Are the Shugdenpas on the right path for religious freedom? Is the end of the ban around the corner?

Interesting to reflect as times changes and new developments are conceived to overcome repression. Every Shugdenpa must do their part for religious liberation.