Author Topic: Shugden mentioned in the British media  (Read 11575 times)

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2012, 08:18:48 AM »
Thanks to wisdombeing for bringing the article to light. I agree with hoperainbow that the article is not bias and at the same time it is very educational. Like it or not, this media exposure is bringing the whole situation to the attention of people everywhere.


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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2012, 01:32:46 PM »
This is indeed the first time I read an article which links Dorje Shugden with reincarnation and it is sure interesting... May be I am too into the controversial thing :)

This is what I heard from a Lama: In previous times (where Dharma is strong), people can get enlightened within a single lifetime. However, in this degenerated age, it is difficult to get enlightened within 1 lifetime, and we need many lifetimes to achieve enlightenment. As such, when we take refuge with Dorje Shugden, He will help us to get a good rebirth so that we can continue to practice Dharma. After we have gained some level of enlightenment and control our rebirth, then we may not need Him to help us in reincarnation again.. It is like, when we are young, we need parents to guide us on the correct paths, then when we have gained certain level of experience, then we don't need our parents' guidance again.

I thought of sharing this since "The Telegraph" mentioned about Dorje Shugden with reincarnation.


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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2012, 05:47:13 AM »
The article casts Shugden as a weird deity with a weird appearance. 

My favorite DS's appearance has always been his most wrathful form, because wrath is synonimous with speed.  But, to bring DS to more people, should we emphasize on his more peaceful form?


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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2012, 08:04:03 AM »
A very nice article, nothing heavy.  In fact it reflects the minds of the people today on how they actually perceive Buddhism.  Very little people know about true Buddhism if you look at what the author had said "walking pass a nightclub called Buddha.." or the infamous Buddha heads sold everywhere for decoration purposes.  Nothing wrong, but it just show the lack of knowledge in us that causes us ignorant.

How many people actually know head to til the Buddha story?  Then what happens after Buddha's time?  Hence people take the compassion and skip the wrathful deities.  Because it is easier to relate to.  But now we have having a controversial issue on a wrathful deity, banned, unlike and evil.  Wow, it brings new interest to people, to research, to learn, to discuss, to take a stand, to be neutral, to investigate... Inevitably, we gain insights, more knowledge about Buddhism.  All I can say is how skillful His Holiness is.  What an accomplishment! 

Even the most ignorant person will heard about the controversial and His Holiness name.  The mystical side of things like Tibetan Buddhism's reincarnation, the tulku systems bring a new light into the Western and Asian's world.  This allows the Lamas spread teachings in different directions and hence the dharma flourish.  It is not easy as the world has degenerated, however the Shugden issue caught our interest.  At least we know why is he wrathful and not a spirit.


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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2012, 03:16:03 PM »
News create publicity and now Dorje Shugden is gaining publicity everywhere, even in the British media.  People may go into the website out of curiosity to find out who Dorje Shugden is.  Once they understand they will be receptive and may want to take up the practice of Dorje Shugden. So media exposure whether the news is good or bad it still attracts attention.

This is a very good article as it is not bias and have enough information to create curiosity for people to want to find out more about Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2012, 03:26:02 PM »
A very nice article, nothing heavy.  In fact it reflects the minds of the people today on how they actually perceive Buddhism.  Very little people know about true Buddhism if you look at what the author had said "walking pass a nightclub called Buddha.." or the infamous Buddha heads sold everywhere for decoration purposes.  Nothing wrong, but it just show the lack of knowledge in us that causes us ignorant.

How many people actually know head to til the Buddha story?  Then what happens after Buddha's time?  Hence people take the compassion and skip the wrathful deities.  Because it is easier to relate to.  But now we have having a controversial issue on a wrathful deity, banned, unlike and evil.  Wow, it brings new interest to people, to research, to learn, to discuss, to take a stand, to be neutral, to investigate... Inevitably, we gain insights, more knowledge about Buddhism.  All I can say is how skillful His Holiness is.  What an accomplishment! 

Even the most ignorant person will heard about the controversial and His Holiness name.  The mystical side of things like Tibetan Buddhism's reincarnation, the tulku systems bring a new light into the Western and Asian's world.  This allows the Lamas spread teachings in different directions and hence the dharma flourish.  It is not easy as the world has degenerated, however the Shugden issue caught our interest.  At least we know why is he wrathful and not a spirit.

You're right. Many Buddhists tend to get very immersed in Buddhism after a while and they fail to realize that many people out there do not know much about Buddhism and they need to be taught and explained to on what Buddhism actually is, especially on the finer tenants of the Dharma and also the correct understanding and view of things as most people lack information or the ability to explain.

Actually, most people who consider themselves Buddhist dont really know much as well and just because they picked up a Buddhist book and they liked what is taught in there, they consider themselves as Buddhist and they get all kinds of wrong ideas about Buddhism and perpetuate their misconceptions with like minded people as well. This is really happening these days.

For example, there was an article I read a while ago that said that Buddhists are not required to believe in anything, which is not true because Buddhists have to believe that the 3 Jewels are supreme and also in reincarnation and the law of Karma. Such articles only promote more misunderstandings and problems for many people in the long run.

The good thing about this article is, it actually mentions Dorje Shugden but in a totally unrelated context that helps spark curiosity amongst the people who reads it. Lies and misinformation can only hold up for so long before they are blown away by the truth and people will learn and study more and they will get more informed over time to what they should choose.


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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2012, 08:23:18 PM »
In this degenerate age, the biggest threat to spiritual progress is the three root delusions of ignorance, desire and hatred, with ignorance being the most critical, since desire and hatred manifest out of ignorance. With ignorance, people develop wrong views and further delusions. Therefore it is critical for us to bring the right information and thus right view to as many people as possible, especially with regard to this holy practice of Dorje Shugden.

By sharing information from this website, which is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in Dorje Shugden, we are each making an active choice to change the situation – to bring real, authentic and accurate information about Dorje Shugden to others.

Each of us can change the world by sharing information – it just takes effort and faith, and will contribute to the eventual removal of the ban on this supreme protector. So let’s just do it!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Gabby Potter

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Re: Shugden mentioned in the British media
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2015, 08:16:52 AM »
I'm happy in a way that the name " Dorje Shugden " is being widely shared or known in countries even like England, or Europe countries. Lord Dorje Shugden is definitely an enlightened Buddha, proofs and evidences are provided even testimonials from various people. Look at the comments in this wonderful website, people are being benefited or helped by Lord Dorje Shugden, in a way or another. The answer is obvious, there are some who just can't see it because they have been blinded by their self-made-up stories, hatred, jealousy or ignorance, the amount of bad karma they have accumulated throughout these years is just so massive that they they just can't see the truth.