Author Topic: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project  (Read 6290 times)


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CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« on: November 23, 2012, 03:56:35 PM »
DHARAMSHALA, November 23: The exile Tibetan administration today officially launched the Tibet Education Project, a two-year programme, aimed at improving the quality of education opportunities for Tibetan refugee students in India and Nepal.

Funded by the US Agency for International Development, the programme will be implemented in close cooperation with the Dharamshala based Central Tibetan Administration’s Department of Education.

Earlier this September, USAID awarded USD 2 million to Tibet Fund, a US-based NGO operating out of New York City, to implement TEP.

In a release, the Education Department said the TEP will address the critical education needs prioritised by Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, the elected head of the Tibetan people.

“This new initiative will provide significant boost in strengthening the overall Tibetan education system and provide much-needed resources to realise some of the core educational goals of my administration,” said Sikyong Dr Sangay who is also the Kalon for the Department of Education.

“I want to thank USAID, Under Secretary Maria Otero and the Office of the Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues for making this program possible.”

The project includes intensification of teacher development and training; expansion of Scholarship Program; Scale the Counseling Program; prioritising Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education; providing Test Preparation and Coaching for Secondary School Students and Improve Educational Management.

Sikyong Dr Sangay; Bill Hammink, USAID Mission Director in India; Sang Lee, USAID Agreement Officer Representative; Rinchen Dharlo, President of Tibet Fund; Bob Ankerson, Vice-President of Tibet Fund and senior officials of the CTA’s Department of Education attended the launch programme earlier today.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference following the launch, Additional Secretary Topgyal Tsering of DoE said: “TEP seeks to revitalise of Tibetan settlements in India and Nepal by strengthening the Tibetan education system in innovative, replicable ways that equip young Tibetans to succeed in modern professions, become strong and visionary leaders.”

CTA recently announced new scholarship schemes representing a 50 percent increase in the annual scholarship funding provided by the exile administration.

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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2012, 05:54:59 AM »
Its great to finally see some efforts being made by the CTA to enrich the lives of their fellow Tibetans. Education is always key and is the root of development. However, I dare say, perhaps the issue of the ban should also be addressed and not circumnavigated. The ban in itself is in direct contradiction to basic human rights and if the education of the people was truly something CTA wanted to elevate, perhaps this simple show of strength and abolishing the ban would indeed be a good foot forward.

Because going on the Education ban-wagon, one simply cannot ignore the stark issue of the ban which is in direct contrast to Education per se. Perhaps this is the step forward for CTA to gain some credibility... finally! In truly fighting for the right of all its peoples!


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2012, 03:00:13 PM »

“This new initiative will provide significant boost in strengthening the overall Tibetan education system and provide much-needed resources to realise some of the core educational goals of my administration,” said Sikyong Dr Sangay who is also the Kalon for the Department of Education.

The project includes intensification of teacher development and training; expansion of Scholarship Program; Scale the Counseling Program; prioritising Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education; providing Test Preparation and Coaching for Secondary School Students and Improve Educational Management.

What I would dearly like to know is, if this benefit extends to practitioners of Dorje Shugden or will the CTA continue to practice discrimination towards its own people on the basis of religion? Such a positive step forward would be hollow if it reinforces a policy of unfairness and institutionalized marginalization. To date the CTA continues to ostracize its own people and refuses even basic welfare, education and medical benefits, as well as voting rights and other privileges to its own citizens on the basis that they are practitioners of Dorje Shugden.

In the quote Dr Sangay clearly recognized the importance of addressing the critical education issues but what about the critical needs of Tibetans who are Shugden practitioners? Are they not also Tibetan? Are they not also people under his care?

People say that the Tibetans under Chinese rule are being oppressed. Perhaps they are, and there is no doubt that they come under tremendous cultural re-assimilation programmes but even under such conditions, they are being provided healthcare, education and basic privileges. How can the CTA criticize China and accuse China of persecuting Tibetans when the CTA is doing just that to its own people? How can CTA demand cultural and religious autonomy from China when it doesn't even practice autonomy with its own citizens?

Dr Lobsang Sangay now holds on his hands to power to correct this wrong but so far has remained silent on the one singular issues that would demonstrate that he is indeed the Sikyong of ALL Tibetan people.


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 12:19:05 PM »
If the tibetan children are educated by biased fascists who imprison the minds of the young ones into narrow tibetan ideas in the name of preserving Tibetan culture, then i think the money is misplaced. Just look at the current batch of Tibetans, they are unruly, untamed and they will go wild in the name of the Dalai Lama. Is this what they want their children to become?

How would this 'educated' Tibetans deal with their pro Shugden peers? the way their parents did? In any case, i dont see it beneficial in any way, and it will be wasted unless CTA hires unbiased indian teachers, perhaps, to educate their children in an unbiased way.


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 01:30:59 PM »
Education is the foundation of everything and it is good news that the CTA is getting funding from USA to educate their children. Yes, it is finally that the CTA is doing something for their future generation. I would really like to know whether this funds are extended to families who practices Dorje Shugden? Or is it only to those who support the Dalai Lama? It should be to all Tibetans as they deserve it no matter what their beliefs are.

With this batch of children who benefits from this fund, hopefully their minds be clearer and realise on what happened to their countryso that they can continue to fight for their freedom of choice which is the right of every human being. THis is because with generations of suppressed religious and political practices, they may not realise what freedom is as they have not experienced it for themselves. May their minds be broadened by this. Thank you USA for contributing to the future of Tibet!


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2012, 12:46:30 AM »
Education is the foundation of everything and it is good news that the CTA is getting funding from USA to educate their children. Yes, it is finally that the CTA is doing something for their future generation. I would really like to know whether this funds are extended to families who practices Dorje Shugden? Or is it only to those who support the Dalai Lama? It should be to all Tibetans as they deserve it no matter what their beliefs are.

With this batch of children who benefits from this fund, hopefully their minds be clearer and realise on what happened to their countryso that they can continue to fight for their freedom of choice which is the right of every human being. THis is because with generations of suppressed religious and political practices, they may not realise what freedom is as they have not experienced it for themselves. May their minds be broadened by this. Thank you USA for contributing to the future of Tibet!

Galen, I share the same questions which you have in your mind. But then I also feel that there's not much of a worry because if these cute little children are ostracized from what they are entitled to - education. It will show how petty and narrow minded the CTA is and hence they do not have what it takes to give people any type of education!

education is really foundation of all ethics, skills, etc which makes up the person. If CTA deprives their own blood and kin from this, they're really depriving them of a future. Just like how all the monks of Shar Gaden and Serpom monasteries are deprived of their education rights! They have to fend for themselves by rebuilding their own monasteries.

Harry Nephew

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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2012, 03:32:10 PM »
I have the same thought as Vajratruth: Is the fund going to benefit Dorje Shugden practitioners?!?!?!

It is beyond debate that education is VERY important for the next generation, but we should not lose focus as to WHAT is being taught. I hope there will be someone to monitor what is being taught in the syllabus!


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2012, 05:42:55 PM »
Well, I'm not impressed. All governments should ensure their people are given good education, it's the responsibility of the governments. But in the case of the so called Tibetan government, I'm sure good education and aid is only given to anti Shugden supporters while Shugden supporters and their children suffer. My heart goes out to those Shugden supporters who suffer in silence because they have choice but to do so. If they chose not to go against the ban it would mean no educational aid for their children, and would bring greater hardship and suffering for them especially if they are living in regions ruled by CTA.


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2012, 10:04:20 AM »
I wouldnt think about Dorje Shugden children alone (because they already have excellent education from americans who are aware of their plight and have structured programs to educate them on the ways of the world) but i would be more worried of the quality of the education that these kids in the tibetan colonies will receive and what kind of people will be educating them, and what kind of people they will be after the education. If education makes them more backward and more compliant to CTA's direction, then that's not education, that is de-education.

Gabby Potter

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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2015, 10:41:49 PM »
I'm sorry but I just had to say this, the CTA is just wasting money on this project, they are "teaching" or rather "injecting" people with wrong information and facts, I don't see how they are going to make it far.


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2015, 03:51:50 AM »
Education is important for the children. But education can serve as a weapon to brainwash the young one. I hope the CTA is doing it with the correct motivation and really do it for the benefits of the young generation and not for their own selfish mind.


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Re: CTA launches USD 2m Tibet Education Project
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2015, 11:21:07 PM »
With the ongoing ban on Dorje Shugden practitioners are they beneficially of the Tibet Education Project as well? What would stop CTA for excluding these practitioners for receiving education? I don't see CTA changing their stance on allowing Dorje Shugden practitioners to get education.