Author Topic: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?  (Read 21277 times)

Big Uncle

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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2011, 06:45:33 PM »
Actually, I do notice one thing about Dorje Shugden practice. When he is about bestow something big and beneficial unto our laps, there would be a period of obstacles and problems. Perhaps, it is purification and perhaps it is to gather the merits for us to be able to enjoy and make the most out of what's been bestowed. On the other hand, the struggles we encounter strengthen our resolve and deepen our insight. Somehow Dorje Shugden ensures the right amount of struggle so we grow, mature and progress. Even the problems or harm we get are a blessing in disguise! How kind and skillful Dorje Shugden can be! He is indeed Manjushri and we should all take refuge in such a sublime being.


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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2011, 06:55:34 AM »
Actually, I do notice one thing about Dorje Shugden practice. When he is about bestow something big and beneficial unto our laps, there would be a period of obstacles and problems. Perhaps, it is purification and perhaps it is to gather the merits for us to be able to enjoy and make the most out of what's been bestowed. On the other hand, the struggles we encounter strengthen our resolve and deepen our insight. Somehow Dorje Shugden ensures the right amount of struggle so we grow, mature and progress. Even the problems or harm we get are a blessing in disguise! How kind and skillful Dorje Shugden can be! He is indeed Manjushri and we should all take refuge in such a sublime being.

I have noticed that too. I think it takes two actually. Dorje Shugden ensures the right amount of struggle so we grow, but it's also up to us and how we approach the struggle. If we give up and fail, we can't blame him for our problems continuing, if we don't see them as a challenge or an obstacle in disguise. Difference between a challenge and an impossibility is our mindset.


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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2012, 01:27:09 PM »
Actually, I do notice one thing about Dorje Shugden practice. When he is about bestow something big and beneficial unto our laps, there would be a period of obstacles and problems. Perhaps, it is purification and perhaps it is to gather the merits for us to be able to enjoy and make the most out of what's been bestowed. On the other hand, the struggles we encounter strengthen our resolve and deepen our insight. Somehow Dorje Shugden ensures the right amount of struggle so we grow, mature and progress. Even the problems or harm we get are a blessing in disguise! How kind and skillful Dorje Shugden can be! He is indeed Manjushri and we should all take refuge in such a sublime being.

As an enlightened Dharma protector, it is pretty obvious that Dorje Shugden will not 'protect' us by spoiling us from the challenges of life. Personally I have experienced many struggles before something really beneficial opens up in my path and to actually get to there, it was quite difficult and somehow there were unnecessary challenges along the path but somehow, mysteriously, i'll always hold on and the problems are resolved, usually by my own will and understanding and i find that my mind matures a lot faster as well especially when addressing problems and my own faults. Solutions come quicker than before. Rather than just pampering us, Dorje Shugden makes sure we grow from our obstacles so that we can be independent instead of having to depend on him forever.

It is nothing but benefit to be under the kind protection of such a being, and those disbelievers do not know how much they have missed out.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2015, 09:47:28 AM »
I have been practising the sacred practise of Dorje Shugden and as far as I know, I have received nothing evil, or harm, none of these at all, I have learnt to be kind to people, my mind id more stable and peaceful. Of course I am just an ordinary being, but through practising Dorje Shugden, I have not received any harm from Him but only His loving care. Therefore I will never believe anyone who degrades Him, I only trust what I see and experienced.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2015, 09:56:19 AM »
Since practising propitiation of Dorje Shugden, I realised that whatever I may benefit from His assistance, there is a period of purification which may be in form of illness, distress and even mental fatigue.  And thereafter the benefits come.

It is my belief that in order for the benefits that is bestowed by DS to be long lasting, we need to have our negativities purified so that there is no ''pay back''.  For this very reason, it is logical and obvious that DS is a Buddha, because He grants your wishes without negative repercussions.  Should we not be ready to receive such benefits, believe that the time is not right.

In conclusion, I have never experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice. 

Tenzin K

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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2015, 05:02:45 PM »
I only experienced the benefit from the Shugden practice.
Being an enlightened protector i have full faith in him and learning about his lineage which is the emanation of the Lord of Wisdom it can never be wrong.

My family members has benefited from Shugden practice and we learn up about him and the main reason for having protector practice is to help us overcome our obstacle so we would able to learn the dharma and to benefit more people.

I believe Lord Shugden will never ask anything in return but just want us to learn dharma and continue to learn put whatever we learn in dharma into practice and benefit more people and inspire more people to learn dharma.


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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2015, 04:28:05 AM »
I have actually experienced extensive harm from relying on Dorje Shugden!!!

My disrespect for the Guru and Three Jewels has been harmed.
My grasping at the 8 concerns of this one single life and disregard for my precious human life has been harmed.
My mind viewing this unbearable prison of samsara as a pleasure garden has been harmed.
My bloated self-serving self-importance and ignorance of others needs has been harmed.
My ignorance has been harmed.

In these and so many other similar ways, I am constantly harmed by this Dharmapala!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2015, 10:06:36 AM »
Dear Psylotripitaka,

I like the way you have identified being harmed by propitiating Dorje Shugden.  So profound, imagine all our negativities are harmed, then what will happen?

It would be nice for you to illustrate when these ''harms'' were afflicted on you, what were the consequences.

I can imagine the answers but hearing from you would be best.


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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2015, 07:09:02 PM »
Dondrub, I cannot remember when it began, but it certainly was not in this life. Dorje Shugden and his retinue have layed siege to my fortress of self for a very long time.  Within the fortress, even after all this time, we are stubborn Masters of the 8 worldly concerns, and with a strong will live life contradicting the Dharma, but some of our inhabitants have been hard put to it, and our defenses have been growing weaker and weaker so that now the Protectors retinue has infiltrated the fort and have been causing much damage from within. The consequences of this harmful oppression is that I have no choice but to submit more and more often to the Protectors will and use everything as fuel for realization. We still try to keep the Protector out so we can act however we please, but we just don't have strong enough forces anymore. Our Commander recently said at a council that it is very likely the fortress will be completely overtaken very soon and this relentless Protector Dorje Shugden will destroy everything, even the seeds of mistaken awareness we've planted.


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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2015, 02:36:25 PM »
Seeing this question and asking myself... I've got to say, No I have not experienced any form of harm from the Dorje Shugden practice and just like you Wisdom Being, I have experienced the opposite and have reaped countless benefits from doing Dorje Shugden practice and just like you also, I read and hear of the CTA and the like criticizing Dorje Shugden, it's practice, calling Him a demon and etc and then I look at myself and my friends who also practice Dorje Shugden and we all don't seem to experience Dorje Shugden trying to harm us or anything which brings me to think, exactly how credible and true are the words of the CTA.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #40 on: March 29, 2015, 10:45:37 AM »
Like most practitioners who have written on this thread, I am glad to reply that I too, have not experienced any harm from practicing Dorje Shugden. In some ways, I am counting myself fortunate to be in a place where I have the freedom to select and practice the religion of my choice. Very glad also that my mother did not have to disown me because of our difference in religion.
I truly believe that this practice given to me by my most kind and caring teacher to be the means to help me in this life and all future lifes until the time that I do not need to be reborn again.


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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2015, 04:17:13 PM »
I don't know why people think that the worship of Dorje Shugden is like worshipping a demon. It is not! Dorje Shugden has helped me on many occasions and I know it cannot be coincidences because I can feel him sometimes. Even if I am crazy and I just think I can feel him helping me sometimes, no harm has come to me at all, nothing bad or seriously bad has happened to me while I am practicing Shugden, so maybe he is stopping bad things from even happening which is better than a close call with something bad and he comes in to save you at the last second so you see him. NO! He is not bad for me and I know it.

People just believe that he is bad because sometimes they do not even put in a full thought into it and the people just think that if the Dalai Lama is against it then I should be against it too. That is wrong! How about you make your own decision with your own logic and see how it is for you because you can't just lat others decide for your, you must look into it then decide for yourself. He is NOT bad at all! Nothing bad has happened to me! So change that thought!


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Re: Have you experienced any harm from Dorje Shugden practice?
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2015, 01:00:51 PM »
I wouldn't say that Dorje Shugden gives harm, as i have been practicing it for several years already. I haven't suffered any bad effects either. How can a spirit win against powerful puja's? If a spirit really was that powerful then why do we still practice buddhism?
The teachings and practices come from highly attained lama's so there isn't any chance that it could be wrong.
What's more thousands of Lama's still practice Dorje Shugden, yet they still get benefits but absolutely no harm.
Those lama's don't just grab their  titles out of the air, they have to take rigorous exams and they have to take really strict vow's before they can achieve great titles. If these titles are so hard to gain, then why is it that people still say that dorje Shugden is a spirit?? By saying that you are indirectly saying those high Lama's/Tulku's are wrong. If that is what you say then why don't you make the monasteries change the method of gaining titles??
There is no way someone can cheat to gain titles as the test really shows whether that person's attainment is real or fake. Not just that factor but there are other factors involved as well.
Since Buddhism was started by Buddha Syakhamuni the teachings all come directly from him, there is absolutely no way the teachings can be distorted.
Nothing bad has happened to any of the practitioners, so change your words and blame your own Karma!!