Author Topic: China Demands Dalai Lama Seeks Forgiveness for Attempting to Split China  (Read 3193 times)


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China is in a delaying tactic for a negotiation with the Dalai Lama regarding autonomy for Tibet knowing that it is just a matter of time not too long that she will be in the main role co-ordinating the recognition of the 15th Dalai Lama.  China has been demanding the 14th Dalai Lama to reincarnate when the Dalai Lama had said he would not do so.

When this happens, I am certain that millions of people in China will be practising the protector Dorje Shugden as the 15th Dalai Lama will also be a Shugden Buddhist.  It is apparent that the 11th Panchen Lama who is a shugden Buddhist will be the teacher of the 15th Dalai Lama.  It is obvious that the protector practice will be transmitted to the 15th Dalai Lama by the current Panchen Lama. 

During that time Dorje Shugden practice will take on the world centre stage and a Dorje Shugden Renaissance will begin. 

Beijing: China has quashed talk of a rapprochement with the Dalai Lama, insisting that greater autonomy for Tibet is "not up for discussion," accusing him of consistently inciting violence within the region and demanding that he seek forgiveness for attempting to split China.

In a fiercely worded white paper on Tibet released on Wednesday, China also demanded that Tibet's exiled religious leader publicly acknowledge that the region has been part of China "since antiquity", something that scholars say is neither true nor a condition that the Dalai Lama could possibly accept.

In October last year, the 79-year-old Dalai Lama told The Washington Post that informal talks were taking place with the Chinese government over his possible return to his homeland, if only for a visit, and he praised President Xi Jinping as a realist. Other media reports suggested that moderate elements within the Chinese leadership might be exploring the possibility of a rapprochement.

But many scholars were sceptical at the time, and the government's latest report showed that Beijing's position is as uncompromising as ever – if not more so – and its vitriol unrelenting.

"Any negotiations will be limited to seeking solutions for the Dalai Lama to completely abandon separatist claims and activities and gain the forgiveness of the central government and the Chinese people, and to working out what he will do with the rest of his life," the report said.

It said the political status of Tibet within China and demands for greater autonomy are "not up for discussion".

"Only when he makes a public statement acknowledging that Tibet has been an integral part of China since antiquity, and abandons his stance on independence and his attempts to divide China, can he improve his relationship with the central government in any meaningful sense," it added. "The central government hopes the Dalai Lama will put aside his illusions in his remaining years and face up to reality."

The Dalai Lama, who fled the Himalayan region in 1959, has long denied that he is seeking independence, aiming instead for a "high degree of autonomy" in an approach he has termed the Middle Way. The Chinese government called this stance "a mask that conceals the true aim of realising complete independence".

In previous white papers, it has insisted that the Dalai Lama acknowledge that Tibet is an inalienable part of China, something he has effectively done in the past. Now it wants him to say it has been one "since antiquity".

"I once discussed this with the Dalai Lama and he said this claim is simply false and he cannot agree to something that is false," said Michael Davis, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong. "Historians clearly agree with him, as widely reflected in the literature."

China took control of Tibet in 1950, and has since engaged in a brutal campaign of religious, political and cultural repression, according to human rights groups. China says that it liberated the Tibetan people from "theocratic feudal serfdom", and that it has brought modern civilisation and development to what is called "the roof of the world".

China accused the "Dalai group" of organising, masterminding and instigating protests by Tibetans in Lhasa on March 14, 2008, in which it says 18 people were burned or hacked to death and 382 were injured, and of encouraging a series of activities meant to sabotage the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

It also accused the Dalai Lama of encouraging "deluded lamas and lay followers to engage in self-immolation". More than 130 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in Tibetan areas of China since 2009 to protest China's repressive policies, according to overseas pro-Tibetan groups.

The Dalai Lama has blamed China's "cultural genocide" for the self-immolations. While not condemning them, he insists that he is not encouraging them, saying they take "very strong courage" but may not be wise, as they only provoke more repression.

Last week, 47-year-old nun Yeshi Khando is reported to have set herself on fire near a police station in a Tibetan part of Sichuan province, shouting slogans including, "Tibet needs freedom".

The Tibetan "government in exile," based in the Indian town of Dharamsala, called the white paper a "frenzied" attempt to whitewash a tragic reality, and said it indicated "the Chinese government's nervousness over its grip on occupied Tibet".

But scholars said it reflected Beijing's view that it was firmly in control and saw no need to compromise.

"The white paper makes it clear that China's position has remained steady, and talk of a growing moderate faction on Tibet within the leadership has been naive or even disingenuous on the part of commentators, and self-deceptive or cynical on the part of the exile leadership," said Elliot Sperling, an expert on Tibet at Indiana University.

"China sees the game as mostly over, with a few odds and ends remaining that it can weather with little discomfort," he added, with harsh measures employed to deal with further protests and self-immolations.

As the Dalai Lama ages, and China becomes ever more powerful, Beijing also thinks it has time on its side. It is almost certainly planning to engineer the Dalai Lama's succession, to raise a young leader more favourably inclined toward its rule, and promote him over any rival chosen by the exile community.

But having previously suggested that he would be reborn outside China, the Dalai Lama irritated China recently by suggesting that he might not reincarnate at all.

In a bizarre sequence of events, senior officials from the avowedly atheist Communist Party responded by accusing the Dalai Lama of betraying his religion, and insisting that the party itself, not the Dalai Lama, would decide whether he would be reborn.

Mr Sperling said China knows that "no world leader will officially receive a child as the leader of Tibet in opposition to China" and its chosen Dalai Lama. Beijing already has achieved real results, he added, "in diminishing the Dalai Lama's international visibility by inducing more governments and leaders not to deal with him".

The government's white paper was titled "Tibet's path of development is driven by an irresistible historical tide", and concluded that anyone who tried to resist that tide "will simply be cast aside by history and by the people".

Mr Davis said it showed that the Chinese government has "no serious intent" to find accommodation with the Tibetan people.

"It is clear that they take the view that they hold all the cards and will not do anything to resolve this dispute in a fair manner," Mr Davis said. "On this basis, I would expect Tibetan frustration and resistance to grow."

Washington Post


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China insisting that Dalai Lama be reborn as 15th Dalai Lama? I don't think the 14th Dalai Lama will yield to the demand made by China. Though it is possible for China to choose a successor, the 15th Dalai Lama, as the spiritual leader in future.

At the same time I don't see of any chance for CTA gaining back control of Tibet in China. Tibet is being developed by China. Who would want to give away what they have invested in?