Author Topic: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans  (Read 11419 times)


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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2016, 05:43:51 AM »

During his discourse, he spoke of his three commitments – the promotion human values and happiness for all-beings, the promotion of religious harmony and preservation of Tibet's Buddhist culture of peace and non-violence.

Action speaks louder than words. The Dalai Lama has broken his three commitments. Why can’t there be unity amongst Dorje Shugden’s practitioners and anti Dorje Shugden’? Dorje Shugden practitioners are also human beings so please respect them too, that is what human values and happiness for all-beings are all about. Don't segregate and penalize them. They have suffered so much.  Please lift the ban and promote peace and non-violence.


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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2016, 08:47:50 AM »
All these frustrations generated by the Dalai Lama's non consistent advice and speech is not good for anybody. Maybe, he is trying to teach his unruly followers the real meaning of Buddhism, not just Tibetan Buddhism. They can't seem to grasp the basic teaching of the Buddha - gratitude, equanimity and compassion.

Maybe, that's why he has to keep bringing it up. And, he's testing to see if his followers has learnt any real dharma by seeking the universal truth and not truth in their own eyes only. Maybe, they have to learnt about perception and perspectives.

Sad that so very many of his very own Tibetans and followers are not grasping the real dharma and still see everything as this and that, his and mine, i'm right and you're wrong.

My prayers go out to these people so that they may gain some merits for wisdom from Manjushri in wrathful form.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2016, 07:17:54 AM »
DHARAMSHALA, September 17: The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has reiterated his call for friendship between Han Chinese and Tibetan people.

Addressing a gathering of around 50 Chinese students at the St Anne’s College in Oxford on Tuesday, the 80 year old Tibetan leader said, “China is traditionally a Buddhist country, I saw many Buddhist temples and sacred places there when I visited in 1954-55. Today, there are said to be 400 million Chinese Buddhists, many of whom share an interest in the preservation of Tibetan Buddhism. I often say that historically the Han and Tibetan peoples can and should be friends.”?

Very true statement. Han and Tibetan people can be friends. Or can they? Tibetan people who cannot even tolerate the religious choice of their fellow Tibetans is capable of being friends with people of other ethnic and religions? I guess it's possible if your leadership told you to. Maybe His Holiness Dalai Lama should lead by example by telling the CTA to stop ostracizing the Shugden believers under their rule.
Please lift the ban on Shugden practice soon so that Tibetans can reunite.


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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2016, 01:00:45 PM »
Tibetan people who cannot even tolerate the religious choice of their fellow Tibetans is capable of being friends with people of other ethnic and religions? I guess it's possible if your leadership told you to. Maybe His Holiness Dalai Lama should lead by example by telling the CTA to stop ostracizing the Shugden believers under their rule.
Please lift the ban on Shugden practice soon so that Tibetans can reunite.

LOL Agree with you Tenzin.... seriously who are they kidding? Actually come to think of it they seem to be like a bunch of robots, who just follow everything and anything the Dalai Lama mentions. So whether or not they have anything against Shugden practitioners or not, or whether or not they even know anything about Shugden people, they will just follow like blind sheep. I bet 80% of them do not even know who is Dorje Shugden.

So it is really so weird and so surprising to read this statement from the Dalai Lama regarding Hans and Tibetans. I think like you Tenzin... perhaps should start with their own Tibetans respecting Tibetans and accepting one another's difference and try to please stop the abuse and discrimination on their Shugden Tibetans and Shugden people at large. Why so much double standards?!

This Tibetan Leaders are really shady... what kind of TRUE democratic leadership breaks their own people a part?


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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2016, 01:45:35 PM »
It is undeniable that when your actions and your words are contradicting one another, they undermine whatever is being said and done. On one hand, the Dalai Lama seems to be changing his tune about China with this latest call for Hans and Tibetans to be friends and appears to want to make peace. But then, he is still doing nothing to stop the smear campaigns about China by the CTA (whom he clearly has much influence over). And it would be too farfetched to say that the Dalai Lama perhaps is not aware of DS practitioners being branded as “China spies” or “working for the enemy” by CTA as means to perpetuate the illegal ban on DS practice. It is like saying we ought to be friends but then you go around trash-talking about me to others. How sincere or genuine are those words?

Then again, shouldn’t be surprised as it is the same pattern with DS controversy. The Dalai Lama goes around globally talking about harmony, peace, respect, kindness, tolerance, acceptance etc yet he has no qualms about perpetuating the segregation as well as ostracism of DS practitioners within the Tibetan community and causing much disharmony.

Maybe such actions are necessary in the bigger scheme of things but it is really hoped that such drastic means can end soon so that the sufferings of DS practitioners can be alleviated and many can come to have the DS practice.


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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2016, 06:57:25 AM »
Celia, I guess, the Dalai Lama is talking about all the good things "like harmony, peace, respect, kindness, tolerance, acceptance etc" to the Western audience. When with the CTA it's a different tune. It all depends on the audience and what it to achieved and gotten from the exchange.

Sad that it has come to this very secular and temporal handling of a wonderful opportunity to have a real impact on the world with regards to Buddhism. But, I guess the governments and sponsors aren't too bothered with the spiritual side. They seem interested only in how they manipulate the Dalai Lama for their political agenda.

So, I guess they dance around each other and drag spirituality down with them. I still see the Dalai Lama playing a very dangerous game of poker and spin doctoring. He and the CTA are still trying to distract the Tibetans from the real issue of their being unable to make any headway in the negotiations with China after 50 years.


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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2016, 02:43:25 PM »
@ Grandmapele, It would not be the first that the Dalai Lama’s nature of speech is altered to catered to the audience. Take for example the (stern, harsh & forceful) manner of speech when he was addressing Tibetans about the ostracising Dorje Shudgen practitioners (even Sangha). Compare that to the toned down “advise only” tune which he plays when addressing the western audience. Even now, he has seen fit to advocate for compassion and understanding for all people even atheists, terrorists etc except Dorje Shugden practitioners.
At this juncture, the seemingly inconsistent actions of the Dalai Lama do paint him in a very negative light (from being the manipulator in that he is using Dorje Shugden as a convenient scapegoat to distract from the failure, to the one manipulated, in that he sold Tibetans and himself out for monetary and political reasons). Like I said earlier, maybe such actions are necessary in the bigger scheme of things but it is really hoped that such drastic means can end soon so that the sufferings of DS practitioners can be alleviated and many can come to have the DS practice.


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Re: Dalai Lama calls for friendship between Han and Tibetans
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2016, 09:03:51 AM »
@Celia, I must admit in the early days, reading about the Dalai Lama's stance did dishearten me but thanks to websites like this I learnt more about Dorje Shugden and developed faith. The articles regarding the various incidences relating to the controversy is has been very helpful too.

For a while I could not understand how a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a monk can talk so harshly to the Tibetans and present a totally different image to the westerner. I could not accept that he and the government did not even ask his followers to be true Buddhists and be mindful and advocate peace. That was the real disappointment.

Guess, at the end of the day, its about knowledge and understanding. The faith and devotion will come later as we continue to practice. That's why reading about the vulgar and violent behaviors of some of the Dalai Lama's followers used to upset me but as I practice the basic tenets of mindfulness, kindness and being patient and calm has helped me.

I really have to thank for all the hard work in bringing news and knowledge of Dorje Shugden to the world.