US University mulls ban on swastika
Apr 25, 2015 | PTI | Washington
The prestigious George Washington University here is contemplating a ban on swastika, a sacred symbol for Hindus and Buddhists, as authorities believe it resembles the Nazi symbol and may hurt the sensibilities of some Jewish students.
The move came after an unidentified student, who is Jewish, returned last month from a trip to India with a swastika image. He placed it briefly on the bulletin board at his predominantly Jewish fraternity’s residence hall.
One fraternity member who saw the swastika on the bulletin board thought it was some kind of threat and informed the police. Everything was sorted out in a few hours after the complaining student realised that there was no threat. The police quickly closed their investigation.
However, the student who placed the symbol on the bulletin board now faces permanent expulsion, the Daily Caller reported. Steven Knapp, president of the George Washington University, said in a statement that the intentions behind the on-campus Nazi motif will not affect his determination to call it a hate crime.
John Banzhaf, a famed public interest law professor at the George Washi-ngton University Law School, said “if the student suffers expulsion or any kind of discipline, the effect will be to ban a sacred religious symbol from the George Washi-ngton campus.”