Author Topic: After HHDL escaped to India and was given a warm welcome, China attacked India.  (Read 3720 times)

Ringo Starr

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Tibetans living in exile in India have short memory.

They forget that despite border tensions with China in the late 1950s, HH Dalai Lama was welcomed to India by the Indian government and this was a main trigger to the following invasion of India by China (Sino-Indian War). India not only risked war with China but was at war with China because it hosted the Dalai Lama and his entourage.
Read here for a more detailed account:

A generation later, Tibetans who now live in relative comfort in India, are once again instigating China whilst the Indian government is clearly promoting strong relations with China. A clear example of this, is by them hurling accusations that China is funding the spread of Dorje Shugden. (They conveniently forget that China is also funding the spread of the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa, their second Buddha).

Not stopping at trying to upturn India-China relations, PM Lobsang Sangay is now further stirring the hornet's nest by lobbying Japan to assist in his quest for Tibetan autonomy.

See DharmaSpace's post here:

Is India going to continue entertain these troublemakers in exile?
I don't think so.


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I remember watching something to that effect on tv before, probably Discovery Channel - Mao's Cold War. It traced the relationship between China and India from before HHDL's escape to India.

The political relationship was tensed at the time.  Then HHDL escaped to India. On the tv then, it showed HHDL arriving by train in Delhi to be warmly greeted by the Indian contingent.  Then, tension escalated and troops were deployed to Aksai Chin and the eastern border between India and Tibet/China. Shortly after that war erupted. It was a very good documentary. One of the links is as below :-

Politics will always be murky waters. Ideally, spiritual leaders should stay clear of politics but unfortunately this is Samsara, even spiritual leaders are dipping their fingers in, it seems. The Dalai Lama is a leader in exile with no bargaining chip so maybe he has to create one. Unfortunately, some people were made to suffer for it. No one will know the real reason why the Dalai Lama acted so. As Claudio Cipullo said, only the Dalai Lama will know.

At the end, of the day, we can only plead with the Dalai Lama to lift the ban. The world as a whole will have to be made aware of the ban and it's results.

With that I have to thank the admin of for the courage to give a voice to the Shugden practitioners and doubly exiled Tibetans.


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Sorry to dampen your parade Ringo Starr but I believe the agreement between India and the Tibetan-In-Exile was for 100 years (still 40 years left). I personally think it is so presumptuous of CTA that India will bear with their antics until the end of their agreement. CTA is jeopardising the current favourable trade and political agreement between India and China. Aren't the CTA being ungrateful to their generous host who had gone to war for them? Instead of repaying the kindness of India by being model "refugees", the CTA had created all sorts of problems stemming from their political ban on Dorje Shugden, an enlightened Protector practised for 400 years. With all the millions in donations received over the 60 years from many countries and individuals, the CTA had never offered to help India in their times of need, what more their own people. In the recent Nepal big earthquake tragedy in which many were killed and buildings reduced to rubbles, CTA had not even responded with help. Nepal had also offered refuge to a large number of Tibetan-In-Exiles too.

Coming from a country so steeped in the Buddha's teachings on Bodhicitta, it is really surprising how much suffering they could impose on their fellow countrymen for practising something the Dalai Lama "advised" against. Their crowd mentality is very strong as they do not bother to learn up on facts. I wonder if the Dalai Lama is creating this situation to show them up. Whatever it may be isn't it time to stop CTA from further damage and to be the upright Buddhist government that they should be? They should model themselves after the government of Bhutan, a fine example of good governance interspersed with religion. Wishful thinking I guess!