Author Topic: Has The Sakya Trizin Sold Out The Lineage?  (Read 3598 times)


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Has The Sakya Trizin Sold Out The Lineage?
« on: June 13, 2016, 10:17:25 AM »
The Sakya lineage is almost a thousand years old and have accounted for some of the greatest masters and teachings. The Sakya is said to have arose from a line of celestial beings but from the way the Sakya leaders have changed the succession system, it is clear that the Sakya lineage is just a business.

From 2017 on-wards, the heads of the Sakya lineage (selected only the Drolma and Phuntsok Phodrangs) will only sit on the throne for three years at a time before the position is passed on to another candidate from the other Phodrangs. Three years will not allow any one Sakya Trizin to do very much and is more effective a system for rival factions sitting as CEO of a large and lucrative company.

Does anyone see this change as a positive one for the lineage?


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Re: Has The Sakya Trizin Sold Out The Lineage?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 10:39:14 PM »
Yeh I saw this and thought it was absolutely disgusting. No decorum, no sense of propriety. Just one bloody whinge about how hes been hard done by. Way to wash your laundry in public. Well excuse me if people arent happy that youved pissed about for decades and have nowt to show for it.

If anyone thinks that Dharamsala is intentionally creating problems in the lineages to consolidate their power, well this is just proof of it, innit?? The Gelugs are weakened thanks to the Shugden issue. The Kagyus have to sort out their Karma Kagyu/Drukpa Kagyu issues. Then youve got the Sakyas now with a leadership with no teeth or muscle.

Dharamsalas slowly cementing their dictatorship and soon therell be nowt anyone can do about it. The next Sakya Trizin might as well start puckering up and slapping on that lippie because theyve got a whole lot of arse kissing to do if they want to get anywhere with their three years.

Wont it be funny though if the first Sakya Trizin to experience this three-year term decides to undo the three-year thing and sit on the throne for life  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Has The Sakya Trizin Sold Out The Lineage?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2016, 03:49:39 PM »
I thought this comment by Harold Musetescu is interesting and warrants some discussion. Harold wrote:

"There are presently two 17th Karmapa’s.

There will be two future 15th Dalai Lama’. One from Tibet who is pro Dorje Shugen and one from Indian who will be anti Dorje Shugden.

There will be two future 42nd Sakya Trizin’s. One from the “Dolma” Phodrang (Palace) and one from the “Phuntsok” Phodrang (Palace).

In the past the title of Sakya Trizin was passed back and forth between the Dolma and Phuntsok Palaces. When one receives the title of Sakya Trizin in the OLD TRADITION it was a LIFE TIME POSITION. The OLD TRADITION would have seen the title pass upon death from the present Dolma 41st Sakya Trizin to the 42nd Phuntsok Sakya Trizin.

That would mean that if the 42nd Phuntsok Sakya Trizin lived for 90 years the Phuntsok Palace would be in charge and for 90 years the Dolma Palace would be on the outside looking in just wait to return to power. That 90 years would be a very long time to wait your families return to power.

That was what the new 3 year deal was all about. Less time to wait for your palace to return to power.
The only problem is what if the 42nd Phuntsok Sakya Trizin or the 42nd Dolma Sakya Trizin after 3 years decides to remain in power? What if he declares the new 3 year deal void and states we are returning to the OLD TRADITION of the Sakya Trizin title is for life.

Do you think that either Palace would just sit there and allow this to happen? No they will enthrone their very own 42nd Sakya Trizin for life. Then the 42nd Sakya Trizin WARS WILL START.
The present Dolma Sakya Trizin did not want his palace to lose all its power upon his death. A power that would not return to them until the death of the new 42nd Phuntsok Sakya Trizin. Something that could take 80 or 90 years to happen.

Maybe this will all be the revenge of King Dorje Shugden for the sin of the 41st Sakya Trizin backing the Dalai Lama’s BAN. Maybe we will be seeing the destruction of the Sakya Sect split in two with the Dolma with their 42nd and the Phuntzok with their 42nd Sakya Trizin.

Is this so strange to believe in two 42nd Sakya Trizin’s? Or does it just make sense with two present day 17th Karmapa’s and two future 15th Dalai Lama’s".

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Has The Sakya Trizin Sold Out The Lineage?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2016, 06:50:31 PM »
Hello vajratruth this is Harold Musetescu. I just became a member and I am online now. Do you want to discuss my thoughts on the future of the Sakya sect?