Author Topic: The ban Dorje Shugden is impotent  (Read 4576 times)

Ratna Shugden

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The ban Dorje Shugden is impotent
« on: February 23, 2016, 03:01:04 AM »
"Then, although four undisputed powerful tantricas, with samsdhi, began wrathful rituals to strike you down, through power of having completed Guyasamaja's two stages, You would not be silenced, and showed signs of heroism, praise to You."- Kaybje Dagpo Dorje Chang's praise to Dorje Shugden, eighth verse, from 'The music delighting the ocean of protectors', by Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang

The fifth Dalai Lama's composition of His prayer to Dorje Shugden, is an acknowledgement of the defeat of Himself & His cohort of lineage gurus of schools of Vajrayana, of their wrathful pujas against Dorje Shugden.

Supernatural right(s), entitlement(s), privilege(s), & authority(ies), are possibly won from The fifth Dalai Lama's war camp by Dorje Shugden & His supporters, for surviving & winning the battle. No matter how loud the noise of the ban is in the present age, it will not change this.

It's impossible for lineage gurus of schools of vajrayana of today, to accomplish what their predecessors failed to accomplish, the destruction of Dorje Shugden through wrathful pujas, because they are inferior to their predecessors.

Dorje Shugden can defeat The fifth Dalai Lama, who is the leader of the Gelug school, which is the peak of the Dharma, this makes Dorje Shugden the king of the Dharma!

The entity 'Dorje Shugden', whether He is Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen or not, whether is part of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen or not, & whether He is a single entity or multiple entities operating under the umbrella entity of 'Dorje Shugden', will be another matter.


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Re: The ban Dorje Shugden is impotent
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2016, 12:03:52 AM »

If you yourself do not possess even the fourth mental abiding never mind the clairvoyance of knowing others minds directly, it would be better to not say anything at all than to make claims that present day Vajra Masters are inferior to their predecessors.

Ratna Shugden

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Re: The ban Dorje Shugden is impotent
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2016, 03:10:09 PM »

If you yourself do not possess even the fourth mental abiding never mind the clairvoyance of knowing others minds directly, it would be better to not say anything at all than to make claims that present day Vajra Masters are inferior to their predecessors.

Mahasiddha Birwapa parted a river with his miraculous powers, can you name another who can do the same today? Put aside the angle that someone has the ability, but choose not to use it.


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Re: The ban Dorje Shugden is impotent
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 06:38:46 PM »

If you yourself do not possess even the fourth mental abiding never mind the clairvoyance of knowing others minds directly, it would be better to not say anything at all than to make claims that present day Vajra Masters are inferior to their predecessors.

Mahasiddha Birwapa parted a river with his miraculous powers, can you name another who can do the same today? Put aside the angle that someone has the ability, but choose not to use it.


It is to turn detriment of your own progress that you hold such limiting views. You have concluded that there aren't realized yogis and yoginis amongst us because they haven't publicly shown miracles and clairvoyance, as if those are the only characteristics that qualify experienced practitioners. As a result you lock yourself in ordinary conceptions and so are unable to perceive the magic, and opportunities for holy beings to privately reveal things escapes you. Allow me to tell you what's really going on.

First, there are Masters alive today who have shown deep profound wisdom, universal compassion, and spiritual power in accomplishing activities, so you need to explore more in depth how miracles manifest themselves.

Secondly, there are actually stories of profound clairvoyance and miracles being shown privately and publicly, but you haven't had the karma to receive them. I and many other practitioners have personal experience and heard many anecdotes of these things so I assure you there are living yogis and yoginis amongst us. This is similar to how people deny the existence of things like subtle beings and subtle bodies, meanwhile, there are many people with direct experience to the contrary, and because the former choose to be stubborn in their baseless disbelief, they miss out on the benefits of trusting the evidence.

Thirdly, the above reveals that reality is subjective. Maitreya said from a pure mind comes a pure world. If you do not understand that, you need to meditate more on the conventional and ultimate nature of mind. What will begin to happen is your mind will open to the many ways the Guru is communicating and manifesting for you. For example, to an ordinary mind, it is nearly impossible to accept that an animal could start speaking to you and giving a Dharma instruction, or that a homeless person might stop you as you pass by and explain a subtle point about completion stage practice, but guess what, those things do happen.

Fourthly, you underestimate the importance and meaning of secrecy, and by trying to dismiss it you show a lack of faith in the wisdom of experienced practitioners.

A little faith will go a long way. Disbelief will get you nowhere.


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Re: The ban Dorje Shugden is impotent
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2016, 09:20:03 PM »

Allow me to illustrate my main point regarding our subjective experience as a practitioner.

In the lamrim section on Guru devotion, two of the main points are: our ordinary perceptions are unreliable, and, that whether or not the Guru is a Buddha depends on our own decision. These two points and their results are illustrated by two stories.

Luipa walked into a cemetery, and encountered some people. He was offered some meat (human flesh), and due to his inner decision to train in pure view, he was blessed and perceived the assembly to be the actual Heruka and retinue. These kinds of things happen today, for sure!

The other story is that of Krishnapada. He was always making mistakes due to clinging to ordinary worldly views. There are many examples throughout his life story. In one case, a man approached him at the beginning of a tsog feast and said he wanted to be th Vajra Master. Krishnapada responded with arrogant ordinary conception of himself and the man. This guy then transforms into Heruka, rebukes Krishnapada, then flies away. He had many obstacles like this throughout his training and so was not able to finish the path during his lifetime. This happens all the time these days, and it is really unfortunate because it doesn't have to be like that. If you train the mind in pure view correctly, you will not only become aware of how Heruka's assembly is with you, they will begin to reveal themselves in their actual forms. This is explained in the scriptures and commentaries. If you choose not to believe this, you're really missing out.

If you'd like some stories, I'll post a few things in a separate thread.


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Re: The ban Dorje Shugden is impotent
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2016, 07:13:06 PM »
Wow, thanks Chokyi Dorje for sharing your interesting points and examples. I do agree with you. Many attained Masters are amongst us but due to our heavy karma and ignorance, we are not able to experience the miracles as before. In those days where miracles are easily perceived, the people then are simpler and ignorance are easily transformed to realisation. Now even if miracles happened, many need the science to prove/disprove it is indeed a miracle.

As for Protector Dorje Shugden, he is enlightened and therefore definitely can't be destroyed. However what could be destroyed is our faith and belief in him. Unless you have strong Guru devotion and trust in your Guru's practice, there is the danger that you may waver into believing what the Dalai Lama, CTA and the Anti-Shugden's claims. As it is, many are influenced into believing Dorje Shugden is evil simply by reading or listening to the misleading reasonings of CTA's propaganda. This will create the karma for many not to receive his beneficial practice. Needless to say of the blemish on the pure lineage Gurus in the eyes of non-practitioners which may create the karma for these Gurus to stop teaching or transmitting paths that would lead us to enlightenment. Oooo getting the goose bumps just thinking how dark the world would be without these enlightened Masters teaching.