Author Topic: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!  (Read 16513 times)


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2013, 08:32:51 AM »
This article shows how deluded and selfish the CTA is. Somehow, I find the delusion is to an extremely disgusting level. China has caught the instigators and they have confessed. China has proof already, so just drop the act.

Anyway lemme bold the part where TYC says its okay for Tibetans to die because it is for independence.
TYC rejects China’s allegations as ‘baseless and fallacious’
Phayul[Wednesday, January 16, 2013 23:52]

DHARAMSHALA, January 16: Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro-independence group in exile, today rejected China’s allegations, linking the group to a self-immolation protest in Tibet, as “baseless and fallacious.”

Speaking to Phayul, TYC President, Tsewang Rigzin dismissed Beijing’s charges as “futile attempt” to defame the popular Tibetan organisation, and instead called on the Chinese leaders to pay heed to the demands of the self-immolators of freedom and return of Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama from exile.

“This is yet another futile attempt by the Chinese government through their mouthpiece Xinhua to defame Tibetan Youth Congress,” President Rigzin, who is currently in south India on a talking tour said.

“Instead of hurling such baseless and fallacious allegation, the Chinese government should heed to the fiery cries of the Tibetan people inside Tibet demanding to reinstate our leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in an Independent Tibet.”

So are you saying that Tibetan independence is more important than the lives of the self immolators?!

China’s state news agency Xinhua yesterday said Chinese police in Tsoe region of eastern Tibet have “apprehended seven people for their alleged roles in convincing” Sangay Gyatso, a local Tibetan villager to self-immolate.

Sangay Gyatso, 27, set himself on fire near the Dokar Monastery on October 6, 2012 shouting slogans for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom in Tibet. He passed away at the site of his protest following which monks and local Tibetans carried his charred body inside the Monastery premises.

The Xinhua report cited a police statement as saying that the self-immolation protest was "masterminded by key members of the 'Tibetan Youth Congress' of the overseas Dalai clique" and also called Sangay Gyatso a ‘thief.’

President Rigzin “categorically rejected” the police statement and instead demanded that Beijing dismantle its illegal occupation of Tibet.

“TYC categorically rejects such baseless allegations by the Chinese government and demands the Chinese government to immediately work out a timeline to dismantle the illegal occupation of Tibet as demanded by the 96 Tibetan self-immolators,” Rigzin told Phayul.

Earlier, Chinese authorities in the region had tried to bribe Sangay Gyatso’s family members, offering them one million Chinese Yuan (US$158,599) to sign a document stating that his self-immolation was not targeted against China’s rule over Tibet. He is survived by his wife Dorjee Kyi and two children - a son, Dorjee Dhundup, 7 and a daughter, Tenzin Tso, 5.

Days after his self-immolation protest, Phayul had reported on the arrest of four monks of the Dokar Monastery by Chinese police on charges of taking care of Sangay Gyatso’s body and taking pictures of his charred body.

The four arrested monks were identified as Jigme Gyatso, Kalsang Gyatso, Kunchok Gyatso, and Tashi Gyatso. Although Xinhua in its report haven’t named all the seven arrested, but at least two of the given names match with the names of those arrested last October.

Last month, the Dharamshala based Central Tibetan Administration challenged Beijing to prove its allegations after authorities detained a monk and his nephew and accused them of instigating self-immolations of eight Tibetans on the instructions of the Dalai Lama.

“If China genuinely wishes to end the self-immolations, instead of resorting to the blame game it should allow unfettered access to international bodies to Tibetan areas to investigate the root causes for these self-immolations,” Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, the elected head of the Tibetan people said.

Despite repeated international calls for restraint and reconsideration of its policies in Tibet, China has hardened its stance on the self-immolation protests and announced stricter measures including pressing of murder charges against anyone caught aiding or inciting self-immolations and cash rewards for those “exposing crimes” related to the protests.

China continues to cut off Tibet from the rest of the world even as international clamour over diplomatic access and visits by foreign media has grown in recent weeks. The United Nations, European Union, US, UK, and Canada have blamed China’s policies for exacerbating the situation in Tibet and urged Beijing to allow investigative visits to the region.

The Dalai Lama has repeatedly called for “serious investigation” in to the self-immolations and noted that the protests were a symptom of problems that Tibetans did not create.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2015, 01:27:26 PM »
I am really shocked that he actually said this, I really do! How could a leader say something like this? So one or two lives don't matter? How many more people need to die then only it will matter? Some kind of leadership this is, I really do not understand how some of their people can stand this...


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2015, 05:37:53 PM »
Logsang Sangya, the prime minister of CTA, has failed as a leader to bring any good value to the Tibetans in exile. He is a Harvard graduate, but quite obviously he didn't apply what he learn in Harvard. There is no real democracy in CTA, and it is full of corruption, and Tibetans are not educated to think for themselves, and Tibetans are suppressed to think for themselves.

I don't think Lobsang Sangay will actually wake up.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2016, 02:03:40 PM »
From seeing what Lobsang Sangay has said it seems like the CTA is behind all these suicides. This isn't cool at all  since lives are involved.
This guy went to harvard university, but based on what he does and what he says, he probably went to some rubbish universities or got a false degree. 
One thing for sure is that the CTA and their counterparts are really making rubbish statements on just about everything. 

I hope that the CTA will stop killing people for the sake of Tibetan independence. If the CTA really wants independence from China, they should seek peaceful ways to gain their objectives and not by killing people.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2016, 02:02:24 PM »
If what he, Lobsang Sangay apparently said was true about being disappointed about the self-immolation by Tibetans had not received sufficient international like other suicide cases, I really have to say that he is totally out of his mind and sadistic.

Lives are being lost because of self immolations and yet what does Losang Sangay care about? Nothing except international attention.

The people who have been immolating themselves are Tibetans, his own people which instead of craving for media attention he should be caring for them.

I find it hard to believe that he is  a Harvard graduate, he has no brains to even differenciate between his fellow countrymen and enemies that he has just decided to be lazy and treat everyone as a enemy.

This suffering needs to stop and the ban needs to be lifted.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2016, 01:21:09 AM »
This is not something new from the sikyong, clearly there's something wrong with him or he's just a not nice person genuinely. How could another human being possibly say something like this? It's just so scary to read what he said, what's scarier is that this goes to show what kind of person he really is, ugly and cold. Tibet should really not have him lead the country, it's obvious that he does not fit the sikyong seat.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2016, 07:38:23 AM »
Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is clever alright....clever at lining his own pocket and how to incite the Dalai Lama's followers into harmful actions against the Shugden practitioners. He is very much in secular materialism and had never really much concerned himself about the lives of others. If he did then CTA headed by him would have people friendly policies which is all inclusive. He certainly isn't religious as he had never taken the Dalai Lama's teachings on kindness and compassion into any of his self serving actions. Maybe he though kindness and compassion to himself and his is all that he could manage. Ah well, throughout history the CTA had been known to self serve by remaining in power even to the extent of killing, ie. Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. I must say that because of their ignorance, we are the ones benefitting from the rise of Protector Dorje Shugden.

I do feel so sad that the Tibetans had this type of governance that does not assure them but instead expect their people to sacrifice their precious human lives to bring more of their propaganda to the world. Lobsang Sangay really do need to wake up to his humanity side.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2016, 01:54:08 PM »
A life is a life and is precious, whichever way you look at it.

From a Buddhist point of view, you do not take a life. If you do, even if it's your own life, you will end u in hell realm. So, how can Lobsang Sangay say anything good about self immolation? You are encouraging them to go to hell!

From a circular point of view, taking a life is murder. Suicide is also considered illegal. SO, how can that be right? You are encouraging murder, something criminal!

So, from this itself, I don't think, to put it mildly, Lobsang Sangay should encourage this self-immolation.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2016, 09:54:31 AM »
In 2016, US think thank Freedom House ranked Tibet among the twelve worst countries in the world for denial of freedom.
The self immolation showed how desperate the Tibetans are of the CTA for failing to have successful negotiations with the Chinese Government. It is shocking that Lobsang Sanjay expressed this disappointing statement. Two teenagers sacrificed their lives fighting for a cause and the CTA is not serious to do something about it. How many have died and how many more to die for this?

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2016, 03:10:28 PM »
This is so upsetting to see how the Tibetan leaders are taking advantage of the death from self-immolation to bring international attention towards their cause. Instead of advising their citizens against taking their own life, the sikyong was disappointed the incident did not garner enough attention from the world. Well, with the statement made by him, I guess he have brought on to the attention of the world on how he have failed so miserably to lead the Tibetans towards a better future.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2016, 07:02:00 AM »
Although am appalled at the insensitivity of Lobsang’s statement, unfortunately it is hardly surprising that he made such statement since CTA was never about the best interests of Tibetans anyway. It is just plain wrong to be so inconsiderate about people burning themselves to death and instead lament about the lack of attention. All because CTA seeks capitalise on the death from self-immolation to further their own cause.