Author Topic: Can Oracles reincarnate as Oracles?  (Read 3290 times)

Harold Musetescu

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Can Oracles reincarnate as Oracles?
« on: April 10, 2017, 07:55:20 PM »
Can a person who in his previous life was a recognized "Oracle" reincarnate as an "Oracle" in his next life?

If you have the blessing in this life to be recognized as an "Oracle" should that not continue in your next life time?

I am aware of family lineages of "Oracles", i.e. the Gadong and Lamo Tsangpa family Oracle lineage.

I am not talking about family lineages but of individual lineages.

If you in your previous life time took "recognized" trance say of "Namkar Barzin" it would make sense that it would carry on into your next life time.

We are all aware of "Tulku" lineages could there be "Oracle" lineages in Tibetan Buddhism?

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Can Oracles reincarnate as Oracles?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2017, 09:14:25 PM »

I feel that this is an unexamined area of Tibetan Buddhism.

I spoke with an "Oracle" some time ago and we discussed this very topic.

He felt that I may be right in my views about Oracles reincarnating as Oracles lifetime after lifetime.

He told me that the progression for an Oracle lifetime after lifetime would be to develop beyond going into a mere "Trance".

He felt that the highest level for "Oracles" would be to "Channel" a Dharmapala and not simple go into a "Trance".

To be wake and apart of the process and not to go and "fall asleep" during the visitation of the Dharmapala.

Waiting for another to tell you what had happen while you were "Asleep".

To have a Dharmapala live inside him 24 hours a day and not simply visit him from time to time.

To have a greater connection with his Dharmapala

Remember he told me that "I may be right" not that I was right.


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Re: Can Oracles reincarnate as Oracles?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2017, 12:24:41 AM »
Interesting question!

I would say that if an individual has been once as an oracle, one will definitely reincarnate as an oracle or a higher being, provided if one has truly practice in the past lives. Things happen for reasons, they will not happen for nothing. Try to look at ourselves, how are we doing in this life? If we are smart, we should start behaving before it's too late. :)