Author Topic: President Trump became friends with China  (Read 5055 times)


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President Trump became friends with China
« on: April 07, 2017, 11:16:34 PM »
The high stake summit between President Trump of the United States and President Xi of People Republic of China has started on an amicable terms. President Trump has openly state that he has become friends with China and is looking forward for good relationship in the future.

The United States has been one of the CTA's biggest sponsors and supporters. In the past the President of the United States have met with the Dalai Lama for the purpose of showing China that they can do what they want. But will President Trump risked such things? How will the new friendship between the United States and China affect the Tibetan cause?



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Re: President Trump became friends with China
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2017, 11:22:35 PM »
Please find below the excerpt of the article with pictures:

Donald Trump says he has 'developed a friendship' with Chinese president Xi Jinping as high stakes summit begins

  • Xi Jinping and Trump meet in Florida for key summit
    North Korea and manufacturing jobs to top the agenda
    Trump: 'so far I have gotten nothing from Xi'
    Trump launches US air strikes against Assad regime

President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping opened their high-stakes summit at Trump's Florida beach resort on Thursday evening, with the urgent threat of North Korea's nuclear ambitions and tensions over trade on the agenda for the first meeting between the leaders of the world's two largest economies.

Trump and first lady Melania Trump greeted Xi and his wife at the Mar-a-Lago estate before making their way to dinner.

The president pointed to the crisis in North Korea as a top priority in the meetings with Xi, telling reporters on Air Force One on his way to Florida on Thursday that he thinks China will "want to be stepping up" in trying to deter North Korea's nuclear ambitions.

Still, Trump appeared lighthearted as he greeted Xi, gesturing and pointing to journalists as they tussled to get a shot of the two leaders together for the first time.

Ahead of the dinner, Trump said he and Xi already had had a long discussion and had "developed a friendship," and then joked, "I have gotten nothing, absolutely nothing."

The White House said the location was selected to give the two days of discussions a more relaxed feel. A number of Trump's top advisers were in attendance, including his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Outside the dining room where the two delegations gathered for a lavish dinner, Mar-a-Lago club members packed the patio for dinner.

While Trump would not say what he wants China to do specifically with regard to North Korea, he suggested there was a link between "terrible" trade agreements the U.S. has made with China and Pyongyang's provocations. He says the two issues "really do mix."

The president has said that if China doesn't exert more pressure on North Korea, the U.S. will act alone.

North Korea and bringing manufacturing jobs back from China to top the agenda
The meeting comes after North Korea carried out a ballistic missile test on Wednesday, and as Mr Trump’s supporters demanded he fulfil his campaign promise to bring manufacturing jobs back from China, Nick Allen reports.

Speaking hours before sitting down to dinner with Mr Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan, Mr Trump said: “We have a big problem on North Korea, so we’re going to see what happens.”

Asked if he hoped to leverage China into action over North Korea’s nuclear programme, Mr Trump said: “I’ll tell you we’ll be in there pitching, and I think we’re going to do very well.”

A US official said the potential for ramping up "secondary sanctions" against Chinese banks and companies that do business with Pyongyang would be "an early topic of conversation" and a "very live" subject.

"The feeling on our side is that this problem has really now become urgent. It reaches across the globe," the official said.

"Patience has basically come to an end. We feel this problem has now crossed a certain line and we can no longer hope for some kind of reversion to negotiations. We need to do something proactive to get some results."

A White House National Security Council official added: "It’s in Beijing’s interest. We think that North Korea long ago ceased to be a strategic asset for China. It is now quite clearly a strategic liability."

Mr Trump would be "sending a clear signal" to Mr Xi on North Korea.

He told reporters aboard Air Force One on his way to Florida that he was going to address what he sees as an imbalaced trade relationship between the two powers - an issue he talked about at length during his presidential campaign.

"We have been treated unfairly and have made terrible trade deals with China for many, many years. That's one of the things we are going to be talking about," the president said.

The US trade deficit with China last year was $347 billion, more than two thirds of the entire US deficit.

During the election Mr Trump accused China of "stealing" US jobs and factories, and of being a currency manipulator.

He pledged, as a successful businessman, to return jobs and threatened tariffs on Chinese goods.

His most fervent supporters want him to deliver and Mr Trump's team made clear they want to see "results" from the summit including a "level playing field" on trade.

North Korea test
The most urgent problem facing Trump and Xi is how to persuade nuclear-armed North Korea to halt unpredictable behavior like missile test launches that have heightened tensions in South Korea and Japan, Reuters reports.

North Korea is working to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States.

The White House has said North Korea was a test for the U.S.-China relationship, and Trump has threatened to use trade to try to force China to exert influence over Pyongyang.

"I think China will be stepping up," Trump told reporters. Beijing says its influence is limited and that it is doing all it can but that it is up to the United States to find a way back to talks with North Korea.

Trump consulted on Wednesday with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who said he and the president agreed by phone that North Korea's latest ballistic missile launch was "a dangerous provocation and a serious threat."

A White House strategy review is focusing on options for pressuring Pyongyang economically and militarily. Among measures under consideration are "secondary sanctions" against Chinese banks and firms that do the most business with Pyongyang.

A long-standing option of pre-emptive strikes remains on the table, but despite the tougher recent U.S. talk, the internal review "emphasises direct military action," a U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Analysts believe any military action would likely provoke severe North Korean retaliation and massive casualties in South Korea and Japan and among U.S. troops stationed there.


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Re: President Trump became friends with China
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2017, 05:17:53 AM »
USA has bigger issue to deal with right now: the middle east, the north korea, etc. It is better to make alliance with China than to engage in disagreement with China right now. With China growing stronger each day, they are becoming better in negotiations we well.

With President Trump meeting Jack Ma from Alibaba previously and now the President Xi, it only shows USA and now befriending China.

So, according to CTA's standards, anyone who befriends China is a traitor to Free Tibet cause. So, the next question is: Is CTA going to continue milking money from USA?

I feel CTA is too small a tools for USA to upset China now. If I am USA, I am most likely to use Taiwan to upset China than using CTA.


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Re: President Trump became friends with China
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2017, 05:22:43 AM »
Reuters Beijing Bureau Chief Ryan Woo said the meeting between the Dalai Lama and President Trump during the Dalai Lama’s planned visit in July is unlikely. The narrator also mentioned that President Trump has been silent on all matters concerning Tibet.

Reuters Video

Despite the past three U.S. presidents meeting with the Dalai Lama, a one-on-one between the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader and Donald Trump looks unlikely for now, Reuters Beijing Bureau Chief Ryan Woo explains why.


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Re: President Trump became friends with China
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2017, 08:08:38 AM »
President Trump has been a self-made man in business and had only dabbled in politics seriously recently. As such he operates differently from the past Presidents. He sees more value in economic strength and as such he will place greater importance on trade agreements with China. CTA just don't have much to offer other than to invoke the ire of China which is not needed now that friendship is blossoming between US and China.

I think CTA is losing their chance to even have that autonomy rule or any fruitful dialogue with China. It is a great possibility they will be absorbed into India and whichever countries the exiles are currently living in. Unless China feels it to benefit China and the people by having a autonomous city like the Vatican where the Pope is the ruler. The only benefit to China is that it will be a tourist novelty whilst retaining the holiness of the place. Whatever it may be, its a wait and see for me as it is kind of like a cross roads where anything is possible. CTA needs to decide their future and make the move now or be forever lost. 


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Re: President Trump became friends with China
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2017, 05:51:13 AM »
An interesting update on on the United States and Tibetan in exile relationship:

House Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi, and several other Democrats visited the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. The article mentioned that this visit came at the awkward time when President Trump is trying to befriend China. One of the Democrats who traveled with Pelosi, Jim McGovern, has called for a new policy to safeguard the identity of the Tibetan people and to hold China accountable for the human rights abuse.

Although it is not said clearly in the article, given that Pelosi is known to be critical of the Trump administration, I think her trip is to gather evidence as to criticize the recent decision of the Trump administration to cut foreign aid related to human rights cause. It remains to be seen how Nancy Pelosi's visit will affect the Tibetan in exile.

U.S. lawmakers visit Dalai Lama, highlight situation in Tibet

A U.S. Congressional delegation visited the Dalai Lama at his headquarters in India on Tuesday, seeking to draw world attention to human rights in Tibet as President Donald Trump eyes warmer ties with China.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi flew with a bipartisan delegation to the Himalayan hill town where the 81-year-old Buddhist leader is based. The meeting is likely to upset China, which regards the Dalai Lama as a separatist.

"As we visit His Holiness the Dalai Lama, our bipartisan delegation comes in his spirit of faith and peace. We come on this visit to be inspired by His Holiness and demonstrate our commitment to the Tibetan people, to their faith, their culture and their language," Pelosi said.

The lawmakers' visit comes at a awkward time for Trump. Campaigning for election, he had cast China as a trade adversary and currency manipulator, but he now wants President Xi Jinping's support to restrain nuclear-armed North Korea.
"This is my home," the Dalai Lama said holding Pelosi's hand after welcoming the U.S. delegation to his timber-built hilltop residence. He then corrected himself: "This is my second home. My real home - other side."

He then reflected on his fate as a refugee, since fleeing from his homeland in 1959.

"Here the last 58 years I am the longest guest of Indian government," the Dalai Lama said. "But, emotionally, some concern about deep inside Tibet, and also in China proper there are 400 million Buddhists."

The Dalai Lama said he would be willing to visit China but this was not possible while Beijing still considered him a "dangerous splittist."


After Trump's election last November, the Dalai Lama said he was keen to meet the incoming U.S. leader. It now looks unlikely the Nobel peace laureate will get a White House invite - an honor accorded by recent American presidents - anytime soon.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson last week played down the role of human rights in U.S. foreign policy, raising fears the Dalai Lama could lose one of his last friends in the West.

Pelosi last visited the Dalai Lama in 2008, in the aftermath of a Chinese crackdown on an uprising in Tibet that coincided with the Beijing Olympics.
The situation in the Tibet Autonomous Region has worsened since then, according to experts and human rights activists, as authorities crack down on dissent and pursue systematic policies to assimilate Tibetans.

"The level of repression in Tibet has increased tremendously," said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

Numbers crossing from Tibet into India and neighboring Nepal have slowed to a trickle, she added, sapping the vitality of the Tibetan emigre community in South Asia.
Reports continue to emerge from Tibet from time to time of isolated acts of protest against Chinese rule.
A 16-year-old student, chanting "Tibet wants freedom" and "Let His Holiness the Dalai Lama come back to Tibet", burned himself to death on May 2, Radio Free Asia's Tibetan service has reported.

Representative Jim McGovern, a Democrat traveling with Pelosi, has called for a new U.S. policy toward Tibet to safeguard the identity of the Tibetan people and hold China accountable for human rights abuses.
China took control of Tibet in 1950 in what it calls a "peaceful liberation" and has piled pressure on foreign governments to shun the Dalai Lama.

Most recently, Beijing denounced New Delhi for hosting the Dalai Lama when he traveled to India's northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh - territory it claims as Southern Tibet - to give spiritual teachings to his followers.

(Additional reporting by Abhishek Madhukar; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)

Tenzin K

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Re: President Trump became friends with China
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2017, 01:37:54 PM »
President Trump is a business man and his way of operation will always look into the potential of business opportunity.

I don't see anything that CTA can give compare to China and this friendship between the 2 giants definitely a big thread to CTA. For this instance the more CTA irritate China it may also effect USA relationship with CTA which is their main sponsor. It's an easy equation to see.

CTA really need to make a good decision for their future as well as their people's future at this time. Majority of the country already befriended China and this will make no place for CTA to get any ally. The time is really running out for CTA.