Author Topic: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong  (Read 4750 times)


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Tokyo — The political leader of Tibetan people, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay has warned Japan and China's other neighbours, saying what happened to Tibet could happen to them.

Sikyong also reportedly said that he has high expectations for President Donald Trump to maintain friendly relations with Tibet, as Trump's predecessors have.

Responding from question from Kyodo news agency, Sikyong said, “We also hope President Trump will continue the past tradition of US presidents meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, support the Middle Way Approach and human rights of the Tibetan people,” said Sikyong.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he will continue to encourage dialogue between Beijing and representatives of the Dalai Lama or Tibetan “government in exile”. I will also encourage Beijing and the governments of all nations to respect and preserve the distinct religious, linguistic, and cultural identity of the Tibetan people worldwide.

Dr Lobsang Sangay, in Tokyo for meetings with Japanese officials, also urged Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to share his insights about how to establish good relations with President Trump, according to media reports. Abe was in the U.S. in last week holding talks and playing golf with Trump.

Dr Sangay said Japan and China's other neighbors should be wary of Beijing's assertiveness in the regional seas, saying what happened to Tibet could happen to them. In a stern warning to China, the new US administration has said it will protect its interests in the disputed South China Sea and defend international territories from being taken over by “one country”.

During addressing the welcome reception organised by the office of Tibet in Tokyo, Sikyong also said: To understand China, one must understand Tibet. "China's scheme to expansion through building infrastructure, entertainment hubs and coopting with leaders of other countries in the recent days were used prior and during their invasion of Tibet.

China signed the treaty in 1996, but Beijing’s response to the international tribunal’s ruling, and its military exercises in the area, suggest it has no intention of complying with it. Beijing announced several new plans in 2016, for breaking international law in the South China Sea, that includes military activities such as the dates of the drill, the geographic coordinates of the area, and the terse warning: “Entering prohibited.”

Chinese government says Tibet has been part of its territory since the mid-13th century, but Tibetans say Tibet was independent nation with a written history of more than 2000 years, remained an independent, sovereign State. "China is rewriting its own history, by branding Tibet as a its new product, makes a silly childish joke," said TJ. Nyima, a Tibetan living in exile.

"To claim that Tibet became a part of China because both countries were subjected to varying degrees of Mongol or Yuan Dynasty control, as the PRC does," Nyima says is "indeed totally absurd. Because, the Mongol Empire was a world empire; no evidence exists to indicate that the Mongols integrated the administration of China and Tibet or appended Tibet to China in any manner."

He said Tibet side also responded, to the Chinese communist regime, saying "It is like unprofessional claiming that Spain should part of France because both came under Roman domination, or that Burma became a part of India when the British Empire extended its authority over both territories."

Tibet was invaded by Communist China in 1949. Since that time, over 1.2 million out of 6 million Tibetans have been killed, over 6000 monasteries have been destroyed and acts of murder, rape, arbitrary imprisonment, torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment were inflicted on the Tibetans inside Tibet. Beijing continues to call this a "peaceful liberation".

Last Updated ( Monday, 13 February 2017 16:48 )

If China, was Japan in the 1930's yes, I would say possibly such a scenario can happen. But China is not in such a situation like Japan which was resource hungry in the 30's.  China has massive amount of land, resources, minerals, on top of that they are present very strongly in many parts of Central, South East Asia, resource rich Africa and etc. Having more land does not solve anything for the Chinese at this moment.

So for Lobsang Sangay to try and portray China as like a conquering and aggressive nation, is not at all persuasive, good try Lobsang Sangay, but your argument does not hold water. 


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Re: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2017, 07:56:22 PM »
I think Lobsang Sangay should make his intention clear. What is it that he really wants for Tibetan refugees in exile. He has made many foreign visits in the past few years and I have never seen a politician who is more contradictory than him. He said he wants the negotiation to resume with China, and yet he keeps condemning China and try to raise suspicion on China. What sort of person who wants something from someone and yet talking bad about him or her on the side. How can he build trust with China with this kind of attitude. The very reason that the negotiation with China was canceled many years ago was because China is suspicious of the Dalai Lama. Dr. Sangay certainly does nothing to rebuild that trust.


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Re: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2017, 07:39:30 PM »
This really shows how shallow minded this Sangay is... he thinks everyone is going to fall for his "scare" tactics? WHat does he think this is 1980 or something? It is an insult to people's intelligence especially in this day and age where there are many analysis studying the markets and real strategists, unlike the CTA's Office.

It just goes to show that Sangay has run out of tricks and idea on how to BS his way to get the world to be on their side because the know their time is up as more and more country are their doors on them and he can forget Trump ever lending them a hand. In his desperation, he is telling stories and trying to use fear to get them to take CTA's side. Really foolish. He must think everyone is as gullible as Tibetans back in those days. Boy the Tibetans sure need a new leader! 


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Re: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2017, 08:51:08 PM »
Sangay is an opportunist who tries to stir controversy at every stand. all he cares about is to raise the sympathy for his Tibetan cause so he can collect more donation.


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Re: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2017, 10:07:01 AM »
The world has to deal with so many problems and crisis, Tibet is sure not the priority anymore. It puts the Tibetan Leadership to shame to still run around and create problems, to request for help and money after so many years instead of they themselves making sure their people, the Tibetans, are safe. I think it is not the job of a leader or leadership to travel and raise funds but to look after his people and raise funds for precise interventions which will benefit the people directly! When will this information reach the CTA?


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Re: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2017, 06:07:00 PM »
What is this Lobsang Sangay trying to prove? Running the world telling people to be aware of China??? This really make me want to laugh out loud. Look, to the world, Tibet belongs to China. They don't care how many donkey years ago Tibet didn't belong to China, China invaded Tibet bla bla bla..... To the whole world, Tibet is part of China. Only you Tibetan in exile said Tibet is not part of China. And you guys like to make it sound very right. He made himself look so childish in front of all the country leaders.
Secondly, he was running around telling people that he hope Donald Trump maintain friendly relationship with Tibet. Why? Coz Trump already said US won't fund Tibetan in exile anymore. Trump is a business man, and with a little bit of ego i would say. Business man won't do anything without return and benefit, either to himself or to the country in this sense. Plus, now the whole world is looking at China, and who are u Lobsang Sangay? To me, to Trump, even to the whole world, Tibet is part of China, befriend with China, the main government is enough. You Lobsang Sangay, so called leadership of Tibetan in exile, if want to get a piece of cake, then go back to your own country and stop acting like a child here!
Thirdly, he (Lobsang Sangay) now running around telling people hoping that US maintain friendly relationship with Tibet, why?? It is because he is so worried that US stop funding Tibetan in exile. Which means, money stop going into his pocket! Already said that Tibetan leadership did nothing in the past 60 years, and there stop the funding. Please..... stop acting pathetic here Lobsang Sangay. You really bring disgrace to yourself and even Tibetan. Now i start to wonder, why did the Dalai Lama selected him as a Sikyong in the beginning?


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Re: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2017, 05:12:27 PM »
What is this Lobsang Sangay trying to prove? Running the world telling people to be aware of China??? This really make me want to laugh out loud. Look, to the world, Tibet belongs to China. They don't care how many donkey years ago Tibet didn't belong to China, China invaded Tibet bla bla bla..... To the whole world, Tibet is part of China. Only you Tibetan in exile said Tibet is not part of China. And you guys like to make it sound very right. He made himself look so childish in front of all the country leaders.
Secondly, he was running around telling people that he hope Donald Trump maintain friendly relationship with Tibet. Why? Coz Trump already said US won't fund Tibetan in exile anymore. Trump is a business man, and with a little bit of ego i would say. Business man won't do anything without return and benefit, either to himself or to the country in this sense. Plus, now the whole world is looking at China, and who are u Lobsang Sangay? To me, to Trump, even to the whole world, Tibet is part of China, befriend with China, the main government is enough. You Lobsang Sangay, so called leadership of Tibetan in exile, if want to get a piece of cake, then go back to your own country and stop acting like a child here!
Thirdly, he (Lobsang Sangay) now running around telling people hoping that US maintain friendly relationship with Tibet, why?? It is because he is so worried that US stop funding Tibetan in exile. Which means, money stop going into his pocket! Already said that Tibetan leadership did nothing in the past 60 years, and there stop the funding. Please..... stop acting pathetic here Lobsang Sangay. You really bring disgrace to yourself and even Tibetan. Now i start to wonder, why did the Dalai Lama selected him as a Sikyong in the beginning?

Basically Sangay has ran out of BS to tell the world. So this is the only next best thing he can come up with. Ohhhh "I am so scared"!!!

Halo this is the 21st century, people are more interested in making their economy grow. And not everyone is as stupid as the leaders of who signed away their country. Who ask them not to listen to Dorje Shugden's prophesies to prepare, if they did, maybe China would not have been able to take Tibet. It is all karma anyway.


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Re: What happened to Tibet could happen to China's neighbours: Sikyong
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2017, 04:21:44 PM »
There CTA goes again with the scare tactics. It is embarrassing to see the extent that Lobsang Sangay goes to try to frighten others either into joining CTA's side or going against China. Without any real basis and just allegations or insinuations, Lobsang Sangay is just embarrassing himself and Tibet further at the international arena. Destroying own’s and Tibetan’s international credibility and standing obviously would harm the Tibetan cause. Instead of doing this, he should really focus on taking steps to deliver all his/CTA’s promises to Tibetans.