Author Topic: Indians openly demand Tibetans go home  (Read 4156 times)


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Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
« on: October 14, 2017, 02:25:43 AM »
When you have overstayed your welcome and have not done enough to be self-sufficient. Good article.

1) The current situation is not the fault of the Tibetan people but of their leadership known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala, North India

2) Even their refugee status is being thrown into doubt and the citizens of their host country India is questioning why they are still refugees after 60 years of living freely.

3) So for the Tibetan government to keep using the “refugee” card is a clear indication that they are cheating the local Indian and indigenous population.

4) The current anti-Tibetan sentiment shows that the CTA has not done much to give back to the people of India for being such a kind host and allowing them to live so freely, with all the additional perks even the locals do not get to enjoy

5) The level of anger we are currently witnessing in Arunachal Pradesh is not a spur-of-the-moment thing.

6) SUMAA (Students United Movement of All Arunachal) are students, so they are not just random uneducated village people.

7) What the CTA also needs to understand is that once one group starts to get vocal and complain about the Tibetans, everyone else will join in too

8) Why does the CTA not say something to placate the situation and make peace with the Indians in Arunachal Pradesh?

9) The CTA’s treatment of Dorje Shugden practitioners is coming back full circle.

Legit arguments?


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Re: Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2017, 06:30:46 PM »
Clearly this is CTA's fault. 60 years have past, and they, the "government" did not do something, and anything at all to settle the refugees issue. They didn't go back to China, they didn't get independent, and recently when Indian government is kind enough to offer them Indian citizenship, CTA didn't even approve the Tibetan application at initial stage. CTA wants their people to remain as refugees, so that Lobsang Sangay can continue taking money from the west and go in to his own pocket.
Of course Lobsang Sangay won't hold Indian citizenship and won't stay in India. People like him, will only want to stay in western country. So that when anything happen in India or the Tibetan in India, he will fly to US. People like him doesn't deserve to be the Sikyong. He should come down, and CTA should cease operation. Tibetan should go back to their home coutnry, China! Stop dreaming Tibetan in exile! There's no independent!


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Re: Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2017, 03:46:34 AM »
@Richardlaktam, agreed. The Tibetans in exile have been kept in a bubble by the CTA for so long that they have become immured from the realities of life. They have become spoiled and wants what they want without further thought for consequences down the road. They want independence (Rangzen), they want autonomy (Umaylam/Middle way), they want more concessions from host country (TRP).

They can't even listen to the Dalai Lama even though they will abuse and threaten anyone who does not agree with the Dalai Lama -

Tibetan MP Juchen Konchok and friends oppose the Dalai Lama’s Middle Way (

What a contradiction amongst themselves.


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Re: Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2017, 04:46:36 AM »

You are so right, it does seem that the Wheel of Sharp Weapons is happening right here and now, for hurting Dorje Shugden people and lamas, discriminating Dorje Shugden people, creating all manner of disharmony, it has created the causes for the Tibetans to be split right in the middle, Rangzen and Umaylam.

Things can only get worst with the time. 

The Tibetans that are living not harmoniously will create the more negative energy in their midst. So I think such negative emotions can also affect their neighbours and the people they live along side them. The happiness of one affects the happiness of all, similarly the unhappiness of one affects the unhappiness of all. 


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Re: Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2017, 03:00:07 PM »
I have just been informed by contacts from Arunachal Pradesh that this has happened. Looks like the Indians spearheaded by SUMAA really want the Tibetans out. If they can't get the Tibetans out, they are going to make sure the Tibetans do not use illegal means to take advantage of India and privileges for Indians.

This is being circulated by those who are concerned with the situation in India now. The issue is not about SUMAA, but rather why are the Tibetans so hated in India and what the Central Tibetan Administration will do to pacify the angry Indians?

Belinda Mae

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Re: Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2017, 03:49:48 PM »
CTA is not doing anything at all to better the lives of their own Tibetan people. The CTA also not contributing anything to the economy in India. All they know is  to play the victim card and get western countries for funds. What was done with the funds nobody knows except the CTA. The Tibetans have been in staying in a foreign for so long and CTA do not have any plans to go back to Tibet or to do improve the lives of the Tibetans. We understand why the Indians demands Tibetans go home is because of the reasons above. Even the self-immolation cases, how come the CTA didn't voice out and ask them to stop? The CTA thinks everyone is dumb and blind cannot see what they are doing. 


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Re: Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2017, 05:06:44 PM »
I've seen these on this website, as well as online on various platforms, I'm sure all of you have seen them too.

It's quite obvious what the CTA is up to. The CTA is not united, just grouped together for convenience and some of them are out to take advantage of the Tibetan 'refugee' status and their circumstances in exile.

Some MPs are even going against the Dalai Lama's Middle Way policy by promoting Rangzen/ freedom/ independence activities.

What are they really doing for the Tibetans in exile or the Tibetans in Tibet? Are they capable of doing anything to really help the Tibetans, the Tibetan cause or even preservation of Tibet's religion and culture? 

In my opinion, although the Tibetans are trying to make the administration democratic, I personally think Samdhong Rinpoche did a better job when he was leading the Tibetans in exile. During his Prime Ministership, Samdhong Rinpoche negotiated many times with the Chinese officials to bring a suitable solution to the Tibetan cause.  There is no sign of any possible talk with China now or in the near future.   I pity the Tibetans in exile who have no place to go, no future.

The corrupted group

The MPs who are against the Dalai Lama group

The infamous power-hungry duo