Author Topic: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan  (Read 5403 times)

christine V

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In this news, the President Xi reply a letter to Nomad Tibetan to encourage them.

My friend translate to me that President Xi recently have wrote a letter to the nomad of Tibet to appreciate them and thanks them, What he said touches me.
President describe that the Nomad Tibetan are like Gesang Flowers, rooted at the border of Snow, they became the guardian of the sacred land and builder for happy home



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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2017, 09:38:26 AM »
Wow, great find, Christine Victor, the most powerful man in China is offering an olive branch to the Tibetans.

Tibetans what are you waiting for? Return to the homeland, India is not good for any of you and neither is the supposedly government handling your people in India.

Belinda Mae

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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2017, 02:06:54 PM »
Shame on CTA  :P :P :P :P See what the China President is doing? He himself is not a Tibetan but he is uniting the Tibetans. The CTAs are so good at dividing people. They should stop altogether and reunite their Tibetans people or else the Tibetan people will not listen or follow the CTA anymore.


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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2017, 06:10:47 PM »
A good president express his appreciation to the good work of his people doing to guard their homeland. Although Xi Jin Ping is not a Tibetan, but from this letter, he shows his gratitude to unite the Tibetan. He shows his care, so that people will continue doing their good work and have confident of the government. Although is just a simple reply, but at least President Xi shows his concern, even to the Nomad Tibetan. Whereas, CTA doesn't even care when their people self-immolate, they will only encourage more people to self-immolate so that they can play the sympathy card and get more money from the west. CTA will not concern whether you are Nomad or whatsoever. They will only stop their people to take Indian citizenship by force, divide Tibetan into categories, discriminate Shugden practitioners, accuse those who's not agree to Dalai Lama (even people didn't disagree to Dalai Lama), question & interrogate those who has question to CTA. What else? Come on CTA, give me some credit to write good about you. I can't think of any good thing that CTA did. 


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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2017, 01:40:16 AM »
China is not an easy country to rule. Geographically, it is huge, the people are so diverse, the history so old. From the time of Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. It is the same rivr and yet not the same. The cultural revolution saw a lot of suffering and suppression. The new government has extended a hand and an olive branch. It has taken action to help restore monasteries, build an economy and now calling for unity.

CTA, well, is CTA. It has changed but not for the better. It is still not helping Tibetans in exile move forward int heir lives but have kept them mired in hatred, poverty and ignorance not to mention, divided.

A very sad state of affairs. Just wish those Tibetans are able to open their eyes work with the government as all citizens of every country in this world has to do.


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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2017, 02:14:41 PM »
It is good to see that President Xi appreciates China's people and is encouraging unity within this huge country. On the other side what a pity to see the CTA creating so many problems for their very own people!

What is there more to say! See even in India as "refugee" the CTA does not help the Tibetans but creates more barriers! Sangay and the CTA should open their eyes and look towards China! Read the article here: Tibetan leadership sabotages Indian citizenship

What does this say about the CTA?


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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2017, 09:50:11 PM »
Have you guys seen the Tibetans in the entertainment industry in China? They sure do not look like they are suffering, suppressed or being limited. If anything, it looks like they are being encouraged and promoted.

Now how come you do not see CTA doing this for the Tibetans in exile and you do not see Tibetans in exile this sophisticated, modern, stylish, driven... take a look at some of these up and coming stars in China,
They sure look like they are adapting to the modern life in China! And then when you look at Dharamsala --- suppression, segregation, discrimination, threats and made to feel guilty even from applying for Indian citizenship! (sigh) CTA I think you need to just start packing up.


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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2017, 09:36:59 AM »

From the correspondence between the Tibetan herders and President Xi, we can see a good relationship is maintained. The Tibetans are safeguarding the border area of their beloved country and their President appreciate their efforts. President Xi also encourages Tibetan to settle down and develop their hometown Yumai.

What about CTA? What did they do for their people? Do they care about the welfare of their people? CTA only separate the Tibetan using the Dorje Shugden issue.

By now, the Tibetan should see which is a better government for them and their future generation. Choose wisely.


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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2017, 06:36:43 AM »
China is a progressive country though their government is different. Whatever anyone may want to say of China they know they have to bring the country up. President Xi is far sighted. CTA lacks the skill and savvy to carry to look beyond the tip of their nose. So, CTA's strategy is to divide and rule.

So, it's now up to the Tibetans themselves whether they want to divide and fall or unite and stand.


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Re: CTA is deviding on people while China President XI is uniting Tibetan
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2017, 06:04:57 AM »
At the end of the day, people just want to be able to live peacefully and work towards a better future for themselves and their future generations. In this aspect, China at this point in time has done more for Tibetans than CTA has ever done for past 60 years.

Granted that doesn’t excuse China’s invasion of Tibet but since that has already happened, what is the point in doing like what CTA does, harping on it and yet does nothing towards exile Tibetans being able to return home or improve their welfares? To add salt to the injury, China expressing appreciation to Tibetan nomads is something hardly done by Tibetan leadership be it the current CTA or the “feudalistic” Tibetan leaders of the past.