Author Topic: Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?  (Read 5350 times)

Tenzin Gyatso

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Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:21:07 AM »
I just noticed this new article posted:

The Dalai Lama’s Secrets: France, Human Rights and False Support of the Dalai Lama

Just because some Journalist so-called without borders and financed by govts claims HHDL is the biggest oppressor of religious freedom does not make it true. After all, what is the agenda of these journalists themselves? Isn't it to bring sensationalism to sell papers and keep the funding channelled towards their own livelihoods?

What have they uncovered? If they have uncovered anything hypocritical of HHDL, then why does France, Europe and the Americas continue to support HHDL? After all the West loves scandal don't we? We do.

I don't believe HHDL can fool so many governments for so long and get away with it. He has advised us as the head of the Tibetan Religion not to practice something harmful. That is all. If people still continue to practice, then what can he do? HHDL as advised people to not drink alcohol, but people still drink to their personal detriment. What to do?

Whatever is written against HHDL will not bring him down. No Lama or group will be able to bring HHDL down or even get close to matching his popularity and fame. HHDL has truth on his side. Thank goodness many still value truth, justice, humanity, compassion and wisdom and HHDL is the living embodiment of these qualities in today's troubled times.



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Re: Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 06:13:27 AM »
If they have uncovered anything hypocritical of HHDL, then why does France, Europe and the Americas continue to support HHDL?

Well, if you think about it, they DON'T really support the dalai lama, do they? Apart from the cursory meetings, handshakes and good PR photo opportunities, what have the west really done to help the Dalai Lama? It seems more a show for them to look good, a PR stunt to meet a nobel prize winner and religious leader, than out of any genuine concern to help him and his cause for Tibet.

further, it is NOT just that the Dalai Lama has "adviced us not to practice something harmful". If it stays at advice, that would be fine, but there has been so much documented evidence as to the real discrimination and bully tactics that are going on within the TIbetan community towards people who do continue practicing Shugden. If you advice someone not to drink and they continue to do it, then leave them be. You don't ALSO have to deny them their basic human, civil rights, break into their homes, ostracise them from their community. Letting them "suffer" the effects of drinking is very different from inflicting suffering on them yourself.

Anyway, I have had a read through these articles and I think you have quite missed the point of this series. The point is that behind all that the Dalai Lama portrays to the west is quite a different story, a few secrets that remain hidden to the general public. Secrets are fine, but not at the expense or detriment of fellow Buddhists and fellow humans which is increasingly the case among the Tibetan Buddhist community. I have never been supportive of bashing the Dalai Lama, or any Lamas, but it is interesting to consider these articles with an open mind and to think about what might really be happening within the Dalai Lama's government the CTA, and the countries who supposedly "support" them. The underlying theme points out the undeniable contradictions and hypocrisies that lie at the heart of the Tibetan community which is that in spite of all that their are championing for human rights, freedoms etc, their very own community is divided at its core because of a single Buddhist practice. How's that the for nobel peace prize?


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Re: Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2012, 08:59:43 AM »
I just noticed this new article posted:

The Dalai Lama’s Secrets: France, Human Rights and False Support of the Dalai Lama

Just because some Journalist so-called without borders and financed by govts claims HHDL is the biggest oppressor of religious freedom does not make it true. After all, what is the agenda of these journalists themselves? Isn't it to bring sensationalism to sell papers and keep the funding channelled towards their own livelihoods?
As much as I would like to believe that everyone in the world loves Dalai Lama, not everyone does. If the journalists wanted to make more money, they would choose scandals of international superstars such as Britney Spears and that would make more paper sales than using the Dalai Lama's name. The agenda of these journalists is just to show people the other side of the Dalai Lama, for people to know the truth. Yes there are journalists who think this way and they do exist.

What have they uncovered? If they have uncovered anything hypocritical of HHDL, then why does France, Europe and the Americas continue to support HHDL? After all the West loves scandal don't we? We do.
Everyone has a good and bad side, and every other country is matured enough to accept this fact. the US has not exactly been innocent or good, but other countries still support them. Nobody is 100% pure in this world, and purity is no longer an excuse to not support someone.

I don't believe HHDL can fool so many governments for so long and get away with it. He has advised us as the head of the Tibetan Religion not to practice something harmful. That is all. If people still continue to practice, then what can he do? HHDL as advised people to not drink alcohol, but people still drink to their personal detriment. What to do?
If he's the Dalai Lama and he is Chenrenzig, of course he can get away with it because he is doing it with the intention of planting seeds and benefitting them in the long run. I wouldnt underestimate His Holiness in that way...hmm. Well, His Holiness also asked people to check before believing, and we have checked, and we have decided we are following His Holiness's advice isnt it?

Whatever is written against HHDL will not bring him down. No Lama or group will be able to bring HHDL down or even get close to matching his popularity and fame. HHDL has truth on his side. Thank goodness many still value truth, justice, humanity, compassion and wisdom and HHDL is the living embodiment of these qualities in today's troubled times.
I dont think it will, because that is not the intention of those articles. It was to make people see what is HHDL really doing so that people can understand the situation more. I dont think anyone can defame the Dalai Lama. It is just not possible. How do you defame a Buddha? It wont work at all because he does not have the karma to be defamed.

I love your last paragraph because I can feel your faith in the Dalai Lama :) and because it is true :) but the articles are just so that people will learn the truth and not to defame His Holiness.

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Re: Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 10:55:38 AM »
If they have uncovered anything hypocritical of HHDL, then why does France, Europe and the Americas continue to support HHDL?

Well, if you think about it, they DON'T really support the dalai lama, do they? Apart from the cursory meetings, handshakes and good PR photo opportunities, what have the west really done to help the Dalai Lama? It seems more a show for them to look good, a PR stunt to meet a nobel prize winner and religious leader, than out of any genuine concern to help him and his cause for Tibet.

further, it is NOT just that the Dalai Lama has "adviced us not to practice something harmful". If it stays at advice, that would be fine, but there has been so much documented evidence as to the real discrimination and bully tactics that are going on within the TIbetan community towards people who do continue practicing Shugden. If you advice someone not to drink and they continue to do it, then leave them be. You don't ALSO have to deny them their basic human, civil rights, break into their homes, ostracise them from their community. Letting them "suffer" the effects of drinking is very different from inflicting suffering on them yourself.

Anyway, I have had a read through these articles and I think you have quite missed the point of this series. The point is that behind all that the Dalai Lama portrays to the west is quite a different story, a few secrets that remain hidden to the general public. Secrets are fine, but not at the expense or detriment of fellow Buddhists and fellow humans which is increasingly the case among the Tibetan Buddhist community. I have never been supportive of bashing the Dalai Lama, or any Lamas, but it is interesting to consider these articles with an open mind and to think about what might really be happening within the Dalai Lama's government the CTA, and the countries who supposedly "support" them. The underlying theme points out the undeniable contradictions and hypocrisies that lie at the heart of the Tibetan community which is that in spite of all that their are championing for human rights, freedoms etc, their very own community is divided at its core because of a single Buddhist practice. How's that the for nobel peace prize?

I think the West view China with a mixture of awe, opportunity and disdain. This is exacerbated by the meteoric rise of the China's economy in the last 2 decades. The Chinese economy has surpassed every nation on earth except America. It is a matter of time before China becomes the world's top economic superpower.

This is not well-received by the West and I believe that the West's blind support of the Dalai Lama is with the agenda to destabilize China. It is very obvious in recent years with such a blatantly medieval religious ban on Dorje Shugden and it has been largely ignored by the West. The ban is deliberately ignored because the interest to destabilize China is more important than the interest of Shugden practitioners, which form a subsection of the Tibetan diaspora.


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Re: Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 08:45:57 PM »
From the perspective of international politics, one of the greatest achievements of the Dalai Lama (in alliance with the US) is to have won the propaganda and PR war that has resulted in the Dalai Lama being the seen as a “simple monk”, who despite being oppressed by a big bad communist country” called China, has decided to be a modern Ghandi, albeit a holier one. HHHDL today is seen as an international star and the darling champion on world peace.

Whether he is or not, is not of any great importance to a lot of countries. The fact that he has been successfully branded as one means there is political hay to be made by associating with him, and seemingly be in support of the Dalai Lama and the Tibet Cause.

But when it comes to the crunch, look carefully at where these countries stand. For instance, President Obama has said in no uncertain terms that the US recognizes that Tibet is part of China. Doesn’t this kind of render the Dalai Lama’s and the CTA’s call for independence or autonomy a bit baseless?

HHDL has not fooled anyone, least of all the leaders of the Western world. It is just expedient for them to be seen with him now. That the west chose to ignore the pogroms, beatings and persecutions of Dorje Shugden worshipers by the Dalai Lama’s people, does not mean that they did not find any wrong-doing. History is littered with examples where the world has turned a blind eye and allowed monstrosities to take place until it becomes beneficial for certain powers to get involved..

Take for example the following cases where world powers chose to be in denial for A VERY LONG TIME:
•   the massacre of Armenians in  Sumgait (Azerbaijan).
•   The mass murder of Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge;
•   Bosnian Muslims in the former Yugoslavia and
•   the slaughter of the Tutsi minority in Rwanda.

In some cases, the UN finally took action but not before hundreds of thousands of lives perished.

What really takes the cake is that none of the those responsible for the genocide were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for crying out loud.

So, Tenzin Gyatso, I agree that that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has un-matched fame and popularity as a Tibetan Lama. But if fame and popularity is your thing, perhaps you just try Justin Bieber.


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Re: Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2012, 02:42:30 PM »
If they have uncovered anything hypocritical of HHDL, then why does France, Europe and the Americas continue to support HHDL?

Well, if you think about it, they DON'T really support the dalai lama, do they? Apart from the cursory meetings, handshakes and good PR photo opportunities, what have the west really done to help the Dalai Lama? It seems more a show for them to look good, a PR stunt to meet a nobel prize winner and religious leader, than out of any genuine concern to help him and his cause for Tibet.
if the US paid them to support the Dalai Lama and CTA, they would right? Another angle to look at it is that the countries have no reason to not support the Dalai Lama...yet. It is a general rule to support anyone who will not bring negative impact to them. Everyone does that these days, so since the Tibet thing dosent affect them, they dont mind supporting it at all.

further, it is NOT just that the Dalai Lama has "adviced us not to practice something harmful". If it stays at advice, that would be fine, but there has been so much documented evidence as to the real discrimination and bully tactics that are going on within the TIbetan community towards people who do continue practicing Shugden. If you advice someone not to drink and they continue to do it, then leave them be. You don't ALSO have to deny them their basic human, civil rights, break into their homes, ostracise them from their community. Letting them "suffer" the effects of drinking is very different from inflicting suffering on them yourself.
If it was just an advice, why are people being discriminated against in Dharamsala? Why are there schizophrenic accusations against Dorje Shugden practitioners, accusing them of imaginary violence and murder when it never happened? Why are old monks being kicked out of monasteries? Doesnt sound like an advice at all. It sounds like a very harmful and damaging ban where people are being hurt in more ways than one.

Anyway, I have had a read through these articles and I think you have quite missed the point of this series. The point is that behind all that the Dalai Lama portrays to the west is quite a different story, a few secrets that remain hidden to the general public. Secrets are fine, but not at the expense or detriment of fellow Buddhists and fellow humans which is increasingly the case among the Tibetan Buddhist community. I have never been supportive of bashing the Dalai Lama, or any Lamas, but it is interesting to consider these articles with an open mind and to think about what might really be happening within the Dalai Lama's government the CTA, and the countries who supposedly "support" them. The underlying theme points out the undeniable contradictions and hypocrisies that lie at the heart of the Tibetan community which is that in spite of all that their are championing for human rights, freedoms etc, their very own community is divided at its core because of a single Buddhist practice. How's that the for nobel peace prize?
I do understand that HHDL needs to look out for the interest of many and on this angle, he chose to sacrifice Gelug to make Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakya feel better. I would like to see it that way, that we are the sacrificial lambs for the sake of Tibet's unity. So i guess, we just have to bear this burden, but no one said we must do it quietly or accept it without contesting :)

Very interesting point there, beggar. I find them very provocative especially with regards to this issue, but I do have my points to add to them. Lets hope that the ban will end soon and everyone will be able to get along without making a big fuss out of everything :)


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Re: Dalai Lama's secrets? What secrets?
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2012, 02:37:02 AM »
The word Lama loosely means 'one without fault' yet there are other lamas who publicly declared their own lamas had faulted.

HHDL advises not to do Dorje Shugden's practice and his followers are taking the bull by its horns by using physical means for its end. Any lama may give any spiritual advise but if I am Tibetan and do not choose to be a Buddhist then would I be deprived of my basic rights and freedom like shugdenpas? If I practice shamanism and attend HHDL teachings would I jeopardize HHDL's life? - I do not believe so. But then Dorje Shugden practitioners would. Strange.