Author Topic: We've not sought independence for Tibet from China since 1974: Dalai Lama  (Read 4203 times)


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Wait, did anyone else read this?! If the Tibetans are not looking for independence and they want autonomy, WHAT ARE THEY STILL DOING IN EXILE? GO HOME ALREADY. The TAR already has autonomy (key is in the name?) and it will never have the kind of autonomy the Tibetans want, and the Tibetans are in no position to demand anything. They should probably just go home already.

We’ve not sought independence for Tibet from China since 1974: Dalai Lama

DHARAMSHALA: Days after a Tibetan event in Delhi was cancelled and shifted to Dharamshala following the Union government note to its senior leaders and government functionaries to stay away from them, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) on Friday came out with a video message of the Dalai Lama, saying they have not been seeking indepence for Tibet from China since 1974.

In his video message to the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT), based in Washington DC, the Dalai Lama has pointed out that China and Tibet can have mutual benefits if reconciled. He’s heard saying: “Living within the People’s Republic of China, we can serve, we can help them and we can share our (ancient) knowledge. They, in turn, provide us means of dollars.”

The occasion for the Tibetan leader’s message is the organization’s 30th founding day anniversary. The department of international relation and information, CTA, released an eight-minute clip of this video message here, wherein the Dalai Lama has spoken briefly on Tibetan’s middle-way approach and the support it has garnered. “Since 1974, we decided not to seek independence. So, now the middle-way approach.... Common interest is more important than one’s own national interest. With that kind of concept, I am very much willing to remain within the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese word ‘gongheguo’ (Republic), shows some kind of union is there,” the Dalai Lama is heard saying in the message.

Seeking ICT’s help, the Tibetan spiritual leader goes on to say, “Your organization has been, for 30 years, showing genuine support for the Tibetan cause. I always claim that the supporter of Tibetan cause is not pro-Tibetan, but rather pro-justice.”


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This is a move that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) made to counter the seemingly changing of stance India has shown. India has been getting closer to China for economic advancements. Supporting the Tibetans bring no benefits. Now that they do not seek independence, there are no more reasons for India to continue supporting them. I am just wondering if China is ready to take them back though.


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It is all VERY very CONFUSING and CONFLICTING just like the Tibetans!

If His Holiness have never sought independence for Tibet then why on earth for the past 60 years do we see Tibetans protesting and now even burning themselves to death for? Was it all just a waste of time and worst still people's lives? That is the message I am getting and if I am one of those Rangzen activists, I would be extremely heartbroken, angry, disappointed, furious because wow for the past 60 years we've been giving our lives to a lost cause. Basically, that is what the Dalai Lama is saying.

Besides that why is the CTA keep on condemning China if the plan was to go back? Why keep on irritating China? Is that not the opposite of what the DalaiLama wants? So is CTA defying the Dalai Lama? Are the Rangzen activists defying Dalai Lama? So there 2 groups now, one side is with the Dalai Lama and another side opposing the Dalai Lama's stance on accepting Tibet is part of China. In the end, I don't think they are heading anywhere.