Author Topic: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement  (Read 5336 times)


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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s reputation has been ruined due to his endorsement of the controversial NXIVM sex-slave cult. The endorsement was brokered by Tenzin Dhonden, the corrupt former advisor to His Holiness, and the cult’s leader Keith Raniere is currently being held in custody at a US prison, awaiting trial for his crimes.

Christine A. Chandler, a certified social worker, psychologist and family systems therapist questions the Dalai Lama’s past endorsements of controversial lamas and organizations with cases of sexual abuse in an article. These controversial lamas include the infamous Sogyal Rinpoche, who is now rumoured to be hiding from the French authorities because of charges against him alleging abuse. The Dalai Lama, therefore, is now associated with breaking the law and the exploitation of women.

Well, who is to blame for this unfortunate situation? Who are the ones that vet who the Dalai Lama endorses or does not? For such a huge internationally acclaimed spiritual leader such as the Dalai Lama, it is obvious that it would be his office. But his office is also the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). The greed and self-serving attitude of officials from the CTA have substantially damaged the credibility and sanctity of not only one of the world's most respected spiritual figures, but the entirety of Tibetan Buddhism itself. The CTA and the Tibetans in-exile often justify their relevance by saying they preserve Tibetan culture and religion. However, by all accounts, they themselves are the biggest culprits responsible for actively destroying Tibetan culture and religion from its very core.


Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM, and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement

By Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A.G.S.

Dalai Lama Secretary denies $1 million paid to speak for Raniere; Yet Dalai Lama Trust founded 10 days after Albany speech with $2 million in donations

EVERYTHING is censored in the U.S. when it comes to the Dalai Lama.  He has protection from our CIA as an asset, our  Republican and Democratic governments,  and the last four, previous Presidents.  So it should not surprise us that part of the post concerning the 1-2 million-dollar speaking fee for an endorsement of Keith Raniere’s  group, given to the Dalai Lama, of course denied,  was taken down, within two hours, by Wikipedia administrators.  The Dalai has only to deny something is true and that is enough for the establishment media. I am sorry I gave Wikipedia that 5.00 donation. I suspected they were censoring news, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

The hardest thing has been for ordinary people to see the interlocking hierarchy of Lamaism, that has the Dalai Lama and his damage control machine, controlling the news about his Lamaist groups,  in a positive direction,  while quickly covering up its institutionalized sexual abuse, financial skulduggery, use of free western labor for infrastructure, and the secret teachings of his Tantric Kalachakra prophecies.

This is because the go-to-journalists, who report on the Dalai Lama, when the lamas’ sexual abuses reach the public,  are often western Tibetan Buddhists themselves and/or former monks, who have taken vows to keep the lamas’ secrets in this Lamaist cult; a sexually abusive cult with vast interconnected influences, and now thousands of centers, world-wide, whose devotees have also vowed to bring their  disguised Tantra to the rest of the world, with their latest mask: a global spirituality of faux-feminism and faux-ecology; the new GAIA religion that will nail all female energy down, just as it did in Tibet.

One way the Dalai Lama  has been protected, is through  pro-Dalai Lama journalism and academia (his critics get little coverage in the mainstream news)  who continue to  promote the idea that Tibetan Buddhist lamas   “have no overarching hierarchy”; that all these lamas work “solo.”

So a ‘bad boy’ lama might occasionally appear; but it is only one bad apple in the pristine barrel of Lamaism.

Anyone who believes this hasn’t been studying with all these high Tibetan lamas, who all are connected; who ‘teach’ at each other’s centers; and who even ‘share’ sexual consorts amongst each other.

This has been a purposeful untruth, by the establishment media,  not only to prevent the public from seeing the connections between all these Tibetan Lamaist sects, working together but now in a ‘blended’  Buddhism of Tantra,  Zen, Theravada;  bringing us their  ‘mindfulness’ product: their first cult technique, in a secular disguise, that got us to think as a herd.

Mindfulness, that leads one to ‘not judge’;  eventually accepting all kinds of corruptions and abuses in leaders;  including the keeping  of female harems,  pedophilia, and financial corruptions, inside their own sanghas (their devotee membership)  that that then secretly spreads out and infiltrates into our culture; causing chaos while appearing as a force for good.

The lamas have always been masters of the ‘masked dance.’

And then there is Hollywood, who has promoted, protected, and enabled the sexual abuse of these Tibetan Lamas, and the Dalai Lama, for decades. Even creating Shangri-la films like Seven Years in Tibet,  or  Little Buddha that featured the notorious Sogyal Rinpoche as the main lama; a favorite of Richard Gere, now hiding out, it is rumored, in Thailand, to avoid the French Courts.

The Dalai Lama would have no problem with accepting an estimated 1-2 million dollars for one of his many civilization jihad Tantric foundations,   from a sex-branding cult like Keith Raniere’s NXIVM.

He would have approved of Keith Raniere’s group of sex-branding women, just as he approved of the egregious abuses inside Lama Sogyal’s  Rigpa organization for over forty years.

The Dalai Lama also gave his  imprimatur to the Shambhala International organization,  that put the old Vajradhatu cult on the map in a big way; finally being called out for their egregious sexual abuses. A Tibetan Tantric group that pretends to be ‘secular’ where their late leader-despot, Trungpa kept a  western harem of women, and his sexually exploitative inner circle, including his notorious Regent, Osel Tenzin,  who got young heterosexual males,  prove their devotion to him, while knowingly having unprotected sex while infected with AIDS.  The devotees believed, and still do, that AIDS is only a ‘concept’ and has no reality. One of the young men died.

The Dalai Lama can often be seen endorsing  the most egregious of sexual abusive cults; whether of his own Lamaist sects, or a sexual abuse cult like Keith Raniere.  His Compassion rhetoric,  that supports the nailing of all women down,

Regarding the news coverage and subsequent detainment of the Raniere, it is thanks to the persistent reporting of  Frank Parlato in the Frank Report.  Raniere is  now being held at a Federal Prison to await trial for his sex-slave cult.

But, when are these sexually abusive lamas, with their amoral Tantra,  going to be held to account?   It is their Tantric teachings, disguised as ‘Buddhism,’ that is increasing the amorality around the world. The secret teachings that no one will report on and no one will reveal who is one of the western ‘blended’ devotees.  The Dalai Lama’s theatre of compassion, is why Keith Raniere reached out to the Dalai Lama. Both for his currency, and because he had surely read  the Dalai Lama’s Tantric texts and its practices with  young women and girls for the high lamas’ practices.  Practices that have kept women in their place in Tibet for the  last 1000 years.   

The cover-up of Tibetan Lamaism, and its egregious sexual abuse, that has lamas keeping harems in the West, and sexually exploiting their students in a master-slave paradigm, disguised as ‘blessings,’ for over four decades, and still counting,  has been a story in itself, that has yet to be reported.

Why are they allowed to continue to break our laws, and exploit our women and young girls?


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2018, 11:31:58 PM »
Bad news never ends for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). India is shunning them. China does not want them. All their dirty laundry are being exposed endlessly. If anything can be to make things different, it would be to impeach Lobsang Sangay. He is a total failure and a greedy and sleazy pervert. I wish very much that someone else who is capable of at least make His Holiness' name clean and really do something to benefit the Tibetans. I am hopeful but at the same time, I doubt anything good will happen since the CTA is now be caught up in their negative karma.


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2018, 11:49:48 PM »
Ha now they've got another person exposing all of the Tibetan Leadership's dirty little secrets! How can they exploit the Dalai Lama to this extend? Well now we know it's all about the money, from the changtsos' of the Dalai Lama to the so-called government of Tibetan in exile. And yes the bad news just does not seem to end.

This year is looking very bad and bleak for the Tibetan Administration and they are getting shut down and shun out with every step they take. Let's see what they are going to do now with this explosive news about sexual abuse Lamas being supported by the Dalai Lama. Are they gonna just stay quiet and watch or will they do something to amend their way or will they take the typical root of covering and finding a scapegoat to lay the blame on. Somehow I don't think that is going to end and there's gonna be more expose news!


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2018, 11:43:43 PM »
Regardless of what His Holiness the Dalai Lama said about Dorje Shugden, his contribution to preserve Tibetan Buddhism is great and undeniable. Whether we like it or not, the Dalai Lama is the most well known face of the Tibetan Buddhism and whatever scandal that befall him, affect people's impression about Tibetan Buddhism.

It is embarassing that the closest and trusted people around the Dalai Lama did not take care of his reputation and only care about money. It's really a shame!


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2018, 06:13:45 PM »
Bad news just kept coming for the Central Tibetan Administration. Their officials are now known to the world to be corrupt, thanks to the $1 million endorsement of Raniere.

There were some news in the past, but because Raniere was not arrested, they were just considered rumours. It's just too bad, because Tenzin Dhonden chooses money over the Dalai Lama's reputation. Daniel Kranzler, businessman and philanthropist who owns The Kirlin Foundation said that Tenzin Dhonden asked for “very substantial payment in various forms” after his planners had reserved seats for 150,000 attendees and committed to several million dollars in expenses for the Seeds of Compassion event in 2008.

It just shows that there is no check and balance, the norm with Tibetan officials, that is why Tenzin Dhonden can black mail someone like Kranzler and others into giving him whatever he wants, using the Dalai Lama's name or manipulating events that the Dalai Lama will or will not make an appearance in.

Same with Lobsang Sangay sacking of Penpa Tsering. Why was he allowed to do that, which everyone knows will cause an uproar in the Tibetan community? That's the 'government' in exile and how the handle the administration. I'd rather be governed by China, anytime.


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2018, 12:30:47 AM »
Regardless of what His Holiness the Dalai Lama said about Dorje Shugden,

"Disregarding" an ignominious, criminal witch-hunt is the attitude of a certified idiot.

his contribution to preserve Tibetan Buddhism is great and undeniable.

Just what is great and undeniable is the damage caused by the evil dalie to Tibetan Buddhism, and no one will ever be able to point to one single positive contribution brought about by the degenerated monster.

Whether we like it or not, the Dalai Lama is the most well known face of the Tibetan Buddhism

Actually, the evil dalie is merely the most well known face of the CIA promoted, idiotic personality cult of dalaism, which has zero to do with Tibetan Buddhism.

and whatever scandal that befall him, affect people's impression about Tibetan Buddhism.

The evil entity is a scandal in itself, and another scandal is that someone still sees this entity as the "face of Tibetan Buddhism".

It is embarassing that the closest and trusted people around the Dalai Lama did not take care of his reputation and only care about money. It's really a shame!

You just want to shift the responsibility for the evil dalie's obnoxious actions to the people around him. You just want to cover a criminal. You are just an accomplice of his crimes.


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2018, 01:36:49 PM »
Bad news just kept coming for the Central Tibetan Administration. Their officials are now known to the world to be corrupt, thanks to the $1 million endorsement of Raniere.

There were some news in the past, but because Raniere was not arrested, they were just considered rumours. It's just too bad, because Tenzin Dhonden chooses money over the Dalai Lama's reputation. Daniel Kranzler, businessman and philanthropist who owns The Kirlin Foundation said that Tenzin Dhonden asked for “very substantial payment in various forms” after his planners had reserved seats for 150,000 attendees and committed to several million dollars in expenses for the Seeds of Compassion event in 2008.

It just shows that there is no check and balance, the norm with Tibetan officials, that is why Tenzin Dhonden can black mail someone like Kranzler and others into giving him whatever he wants, using the Dalai Lama's name or manipulating events that the Dalai Lama will or will not make an appearance in.

Same with Lobsang Sangay sacking of Penpa Tsering. Why was he allowed to do that, which everyone knows will cause an uproar in the Tibetan community? That's the 'government' in exile and how the handle the administration. I'd rather be governed by China, anytime.

It's very sad that the Tibetan leadership put only little value for the Dalai Lama. They respect the Dalai Lama's big name because of the revenue that he can generate for them. Otherwise they won't put the Dalai Lama in such a ridiculous position. Now the Dalai Lama will be forever known as someone who endorse a sex-cult leader.


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2018, 02:24:48 PM »
It's very sad that the Tibetan leadership put only little value for the Dalai Lama.

Shouldn't they?

They respect the Dalai Lama's big name because of the revenue that he can generate for them.

This is exactly what some so-called Shugdenpas do. They "respect" the evil dalie because they want a place in his court. They even call the degenerated gangster "my father" and, in order to please their "father", they even say that Dorje Shugden is "just a small part of me".

Otherwise they won't put the Dalai Lama in such a ridiculous position.

Which is a service to humanity.

Now the Dalai Lama will be forever known as someone who endorse a sex-cult leader.

Shouldn't he? The evil dalie, a depraved cult leader himself, has always endorsed sex-cult leaders, such as infamous and now disgraced Sogyal, and assorted criminal cult leaders, such as Shoko Asahara.


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2018, 05:33:06 PM »
It's very sad that the Tibetan leadership put only little value for the Dalai Lama. They respect the Dalai Lama's big name because of the revenue that he can generate for them. Otherwise they won't put the Dalai Lama in such a ridiculous position. Now the Dalai Lama will be forever known as someone who endorse a sex-cult leader.

The Dalai Lama will continue to be exploited because he is the only one that will bring in the funds for the CTA. Without the Dalai Lama there will not even be a CTA. Everything is so dependent on the Dalai Lama. So when the Dalai Lama actually goes back to Tibet, what happens to the CTA then? They obviously need to seize operation because there is no way China is going to allow Sangay to operate with his incompetent cabinet in Tibet. I don't think the CTA think much of them at all.

If the Dalai Lama does not get to go back to Tibet then it is obvious when the Dalai Lama passes, the CTA will also seize operation because by then who will want to care about them? Whatever the case, isn't it obvious... the death of the CTA is confirmed either way.


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2018, 08:24:41 PM »
I won't say that the Dalai Lama is the only one who brings money for the Tibetan in exile, but I would say that he is the biggest money magnet for them. Nobody in the CTA can produce over U$ 1 million for one speech. But people are willing to pay that much due to the Dalai Lama's good reputation.

When that beacon of reputation is gone, the CTA needs to work extra hard to find another fundraising magnet to fill their rice bowl.


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Re: Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM and Dalai Lama’s $1 Million Endorsement
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2018, 10:25:46 PM »
I won't say that the Dalai Lama is the only one who brings money for the Tibetan in exile, but I would say that he is the biggest money magnet for them. Nobody in the CTA can produce over U$ 1 million for one speech. But people are willing to pay that much due to the Dalai Lama's good reputation.

When that beacon of reputation is gone, the CTA needs to work extra hard to find another fundraising magnet to fill their rice bowl.

Are you that naive? There is no other fundraising magnet. And yes he is the MAIN SOURCE of INCOME that is why Sex-Branding Cult NXIVM paid 1-2million to be seen and hence endorsed by the Dalai Lama. Don't need to be so patty with words. You know what it means.

C'mon even though they try to groom the Karmapa, he is not the Dalai Lama and even gave a speech in Bodhgaya recently about how he has been abused, controlled and was being manipulated for politics. I suspect the CTA was trying to find their Golden goose no.2 but I don't think it is going to work. Sorry time for CTA to pack up, why keep wasting all the funds raised for their dirty work?