Author Topic: China's Xi to Trump: 'Get off your high horse'  (Read 3368 times)


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China's Xi to Trump: 'Get off your high horse'
« on: April 13, 2018, 01:03:38 AM »
Recently, the Chinese 'King' Xi Jinping warned Trump to stop his trade warpath before China retaliate and impose tariffs on American exports mainly from the farming states of Arkansas, Dakota (North and South), Idaho, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Montana. These states have the most supporters of Trump who voted him in the first place. Interestingly, many of these farming states had already filed complaints to the White House urging Trump to stop his tariffs against China. At the rate Trump is going, he is most likely to lose the upcoming midterm elections. It would be a good thing since he is just a businessman greedy for money and nothing else.                                                                                                                         


China's Xi to Trump: 'Get off your high horse'

China's President Xi Jinping had a message for his US counterpart Donald Trump this week: "Arrogance will get you nowhere." He added that cooperation and dialogue were the only way forward to resolve disputes in today's world.

Xi was speaking about trade and commerce, but his remarks have wider resonance as the Trump administration high-handedly ratchets up dangerous political tensions towards Russia, Iran and the Middle East.

"The Cold War and zero-sum mentality looks out of place in today's world," said the Chinese president. "Arrogance or only focusing one's own interests will get nowhere. Only peaceful development and cooperation can truly bring win-win or all-win results,"  added Xi, while addressing the Boao Forum for Asia in China's southern province of Hainan.

These were the first public comments from Xi since the US-China trade dispute flared last week. He did not mention Trump by name, but it was obvious at whom his warning against "arrogance" and "power politics" was aimed.

Ironically, underlining Xi's warning against US unilateralism, the Chinese leader has an unlikely ally. Trump's brash manner towards China has much of his own voter base alarmed owing to the potential damage to their livelihoods that his aggressive policy is stoking.

If Trump triggers a full-scale trade war with China, among the hardest-hit sectors of the American economy will be the farming states in the mid-west. It was in states like Idaho, Indiana and Iowa where voters decisively backed his run for the White House in 2016. If this constituency sees their livelihoods burned in a trade war, Trump's Republican Party can expect fierce retribution in the mid-term elections later this year. The outcome could see Republicans lose majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate, thereby making Trump's presidency a lame duck.

So, if Trump has the bullish arrogance to proceed with his hostile policy towards China, one can expect reciprocation from Beijing. That, in turn, will reap a very bitter harvest for Trump in the rural mid-west states, possibly resulting in Republicans losing control of Congress, and Trump's presidency mired in legislative impotency.

President Xi is right. The only way forward in today's world is mutual dialogue and cooperation. Unilateral bullying is a fail-fail mentality. Arrogant Trump is going to find out the hard way.



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Re: China's Xi to Trump: 'Get off your high horse'
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2018, 10:12:40 PM »
Ahh... Trump is all talk and no show. He is the worst President of America eva. If it wasn't for Hollywood's great packaging of America and the movies, America would be like a 3rd world! Xi will definitely teach the big loud mouth a lesson if he continues to have a verbal diarrhoea.

Well, someone needs to control him, and only someone with bigger power, money and might could shut this idiot up - and I think the whole world would actually appreciate that when Xi does it! Like finally someone who can and will shut this mutt up.