Author Topic: Shocking – Dalai Lama statue thrown into river in Tibet  (Read 12036 times)


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Re: Shocking – Dalai Lama statue thrown into river in Tibet
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2018, 11:05:33 PM »
You know, there may be another reason why the Dalai Lama's statue was thrown in the river. It could be the huge disappointment that the people faced after waiting for 60 years, especially this happened in the Dalai Lama's birth place. The people must had been dependent on the Dalai Lama to free Tibet from China's rule and the hope must had been there all this 60 years. With the Dalai Lama's declaration of Tibet belonging to China, these people must have had felt betrayed and all their hopes of Tibet regain sovereignty dashed. As such with disgust, threw the statue of the Dalai Lama into the river as an act of defiance. Sad huh! Waiting 60 years and the person you respect the most, with so much hope suddenly just turn arounds and says nope Tibet belongs to China. What will the Dalai Lama declare next that will create more waves? Please let it be "Dorje Shugden is enlightened and we should all practice".  ;D

LOL that would be a great blessing in disguise for us all to celebrate!

Sad but true, I think these Tibetans are basically fed up of waiting for the Dalai Lama and all the broken promises and not to mention the hundreds of lives gone and sacrificed for what? What did the Tibetan government do to help them and to improve their lives there? In fact when you think about it, the more the CTA opens their mouth, the more they irritate China and hence, they take it out on the Tibetans there. So actually CTA creates more problems for them!

So I am not surprised they are just fed up and obviously very angry. And they are probably getting more benefits from being a Chinese citizen then they are keeping their loyalty with CTA who basically does not help them a cent and is nowhere near getting the Dalai Lama back - forget about getting the country back. Even if they did, they would ruin the country... times have changed and CTA's exile will soon expire.


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Re: Shocking – Dalai Lama statue thrown into river in Tibet
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2018, 05:19:38 AM »
Shocking indeed. The monks robes dressing the statue were unduly desecrated, while, as Pabongkha Rinpoche remembers, even a saffron-colored rag should be respected as the Sangha Jewel. The same applies to the Gelugpa hat, which symbolizes Manjushri's wisdom. While the revolt of the populace against the evil criminal is understandable, the symbols of the Three Jewels of Refuge should be scrupulously respected. Otherwise, what is most important is that the evil dalie is placed where he belongs, the garbage bin of history.

I don't agree with throwing statues into a river to express the anger or unhappiness. There are many ways to express how we feel but not this way. It is disrespectful to the statue or to the people who still respect the Dalai Lama.

However, this shows how unhappy the Tibetans are with the Dalai Lama. Maybe this group of people is not supporting the free Tibet movement, but they are angry at how the Dalai Lama is creating tension and conflicts in the Tibetan community. They probably have realised the Tibetans are being used by the Dalai Lama and the CTA to get things for themselves, i.e., money.

Like many have said, it is very unusual for Tibetans to do something so disrespectful to the Dalai Lama, no one would dare to do that. For the Tibetans to do that, they must be very angry. What will happen if the Dalai Lama really goes back to Tibet? Will these people welcome him?


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Re: Shocking – Dalai Lama statue thrown into river in Tibet
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2018, 03:14:01 PM »
Shocking indeed. The monks robes dressing the statue were unduly desecrated, while, as Pabongkha Rinpoche remembers, even a saffron-colored rag should be respected as the Sangha Jewel. The same applies to the Gelugpa hat, which symbolizes Manjushri's wisdom. While the revolt of the populace against the evil criminal is understandable, the symbols of the Three Jewels of Refuge should be scrupulously respected. Otherwise, what is most important is that the evil dalie is placed where he belongs, the garbage bin of history.

I don't agree with throwing statues into a river to express the anger or unhappiness. There are many ways to express how we feel but not this way. It is disrespectful to the statue or to the people who still respect the Dalai Lama.

However, this shows how unhappy the Tibetans are with the Dalai Lama. Maybe this group of people is not supporting the free Tibet movement, but they are angry at how the Dalai Lama is creating tension and conflicts in the Tibetan community. They probably have realised the Tibetans are being used by the Dalai Lama and the CTA to get things for themselves, i.e., money.

Like many have said, it is very unusual for Tibetans to do something so disrespectful to the Dalai Lama, no one would dare to do that. For the Tibetans to do that, they must be very angry. What will happen if the Dalai Lama really goes back to Tibet? Will these people welcome him?

I don't think His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be accepted into the community of the area where a mock statue of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is being thrown into the river. This is considered to be an extreme case already. No Tibetan have the courage to do such disrespectful act in a Tibetan community. No one dares to disrespect His Holiness the Dalai Lama because the repercussion of it is huge!

Just like Dorje Shugden practitioners who was mistakenly taken to be anti-Dalai Lama. Their life is turned upside down because the whole Tibetan community boycotted them. They segregate and discriminate them and practically made it extremely difficult for them to continue to stay in that community. They even denied them basic human necessity or services such as medical services and education.

Tibetans are a race that has no gratitude. They can just boycott whoever that they think is not good for them overnight without a logic reason. His Holiness the Dalai Lama had done so much for Tibet and Tibetans but they can still show such disrespect to His Holiness. Just like Dorje Shugden lamas who helped the Tibetans so much but they can just throw them out overnight.