Author Topic: Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?  (Read 5602 times)

Harold Musetescu

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Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?
« on: July 26, 2017, 07:40:44 PM »
The question is will the Chinese Gov't make the Panchen Lama the "Official Regent" of Tibet for the next 15th Dalai Lama?

The Chinese Gov't has stated that they will chose the next 15th Dalai Lama via the "Golden Urn" method.

So who will they chose to be his Regent?

That easy, since the Panchen Lama is pro Dorje Shugden.

When this 14th Dalai Lama dies there will be two 15th Dalai Lama's.

One boy born in Tibet will be chosen by the Chinese and the other boy born in India will be chosen by the CTA.

The Panchen Lama could ask the two greatest living Dorje Shugden Oracles to assist him in finding the Tibetan boy.

The two Oracles are the Panglung Kuten and the Gameng (Ari) Kuten.

They will find the boy and declare him to be the incarnation of our beloved Drakpa Gyeltsen.

The Panchen Lama and the Chinese Gov't will place Drakpa Gyeltsen incarnation on this throne at the Portala in Lhasa, Tibet.

The Panchen Lama will make Dorje Shugden the new official "State Protector of Tibet".

The Panchen Lama will declare the new "State Oracle of Tibet" is an Oracle of Dorje Shugden.

The pro Dorje Shugden Regent will raise and teach the new 15th Tibetan Dalai Lama.

Hopefully the Panchen Lama will state that Dorje Shugden is now a "Yidam" and create the empowerment and sadhana for all of us to practice.

Is all this to hard to believe?
It just make political sense on the part of the Chinese Gov't.

Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation is the next 15th Dalai Lama.

Dorje Shugden the next "State Protector of Tibet".

The next "State Oracle of Tibet" is a Dorje Shugden Oracle.

Dorje Shugden is now a "Yidam".

Lets ask all the Dorje Shugden Tulku's and Lamas to contact the Panchen Lama and the Chinese Gov't about all this.

The Chinese Gov't can make the Panchen Lama the new "Regent" of Tibet tomorrow.

I know that some of you will want to leave negative comments about me.

Lets just stay on topic and see what you all have to say about the Panchen Lama.

Our future and the future of Tibet could all change with the Panchen Lama.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 05:52:05 PM »
On July 26, 2017 I wrote this article and I posed a question.

"The question is will the Chinese Gov't make the Panchen Lama the "Official Regent" of Tibet for the next 15th Dalai Lama".

Tsem Tulku and the 14th Dalai Lama may have just answered my question.

Tsem Tulku has just written an article on the 14th Dalai Lama "Officially Recognizing" the Chinese 11th Panchen Lama.

That's correct the Chinese 11th Panchen Lama is now being described by the Dalai Lama as the "Official" 11th Panchen Lama.

The Dalai Lama is now stating that there can be "Multiple" emanations of the 11th Panchen Lama.

From Tsem Tulku's article titled "Dalai Lama's sudden change of mind about China-backed Panchen Lama".

"Now the Dalai Lama has stated that he also believes multiple incarnations of one mind is possible, and His Holiness has also endorsed the Chinese-backed Panchen Lama’s education (even praising it)."......
was keen to provide evidence that it is possible even though, as you will notice from the video, there were no related questions that would prompt this information. In fact, this is not the first time there have been two Panchen Lamas. Even in the case of the previous 10th Panchen Lama, it is very well-known that two boys were identified as candidates to occupy the Panchen Lama throne. In the end, both were recognised as reincarnations of the 9th Panchen Lama but only one, the mind emanation, ascended to the throne. The other was recognised as Panchen Otrul, or “emanation of Panchen”.

Does this also mean that with that "Official Recognition" he now also see the Panchen Lama as the "Regent" of Tibet.

The practice has always be that when the Dalai Lama dies the Panchen Lama is the "Spiritual Regent" of Tibet.

Again from Tsem Tulku's article.

Hence his endorsement of the Chinese-backed Panchen Lama is just the latest in a list of concessions he has made and the Tibetans should probably expect more. But what does it mean for the Tibetans and their leadership?

To have a Chinese-backed Panchen Lama means that the identification of the next Dalai Lama would fall under the control of the Chinese government. Tibetans in exile would never follow a Chinese-backed 15th Dalai Lama, leaving them essentially leaderless once the 14th Dalai Lama is gone. It would throw the Tibetan community in exile into turmoil.
With his comments, the Dalai Lama is in effect giving up Tibet’s future. His endorsement of the Chinese-backed Panchen Lama means there will no longer be any opportunity for a Dharamsala-backed Dalai Lama recognised by a Dharamsala-backed Panchen Lama. Without an exiled 15th Dalai Lama, it cements the possibility that there will no longer be a fight for independence or autonomy spearheaded by such a candidate."

Here is the link to Tsem Tulku's article.

The Dalai Lama stated that the boy he chose is living a normal life and receiving an normal education in China.

Here are some quotes from the article.

"Just a few days ago, His Holiness the Dalai Lama made a stunning announcement that has shocked many people. On 25th April 2018, the Dalai Lama said that he knows from “reliable sources” that the 11th Panchen Lama candidate he recognised, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, is alive and well. He also said that the 11th Panchen Lama who was recognised by China, Gyaincain Norbu, is being educated by a good teacher AND that it is possible for two incarnations of a being to exist at the same time.".......

Now the Dalai Lama has stated that he also believes multiple incarnations of one mind is possible, and His Holiness has also endorsed the Chinese-backed Panchen Lama’s education (even praising it)."

My final statement in my first post on this article was the following.


It now appears to be coming true.

Thank you Tsem Tulku for your wonderful article that now gives us so much hope for our future.

If the Dalai Lama can change his mind about the 11th Panchen Lama he can also change his mind about Dorje Shugden.

He can blame it all on the Nechung Oracle.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2018, 07:26:18 PM »
A question must be asked regarding the 14th Dalai Lama and his "Official Recognition" of the Chinese 11th Panchen Lama.

Why did he not criticize the 11th Panchen Lama for his practice of DORJE SHUGDEN?

The Dalai Lama did not condemn the Panchen Lama for his publicly teaching and doing life empowerment ceremonies of Dorje Shugden.


The Dalai Lama is fully aware that  the 11th Panchen Lama's personally practices Dorje Shugden.

He knows that the Chinese Government is pro Dorje Shugden.

If he ever wants to return and visit Tibet he must publicly renounce the ban on Dorje Shugden.

Without that the Chinese Government will never allow the Dalai Lama to ever visit Tibet.

The Dalai Lama and the CTA are both aware of this fact.

He can claim that he received wrong advise for both the Nechung Oracle and the now deceased #3 State Oracle of Tibet who was the  Lamo Tsangpa Oracle.

In the mid 1990's the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle twice publicly condemned Dorje Shugden.

Once for the Dalai Lama and the other time for the CTA.

The Dalai Lama can now publicly state that it was all the fault of the evil spirit NYATRUL (Nyari Tulku).

He can say that the evil spirit NYATRUL took possession of both of these two State Oracles and through them they gave him false advice about Dorje Shugden.

With that public statement the 14th Dalai Lama can now state that anyone can now practice Dorje Shugden.


Harold Musetescu

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Re: Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2018, 09:43:20 PM »
On June 28, 2016 I wrote and article on this site titled  " Will there be Two" 15th Dalai Lama's?".

In it I wrote about a future where the Chinese 15th Dalai Lama and the Chinese 11th Panchen Lama would work together for Dorje Shugden.

What I wrote about almost TWO YEARS AGO maybe like what they teach about on "Karma" and it's "Ripening" be finally happening.

Here is the link.


"We all know that the Chinese Government is pro Dorje Shugden. They have now passed federal laws making it a crime in Tibet to try and stop the teaching of King Dorje Shugden.  A crime to harass or discriminate against the followers of Dorje Shugden. They will actively support the new Tibetan 15th  Dalai Lama in his efforts to spread Dorje Shugden far an wide. The 11th Panchen Lama will join him and they will work together spreading the teachings of Dorje Shugden."


Later in that same article I wrote.


"This evil 14th Dalai Lama and his CTA will never return to Tibet in this life time nor any future life times.

The 15th Tibetan born Dalai Lama will be pro Dorje Shugden.

He will make Dorje Shugden the "State Protector of Tibet".

He will make Dorje Shugden the "State Oracle of Tibet".

He will make Dorje Shugden a "YIDAM".

The 15th Tibetan born Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama will spread Dorje Shugden around the world."




Harold Musetescu

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Re: Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2018, 03:47:09 PM »

On June 28, 2016 and July 26.2017 the Tengyeling Oracle predicted that the 11th Panchen Lama would be the key to our future and the future of Tibet.

From the July 27, 2017 article on this site the Oracle channeled the Dorje Shugden Dharmapala METHAR and he stated.


A full 8 months ago he stated what would change.

Here is the link to that article.

In his article on June 28, 2016 he stated,

“We all know that the Chinese Government is pro Dorje Shugden. They have now passed federal laws making it a crime in Tibet to try and stop the teaching of King Dorje Shugden. A crime to harass or discriminate against the followers of Dorje Shugden. They will actively support the new Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama in his efforts to spread Dorje Shugden far an wide. The 11th Panchen Lama will join him and they will work together spreading the teachings of Dorje Shugden.”

Here is a link to that article.

The Tengyeling Oracle while “channeling” Methar stated that and much much more almost TWO YEARS AGO.

It appears that what the Dorje Shugden Dharmapala Methar has stated through this Oracle is coming true.

Please read these two articles and see the power of fore sight that is possessed by METHAR.


Harold Musetescu

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Re: Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2018, 05:14:14 PM »

Harold Musetescu
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Re: Will there be "TWO" 15th Dalai Lama's ?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2017, 05:36:13 PM »
I have heard that both the CTA and the 14th Dalai Lama are aware that there will be two 15th Dalai Lamas.

They know that the Chinese Government via the "Golden Urn" method of divination will chose their own 15th Dalai Lama. The CTA will chose their own 15th Dalai Lama.

They also know that the Chinese Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama will be pro Dorje Shugden as is the present Panchen Lama.

The CTA and the 14th Dalai Lama fear that everything will be Dorje Shugden with the future Tibetan 15th Dalai Lama. Dorje Shugden as the State Oracle, Dorje Shugden as the State Protector etc. etc..

Two 15th Dalai Lamas, two 17th Karamapas.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Will the Panchen Lama be the Regent of Tibet?
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2018, 06:12:38 AM »

Harold Musetescu
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14TH Dalai Lama fears TWO 15th DALAI LAMAS
« on: December 21, 2017, 09:04:54 PM »
Why is the Dalai Lama now making nice with the Chinese Government?

Why does he want to visit Tibet?

Doe he think the Chinese will forgive and forget all the hateful statements he has made against them?

One theory is that he fears that the Chinese will create their very own 15th Dalai Lama who will be pro Dorje Shugden.

The 14th fears what could happen if there are two 15th Dalai Lamas just as there are two 17th Karmapas.

He knows that he can not defeat the Chinese and now he wants to make nice.

The Chinese will play their masterful games against him.

They will want him to publicly lift his ban on Dorje Shugden.

They will want him to admit that he was totally WRONG in saying Dorje Shugden is evil.

They may even demand that he visit a Dorje Shugden monastery on his visit as a sign of good faith.

The Dorje Shugden Monastery will be the Chinese 11th Panchen Lama's Monastery.

By the Dalai Lama embracing the "Official" 11th Panchen Lama he has endorsed the 11th Panchen Lama's pro Dorje Shugden stance.

The 14th DL knows that the 11th PL is a follower of Dorje Shugden.

The 14th DL knows that the 11th PL teaches and does the Life Empowerment ceremony of Dorje Shugden.


And the 14th DL knows this is what he must do.

if not the doors to Tibet will be forever shut to him.

Long live King Dorje Shugden.

Your victory is now that hand.