Author Topic: Tibet House US is totally out of touch  (Read 19992 times)


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2018, 02:46:11 PM »
Real Dharma teachers or practitioners don't have to associate themselves with anyone to spread Dharma or to benefit people. Robert Thurman knows very well he doesn't really have the quality to attract students or followers. Therefore, he has to be close to the Dalai Lama. The public has the perception that if you are close to the Dalai Lama, you must be a qualified Buddhist master. That is how he becomes qualified as a teacher/expert.

To make his organisation more credible and prestigious, he also associates the Tibet House US and his own business Menla Spa with the Dalai Lama. He will do whatever it takes to make himself wealthier, even if it means openly attacking Dorje Shugden followers. He didn't realise what he is doing is very un-Buddhist and he is ruining his own reputation.

It is really ironic, he wrote a book called Love Your Enemies, it talks about how to replace anger with patience, and the practice of exchanging self-preoccupation for compassion but yet he was so un-compassionate towards Dorje Shugden followers, and there was so much anger in him. Is he not a hypocrite? He is such a goody goody man in front of the public but actually, he is full of anger. Please think twice about going to his meditation program, you might become angrier than finding peace in you.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2018, 07:22:44 AM »
It really mind boggling for me that a Buddhist professor would promote Self-immolation to younger Tibetans and Buddhist, it almost sounds like he is advocating a Tibetan Buddhist Jihad.

As from the start of the immolations till the current times, none of the immolations  have brought about any benefit whatsoever. Quite disturbing that a professor of Buddhism advocates suicides that bring about no results at all.

When he promoted self-immolation, he was smiling and enjoying it. Seriously, we are talking about people's lives here but he didn't even bother to pretend to be serious at that moment. There are so many prominent Buddhist scholars out there, none of them involved in the CTA politics and the unlawful ban of Shugden practice. He is the only one selling it like hot cakes, hire trolls online to attack them and do all he can to be on the Dalai Lama's good book. The logic is simple, his scholarship is fake and he needed the Dalai Lama to sell his books and programmes. Because of this, he goes all the way to hurt Shugden people and work with CTA to attack them. What a bunch of immature lunatics!


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2018, 04:28:41 AM »
Robert Thurman is really a disgusting person. How can he talked about self-immolation with such a light and fun tone. It's definitely not something that should be talked about so lightly or even made a joke out it. Can you imagine what will the parents of those poor souls who self-immolated themselves feel? He is just exactly the same as CTA who glorifies the act. They made those self-immolators look like a national hero which subconsciously telling their people that it is good for u to light yourself on fire and die for the country. What kind of Buddhist Professor is he? He promotes killing and torturing in animals as well.

He owns a spa called Menla which his lackey JustinStoned promotes flyfishing on their official Twitter account to get more business. What happened to compassion and kindness that Buddhism preaches? He has no consciences to use that as a tool to get more business. All he cares for is money and fame and that is why he sticks to H.H Dalai Lama like a bee to honey. He goes around attacking those who do not agree to H.H Dalai Lama's way such as the Shugden Buddhists. He hurls hate speech and racist remarks at them to stop them from telling the truth.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2018, 10:52:31 PM »
One thing for sure, this promotion of fly fishing has not brought more customers to Menla. People who kill will never be interested in doing anything with meditation retreat with Menla, obviously. Thurman and his idiot staff Justin Stone-Diaz tapped into the wrong market and did a disastrous PR for Menla just for the little commision they thought they can get from Esopus Creel. It backfires and now everyone knows Menla promotes killing that is against the fundamental teachings of the Buddha.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2018, 02:09:35 AM »
This killing encouraging workshop in Menla is really horrendous! I hope that people can see that those behind this organisation have nothing to do with Buddhism as they are openly going again the Buddhist refuge vow of not killing!

I mean who will come up with promoting the complete opposite of what you should do? You really have to be completely disregarding your teacher or teachers and only care about yourself and your business. Why do they still hold spiritual workshops and try to look as if you would care??


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2018, 07:08:06 AM »
It should be clear by now that Robert Thurman is using dharma for his business. His favourite boy Justin Stone-Diaz even tweeted to say that there is nothing wrong to fish because the Buddha himself ate meat. He even said Buddha's last meal was some meat dish. This is a clear sign that both Thurman and Stone-Diaz have no respect for the Buddha or His teachings. What they are interested in is how to exploit the dharma for their personal gains.

There's is no real spirituality that takes place at Menla too! All activities and programs there are for people who only want to feel good for a few days without efforts to transform or change their negative habits. This is why you see them do yoga, massage, exercise that focus on looking good on the outside, which again is against the fundamental teachings of the Buddha to detach our body - the biggest traitor of our life!

This killing encouraging workshop in Menla is really horrendous! I hope that people can see that those behind this organisation have nothing to do with Buddhism as they are openly going again the Buddhist refuge vow of not killing!

I mean who will come up with promoting the complete opposite of what you should do? You really have to be completely disregarding your teacher or teachers and only care about yourself and your business. Why do they still hold spiritual workshops and try to look as if you would care??


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2018, 09:40:25 AM »
We have to remember that Robert Thurman always links the Tibet House US with his own business Menla Dewa Spa. It is not clear now whether it is the spa that is supporting Tibet House US or vice versa. What is amazing, on the one hand, he always draws a close relationship between Menla Dewa Spa and the practice of Buddhism. On the other hand, he encourages the visitors to Menla Dewa Spa to do fly fishing.

He is one Buddhist professor.

The following is the evidence of how Bob Thurman try to link his spa business with the Tibet Cause


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2018, 06:24:06 AM »
It is so embarrassing for Thurman, the man of the Dalai Lama in US. He is obviously only peripherally interested in Buddhism - my guess: to be close to the Dalai Lama and by doing so attracting more people to buy his books and - to get more business for Dewa Menla Spa and TibetHouse US. As Michaela shared, Thurman also encourages the killing of animals for sport and fun in his centres, what the heck!!.

He has really no scruple and makes anything for money. 


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2018, 01:57:11 AM »
Robert Thurman and his anti-China rhetoric, pathetic and outdated. Anything he didn't like, it is fake news. Washington Post now delivers fake news because they have published a negative news about the Dalai Lama. He cannot accept fact because it is negative. It is clear to us now that the biggest contribution of the Dalai Lama's man in the US for the dying Tibet cause is to troll Shugden people, promote killing endangered species, associated with Tibetan lamas who sexually abuse their students and sings his anti-China rhetoric. These tricks help he sells his books and maintain his Menla Dewa Spa and Tibet House US.

Robert Thurman is nothing but a greedy and selfish businessman who sell dharma for his own comfort and enjoyment in addition to all the negative actions he does to garner limelight and fame. Buddhism dies because of people like him!


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2018, 04:46:18 AM »
If Robert Thurman is a real Buddhist, a spiritual person, he should not get involved in the politics. I am surprised to see his tweets. It is full of anger and very political.

Is he an activist or what? He keeps condemning China and put China down. He has set a very bad example for people who wants to practice to become and real Buddhist. A spiritual person will not make baseless accusations, what proof does he have to say China is spreading the fake news?

If he represents the Dalai Lama in the west, he should always promote peace and harmony. What he is doing is creating tension and conflict, he is not trying to bring harmony. I am quite disappointed with him. I think he is not qualified to call an expert in Tibetan Buddhism, he is just an opportunist.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2018, 05:02:18 AM »
Robert Thurman and his anti-China rhetoric, pathetic and outdated. Anything he didn't like, it is fake news. Washington Post now delivers fake news because they have published a negative news about the Dalai Lama. He cannot accept fact because it is negative. It is clear to us now that the biggest contribution of the Dalai Lama's man in the US for the dying Tibet cause is to troll Shugden people, promote killing endangered species, associated with Tibetan lamas who sexually abuse their students and sings his anti-China rhetoric. These tricks help he sells his books and maintain his Menla Dewa Spa and Tibet House US.

Robert Thurman is nothing but a greedy and selfish businessman who sell dharma for his own comfort and enjoyment in addition to all the negative actions he does to garner limelight and fame. Buddhism dies because of people like him!

You are right, Robert Thurman is not a very logical person. If he gets upset with the things he doesn't like, he will tweet about it with anger. Did he have bad experience with China before? Why he is so angry with China?

I think like the CTA, he has received some money from some politicians to undermine China. It looks like his job is to spread hatred. It is so ironic, he always tweets about his talk on compassion and love and then at the same time he tweets negative things about China with anger.

It seems like Robert Thurman should go to an anger management class, he cannot be the facilitator though because he cannot control his anger. I wonder what he meditates every day? Compassion and love or hatred? People who register to his class should think twice, the world will not become better with more Buddhists like him.