Author Topic: Tsem Tulku publicly states that the Dalai Lama RUNS the CTA  (Read 3129 times)

Harold Musetescu

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His Eminence Tsem Tulku has stated that it is the Dalai Lama that RUNS the CTA.

Here is a link to an article Tsem Tulku wrote on his website on June 5, 2018.

It is titled "The 4th Zhabdrung Rinpoche of Bhutan and Dorje Shugden".

In his article Tsem Tulku states,

The Tibetan leadership is no stranger to painting a misleading picture of what really goes on in their community. For example, they claim to be a democracy but behind the scenes, everyone knows that HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA CONTINUES TO OPERATE WITH ABSOLUTE CONTROL OVER THE GOVERNMENT, despite claiming to have given up secular power.

His Eminence Tsem Tulku has publicly stated what I have be arguing about on many posts that the CTA are in fact the "Puppets" of their "Puppet Master" the Dalai Lama.

I have argued with many other members of this website to stop making the CTA the "Bad Guys" when the CTA takes their "Orders" from the Dalai Lama.

What Tsem Tulku has stated shows that the Dalai Lama "Was", "Is Now" and will continue "To Be" the "Sole" cause of all the sufferings of we the followers of King Dorje Shugden.

I think it is time for us to stopping writing stories and comments that blaming "Just" the CTA for all our problems.

Tsem Tulku has now shown that this "View" is a "Wrong View".

Thank you Your Eminence Tsem Tulku for showing to the world that my "View" about the Dalai Lama and his "ABSOLUTE CONTROL" over the CTA was and is the CORRECT view.

I pray for the long life and health of His Eminence Tsem Tulku.