Author Topic: Letter to Robert A. F. Thurman by Shamar Rinpoche  (Read 13216 times)


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Re: Letter to Robert A. F. Thurman by Shamar Rinpoche
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2019, 08:49:20 AM »
Doesn't Robert Thurman have anything to say with regards to the Karmapa's scandal? He always likes to criticise and thinks he is the authority, why is he keeping quiet like the CTA now? Very clearly, Robert Thurman is paid by the CTA to help them execute their evil plan, Robert Thurman will not do anything until the CTA asks him to.

It is so sad that someone has to use the name of Dharma and high lama to gain fame, power and wealth. He has the connection to so many high lamas, if he really studies and practices, he could have been someone very beneficial to people. He could have been like Lama Ole Nydahl who is not an ordained monk but has opened so many Dharma centers and given so many Dharma teachings to change people's life.

It does not matter if we are a Sangha or a layperson. If we practice Dharma sincerely and transform into a better person, people will gain their faith in Dharma too. We must have the correct motivation when we deal with people. Never be selfish but always think what benefit can we give to someone.

For the past 60 years, the CTA has not groomed any good talents in the Tibetan community. What they have found and made friends with are talents like Lama Tseta and Tenzin Peljor who lie to get money, Robert Thurman who leeches on the Dalai Lama's fame to make himself famous, Buddhist teachers who sexually abused their students, etc. These people are helping the CTA to destroy other people's lives and to create problems for others.

Robert Thurman is famous for wanting to hire hackers to attack Dorje Shugden followers on social media. He also spreads hate speech and lies to try to destroy Dorje Shugden followers. Even though he claims he is a Buddhist, but he does not believe in karma. If he does, he will not continue to do what he has been doing.

It is sad that some people have access to the most respected Buddhist master such as the Dalai Lama but they are not able to really practice Dharma. They love to listen to Dharma but not practising it. Robert Thurman could have had lots of realisations but since his motivation is not right, he cannot progress in his spiritual practice.

Robert Thurman main goal in life is to get famous and praises. That is why he sticks so close to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to get him to endorse his book. It is effortless to see that he is not a true Dharma practitioner because of his actions. When someone disagrees with him online, he will react very barbarically by start attacking that person, and he even hires online trolls to attack that person that he does not like.

An example will be Dorje Shugden practitioners. He is famous for hiring trolls online to tweet racist and vulgar to Dorje Shugden practitioners and attack them. As if that is not enough, he even tried to hire hackers publicly to hack Dorje Shugden people's account. What kind of Buddhist professor does that?

He represents His Holiness the Dalai Lama very poorly while fooling those who are not familiar into thinking he is a great Buddhist master. It is a shame that the people around His Holiness the Dalai Lama will act in such a way that will put Buddhism down.