Author Topic: Hey Lobsang Sangye and Tibetan govt, how come you are not at G20 Meeting 2018??  (Read 15023 times)


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Lobsang Sangay is just a small president of a union, not a country. Honestly, we cannot really call the CTA a government, how many people are under their governance? What are the things they have done to help the Tibetans in exile? After 60 years, many Tibetans in exile are still living in poverty. They don't have a future, Lobsang Sangay wants the Tibetans to wait for another 50 years before the CTA frees Tibet. How ridiculous is that?

I remember frustrated Tibetans making comments about this matter, especially the part about Lobsang Sangay is the President of a union now. One particular comment said that Lobsang Sangay is the president of the Taxi Union  ;D


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I remember frustrated Tibetans making comments about this matter, especially the part about Lobsang Sangay is the President of a union now. One particular comment said that Lobsang Sangay is the president of the Taxi Union  ;D

It's very sad because even Tibetans cannot put up with Lobsang Sangay anymore. Such bad leadership that further creates disharmony. When will Lobsang Sangay learn this?


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Lobsang Sangye is the worst 'leader' from the exiled community of Tibetans. But unfortunately they don't have much choice as there are not any or many other choices. The Tibetan community do not produce world leaders in their secular education. They just want money and for FREE.

That is their own creation. Why do they not educate their people well and produces leaders? Every country in the world does that, but why only the Central Tibetan Administration have horrible leaders or not have leaders at all?


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For 60 years, CTA and the Tibetans in exile still remain the same as refugees in India. They are not doing anything to get out of their situation but simply remained stagnant. They are still hoping that one magical day that they all will be able to return to an independent and free Tibet. However, that day will not come and all they have is a failed cause.

CTA had wasted so much time and now there is no chance for them to get Tibet back. China will never give Tibet back to them after all that was being invested in Tibet. Actually, Tibet is in better condition under China's ruling. Tibet is actually progressing and Tibetans have a better prospect of a much better future compared to the past. I even heard that China will be able to totally eradicate poverty in Tibet in a few years' time. These are all the things that the Tibetan government will never be able to do.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 05:41:22 AM by Vajraprotector »


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Lobsang Sangye is the worst 'leader' from the exiled community of Tibetans. But unfortunately they don't have much choice as there are not any or many other choices. The Tibetan community do not produce world leaders in their secular education. They just want money and for FREE.

The Tibetans do have a choice - Penpa Tsering. But look at what Lobsang Sangay did to eliminate competition? :'( That's why there was a huge protest in Dharamsala AGAINST their own Tibetan leadership, this is the first time Tibetans were protesting against Tibetans in Dharamsala. Lobsang Sangay really creates history  :-\

Do you remember Dicki Chhoyang resigned as the Kalon (Minister) of the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration? Even people selected by Lobsang Sangay to help him has decided to quit on him. Says a lot about a person  8)


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Do you remember Dicki Chhoyang resigned as the Kalon (Minister) of the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration? Even people selected by Lobsang Sangay to help him has decided to quit on him. Says a lot about a person  8)

I think many people do remember and Dicki made it clear that she will vote for Penpa Tsering. In her speech, she said that,
'There is no doubt in my mind that the Central Tibetan Administration, under the right leadership, will represent and further the interest of Tibet and Tibetans.'

It is obvious she is trying to be diplomatically correct, but really the underlying message is that the current leadership is NOT "the right leadership" .


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That is their own creation. Why do they not educate their people well and produces leaders? Every country in the world does that, but why only the Central Tibetan Administration have horrible leaders or not have leaders at all?

Because they do not have quality people. Many good Tibetans have left for Europe, USA and other countries. I remember what Dicki Choyang said in her speech about the ideal Sikyong candidate, which we all knew Lobsang Sangay is not.

Below are some personal character traits which I consider important for this person to have:

    Committed to the collective interest — A Sikyong should be a person whose motivation and dedication to the collective interest is beyond question.

    Someone who can think holistically and with a long-term vision.
Honest — Who will tell the truth, answer questions directly and be transparent.

    A team player — A person who can bring the best in other people through collaboration, mutual support, guidance and encouragement.

    Value substance over appearance — Someone who will understand that having depth is more important than external appearance.

    Respectful of others — An individual who will give due credit to colleagues and those who served before him/her.

    Humble — To not be boastful and have the ability to recognize one’s knowledge and skills limitations, to consult with others and listen to advice.

    Confident — Have the confidence to stand on one’s own merit and not refer to praise from respected leaders like H.H. the Dalai Lama and Samdhong Rinpoche as a crutch to gain public trust and respect.

    Who can rise above regionalism — Someone who will rise above traditional sources of community tension such as regionalism and not exploit it for personal gain such as electoral votes.


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I think many people do remember and Dicki made it clear that she will vote for Penpa Tsering. In her speech, she said that,
'There is no doubt in my mind that the Central Tibetan Administration, under the right leadership, will represent and further the interest of Tibet and Tibetans.'

It is obvious she is trying to be diplomatically correct, but really the underlying message is that the current leadership is NOT "the right leadership" .

If the CTA is the right leadership, the Tibetans will not suffer so so many years. The CTA only give suffering to people, more than 150 people had died of self-immolation because the CTA encourages it. Tibetans always fight with each together because the CTA created many conflicts such as the Dorje Shugden ban, the 2 Karmapas, 2 Panchen Lamas, 2 Kundeling Rinpoches, 2 Domo Geshe Rinpoches, etc. How can a government that creates conflicts and disharmony be a good government? If there is "The Worst Government in the World" award given by the G20 Meeting committee, I believe the CTA will be invited because they will be the winner of the award.


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Do you remember Dicki Chhoyang resigned as the Kalon (Minister) of the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration? Even people selected by Lobsang Sangay to help him has decided to quit on him. Says a lot about a person  8)

I really liked Dicky Chhoyang. She's educated, elegant, polite etc - these are the qualities of a real Kalon, which unfortunately ot all Kalon possess. She quitting on Lobsang Sangay is a big deal, just shows you how incapable Lo0bsang Sangay is   8).
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 04:01:17 AM by Vajraprotector »


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If the CTA is the right leadership, the Tibetans will not suffer so so many years.

Your one liner is a classic. It totally reflects the truth. It's not that Tibetans do not want to be free, but rather the Tibetan leadership is not doing the right thing or leading the Tibetans in the right way to get it. Very sad indeed.


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Lobsang Sangay is not qualified to be in the meeting for sure. He has no quality that matches the objective of the meeting. He is not a qualified leader and he should just stay back in the lousy CTA office and eat momos. Momos are delicious but they do not make one a qualified leader!


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Lobsang Sangay is not qualified to be in the meeting for sure. He has no quality that matches the objective of the meeting. He is not a qualified leader and he should just stay back in the lousy CTA office and eat momos. Momos are delicious but they do not make one a qualified leader!

No one in the CTA is capable, even the person who has the best qualification i.e. Lobsang Sangay is useless. Lobsang Sangay may have a qualification from the Havard University but he does not have the quality of a leader. His paper qualification does not make him a good leader automatically.

The motivation of Lobsang Sangay to be the president of the CTA is to make money. He has got himself some properties in the US and a passport. He does not have to work hard but still getting his paycheck every month. All he needs to do is to pretend he is a political victim and how much the Tibetans have suffered. Lobsang Sangay is a good actor, but definitely not a good leader.

The CTA will never be in the G20 meeting. They have not proven themselves to be a successful leader. For the past 60 years, they have been fighting for the freedom of Tibet but there is no result, there is no progress. If they want to be invited to the G20 meeting unless they have proven themselves to be more capable than China.


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No one in the CTA is capable, even the person who has the best qualification i.e. Lobsang Sangay is useless. Lobsang Sangay may have a qualification from the Havard University but he does not have the quality of a leader. His paper qualification does not make him a good leader automatically.

The motivation of Lobsang Sangay to be the president of the CTA is to make money. He has got himself some properties in the US and a passport. He does not have to work hard but still getting his paycheck every month. All he needs to do is to pretend he is a political victim and how much the Tibetans have suffered. Lobsang Sangay is a good actor, but definitely not a good leader.

The CTA will never be in the G20 meeting. They have not proven themselves to be a successful leader. For the past 60 years, they have been fighting for the freedom of Tibet but there is no result, there is no progress. If they want to be invited to the G20 meeting unless they have proven themselves to be more capable than China.

CTA can forget about ever getting into that meeting. Why do they want to be in that meeting in that first place? There is no purpose for them to be at that meeting. The first thing they need to do is to solve their internal problems such as Tibetans who are self-immolating and the drastic drop of Tibetan children in Tibetan schools.

They have so much problem on their plate which they could not solve. Lobsang Sangay is not doing an excellent job as the president, and he is also one of the issues. He has been the president of CTA for years now, and there is still no progress on the Tibetan cause. He is supposed to bring Tibetans back to Tibet under China, but he is running around telling the whole world about how bad China is.

At this rate, China will never let Tibetans go back to Tibet smoothly and even if they do, CTA is certainly not included in part of the Tibetans that will be going back to Tibet. No matter how many years Lobsang Sangay extends the Tibetan cause, they will never work out.