Author Topic: A movie on King Shugden is coming out! Write to them and support them!  (Read 4912 times)


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A movie on King Dorje Shugden is coming out!!!

Write to them and support them. We want this movie very much!!

Does anyone know when it completes??


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Does anyone have any more information about this movie? I have been checking their website from time to time but there arent many updates. I'm sure you guys are busy filming and that the secrecy of your identities is paramount. But if you're reading this, please do drop us a juicy tidbit here and there!

Seriously though, this movie will reach out again to a whole lot more people to educate them about Lord Shugden. How many movies about wars, diseases (think AIDS) have been filmed which have resulted in a complete turnabout in public perception? This movie can and WILL do the same.


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Dear Dorje Shugden Movie fans,

Thank you for your interest in Dorje Shugden the movie. I am one of the administrators of the Facebook for the movie and this is our latest update below with pictures! We currently have 96 fans on our facebook so if you are on facebook, please join us at:!/pages/Dorje-Shugden-Movie/171386323747

Thank you for your support! :)

Hello everyone,

it is wonderful to see more and more people becoming „fans“ of our little page here. Even though we have the blog on our web site, we wanted to give you a short glimpse into the process and progress. For over a year now the five of us are constantly working to realize this project. We were talking to Lamas and Geshes, doing research on the topic, finding locations ..there is so much to know about Dorje Shugden you cannot imagine.

On the other hand now is the time to start caring about the financial necessities. Related to this, we are currently working on an updated version of the already existing sponsors booklet, which contains a storyboard, some information on the actual team, as well as a detailed listing of the expenses. We get lots of e-mail of people asking, how they could possibly support this project. First of all, thank you for your offer and of course there are many options ;) Maybe it seems boring, but a huge support can be provided by simply sponsoring. Another way could be to raise awareness, for example, making this site an interactive, interesting place, so feel free to take part and get creative.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Dear Dorje Shugden Movie fans,

Thank you for your interest in Dorje Shugden the movie. I am one of the administrators of the Facebook for the movie and this is our latest update below with pictures! We currently have 96 fans on our facebook so if you are on facebook, please join us at:!/pages/Dorje-Shugden-Movie/171386323747

Hi WisdomBeing, any insider info on when this movie is coming out? What's reported doesn't show any timelines...
sorry...about anxious :) I'll be sure to join as a fan.


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Dear DS Friend,

I'm afraid I don't have any news on timelines yet. All the news I have are as posted and I will be very happy to update as soon as I know myself. I am not one of the five main people involved - there is some level of privacy going on because they are going to be shooting soon and there are still some issues that need to be resolved.I think once the shooting is completed, it'll be easier to gauge when the movie will be out. In the meantime, I'm sitting here biting my fingers :)

Thank you for your interest though. The Dorje Shugden Movie group will feel encouraged.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being