Author Topic: Tibetan govt MP Tenpa Yarphel says to stop segregating Shugden people!  (Read 31731 times)


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This article is so powerful! For the first time a member of parliament of the Tibetan government in exile in Dharamsala (N. India) is telling the Tibetans that they should stop alienating other Tibetans because they practice Dorje Shugden!! You heard right!

He asks the parliamentarians to think if the ban against Shugden followers united Tibetans more or harmed them more? Naturally it harmed Tibetan unity much more.

He can see after 20 years of observation since the ban started, it has brought no benefits or rewards to the Tibetan communities.

He is asking Tibetans to unite. To stop segregating the Dorje Shugden followers from mainstream Tibetans! Tibetans are so few in numbers and we need to stop scattering them further with wrong religious bans. All Tibetans must unite to preserve their culture.

Read this powerful article and see the video of MP Tenpa Yarphel speaking:

Tibetans are calling him a hero, brave and true patriot because he wants to unite all Tibetans into one people and no more segregation! Tibetans are Tibetans no matter what religion they practice.

Photo: Member of Tibetan parliament in exile Tenpa Yarphel representing Kagyu school of Buddhism


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Too bad! No leader of any powerful country will meet Dalai Lama anymore! Tibetan leaders' corruption lost their country in 1959 and since then they couldn't secure their country back!

Majority of global political leaders will not meet the Dalai Lama anymore. They finally realize it is a waste of time to meet him and it does not help their national economies. Too bad for Tibetan movement. It's going down because Tibetan leaders are not good at strategy/corrupt/narrow-minded/greedy and therefore did not negotiate with China and now it's too late. China is a global super power now! Tibet is a part of China. Too bad. The karma of the Tibetan leaders return to them now for their segregating Dorje Shugden people illegally for 20 years. Now everyone in the world who has power is separating from Tibetan leaders. How does it feel now? It's time to apologize to Dorje Shugden and make peace before it's too late. Repair your karma now!

-Utsang Nyima


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Its really high time, that Tibetan MP's would do their job, and Tenpa Yarphel is certainly doing his job.

If tibetan MP's only talk and speak things they know will please Gyalwa Rinpoche or so they can remain in his good books. Tibetan people and government in exile have no future.

The Dorje Shudgen ban does not benefit anyone, and everybody knows it.


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Its really high time, that Tibetan MP's would do their job, and Tenpa Yarphel is certainly doing his job.

If Tibetan MP's only talk and speak things they know will please Gyalwa Rinpoche or so they can remain in his good books. Tibetan people and government in exile have no future.

The Dorje Shugden ban does not benefit anyone, and everybody knows it.

Politicians like Tenpa Yarphel gives hope to the Tibetans. These politicians are beneficial to the government and the public because they really work for the benefit of the public and not for their own good. Everyone can see that the Dorje Shugden ban had such a detrimental effect on the Tibetan community as well as the spiritual community all over the world.

The ban does not serve its purpose and it does more harm than good. There is really no reason to continue to impose the ban as it only creates more problems. Any wise politician who prioritizes the public's welfare will be able to see this. The ban has been on-going for 20 years now and no politician ever oppose the ban despite the obvious harm that it is causing.

Hence, we know that most politicians in the Tibetan government are only fighting for their own benefit or they are too scared to stand up for the public. They rather be a coward and go with the flow in order to protect themselves. Tibet will never be an independent country with this kind of leaders.


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Leaders meet because there are mutual benefits. They meet for the growth of their countries' economy. They meet to make deals for their nations' security. They strike deals of millions for their countries. The list goes on.

When leaders meet with the CTA, they have to give and give and give WITHOUT getting anything in return. When they meet with the CTA, China will stop associating with those leaders, stop all investments in their countries and stop all developments in split seconds. In the end, not only did CTA manage to mooch off those leaders, their countries' economy will be badly affected without the Chinese' support.

So, what is the smart thing to do?

Too bad! No leader of any powerful country will meet Dalai Lama anymore! Tibetan leaders' corruption lost their country in 1959 and since then they couldn't secure their country back!

Majority of global political leaders will not meet the Dalai Lama anymore. They finally realize it is a waste of time to meet him and it does not help their national economies. Too bad for Tibetan movement. It's going down because Tibetan leaders are not good at strategy/corrupt/narrow-minded/greedy and therefore did not negotiate with China and now it's too late. China is a global super power now! Tibet is a part of China. Too bad. The karma of the Tibetan leaders return to them now for their segregating Dorje Shugden people illegally for 20 years. Now everyone in the world who has power is separating from Tibetan leaders. How does it feel now? It's time to apologize to Dorje Shugden and make peace before it's too late. Repair your karma now!

-Utsang Nyima


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Too bad! No leader of any powerful country will meet Dalai Lama anymore! Tibetan leaders' corruption lost their country in 1959 and since then they couldn't secure their country back!

Majority of global political leaders will not meet the Dalai Lama anymore. They finally realize it is a waste of time to meet him and it does not help their national economies. Too bad for Tibetan movement. It's going down because Tibetan leaders are not good at strategy/corrupt/narrow-minded/greedy and therefore did not negotiate with China and now it's too late. China is a global super power now! Tibet is a part of China. Too bad. The karma of the Tibetan leaders return to them now for their segregating Dorje Shugden people illegally for 20 years. Now everyone in the world who has power is separating from Tibetan leaders. How does it feel now? It's time to apologize to Dorje Shugden and make peace before it's too late. Repair your karma now!

-Utsang Nyima

Not only is it a complete waste of time to meet the Dalai Lama and the so called 'President' Lobsang Sangay, it is absolutely counter-productive. It sends a signal out to China that the country that the statesman represents is against China.

If anyone thinks this is neurotic and childish, then its the same as how the Dalai Lama and CTA regarded anyone who befriended Dorje Shugden practitioners. As the the Tibetan writer Jamyang Norbu discovered, the CTA made it illegal to even have friends with Dorje Shugden believers.

Indeed this is the CTA's karma returning.

I hope Tenpa Yarphel will find support amongst his peers but as Shashi Kei wrote, the Dalai Lama will probably punish him for speaking up. That's how it works in the Tibetn leadership. The state the Tibetan refugees are in is the direct result of the CTA's misconduct.

I wonder if the Tibetan people feel that the Dalai Lama is above the law of karma?


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Too bad! No leader of any powerful country will meet Dalai Lama anymore! Tibetan leaders' corruption lost their country in 1959 and since then they couldn't secure their country back!

Majority of global political leaders will not meet the Dalai Lama anymore. They finally realise it is a waste of time to meet him and it does not help their national economies. Too bad for Tibetan movement. It's going down because Tibetan leaders are not good at strategy/corrupt/narrow-minded/greedy and therefore did not negotiate with China and now it's too late. China is a global superpower now! Tibet is a part of China. Too bad. The karma of the Tibetan leaders returns to them now for their segregating Dorje Shugden people illegally for 20 years. Now everyone in the world who has power is separating from Tibetan leaders. How does it feel now? It's time to apologise to Dorje Shugden and make peace before it's too late. Repair your karma now!

-Utsang Nyima

Not only is it a complete waste of time to meet the Dalai Lama and the so-called 'President' Lobsang Sangay, but it is also absolutely counter-productive. It sends a signal out to China that the country that the statesman represents is against China.

If anyone thinks this is neurotic and childish, then its the same as how the Dalai Lama and CTA regarded anyone who befriended Dorje Shugden practitioners. As the Tibetan writer Jamyang Norbu discovered, the CTA made it illegal even to have friends with Dorje Shugden believers.

Indeed this is the CTA's karma returning.

I hope Tenpa Yarphel will find support amongst his peers but as Shashi Kei wrote, the Dalai Lama will probably punish him for speaking up. That's how it works in the Tibetn leadership. The state the Tibetan refugees are in is the direct result of the CTA's misconduct.

I wonder if the Tibetan people feel that the Dalai Lama is above the law of karma?

To Tibetans, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the god-king of Tibet. The CTA tells everyone that they are a democratic government while in reality, it is not. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has the absolute power over secular and spiritual matters in the Tibetan community, and no one can disagree or oppose what he says. The consequence of that is discrimination and segregation by the community who supports His Holiness.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is definitely above the law, and even those who are near to him will automatically enjoy the same privilege as well. Look at Sogyal who sexually abused his students. He is a free man until now, and there is nothing they can do to him. His nasty activities are rumoured to be over a few decades and authorities ignored the rumours because he is close to His Holiness at that time.

Hence, we can see from this example that there is no real freedom of speech in the Tibetan community. That is why Tenpa Yarphel is considered a courageous man who dares to speak against the Dorje Shugden ban.


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Finally, someone in the CTA is not delusional and is worried about the future of the Tibetans. There should be more Tenpa Yarphel in the Tibetan community who can see what is really happening. Someone who is able to identify the root cause of a problem without being bias.

The real reason the Free Tibet movement failed is due to the disharmony and disunity within the Tibetan community. Tenpa Yarphel clearly sees it that is why he asked to not use Dorje Shugden to create distraction anymore. The CTA has to work towards bringing peace and harmony in order to progress.

After the CTA and the Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet, Tibet has actually changed for better and progressed with time than becoming worse. Unfortunately, the Tibetans in exile are still struggling, life has not improved much and they don't know if Tibet is ever going to be free. They are still refugees who don't have a place called home and they don't know what their future is.


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Finally, someone in the CTA is not delusional and is worried about the future of the Tibetans. There should be more Tenpa Yarphel in the Tibetan community who can see what is really happening. Someone who is able to identify the root cause of a problem without being bias.

The real reason the Free Tibet movement failed is due to the disharmony and disunity within the Tibetan community. Tenpa Yarphel clearly sees it that is why he asked to not use Dorje Shugden to create distraction anymore. The CTA has to work towards bringing peace and harmony in order to progress.

After the CTA and the Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet, Tibet has actually changed for better and progressed with time than becoming worse. Unfortunately, the Tibetans in exile are still struggling, life has not improved much and they don't know if Tibet is ever going to be free. They are still refugees who don't have a place called home and they don't know what their future is.

Tenpa Yarphel is a courageous politician that fights for the welfare of the people. He can know that there are a lot of Tibetans who are suffering from the ban and it is not doing any good for the future of Tibetans if the ban persists. He is courageous because he dares to voice out his opinion.

It is very dangerous to have an opinion that does not conform to His Holiness the Dalai Lama's wishes. Many politicians in the past had done that, and the consequences were ugly. However, things have changed now, and it seems like people are braver to speak their mind instead of hiding in the dark to save themselves.

I sincerely hope that this will go on and not stop with MP Tenpa Yarphel. Tibetan leadership is in need of people like this that fights for the people's welfare. Such MP is hard to come by in the Tibetan government. If Tibetans want to have a change in their future, they need to have new politicians like Tenpa Yarpehl for sure.

Tenzin K

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It’s very true that why alienate your own people just because every individual has their practice from their Guru? Why use such immature and ridiculous reasoning to ban a protector practice? Why the Tibetan leadership come down so hard on your own people choice of right? In fact, if the Tibetan leadership use the same amount of effort and resource to work out the relationship with the Chinese I strongly believe that by now something good would have achieved or at very least the Tibetan leadership don’t have to spend such resources for such an unnecessary ban. Really, at this modern time every leader of the country very particular in harmony and peace. No segregation to be tolerated as it will bring disaster for the country. But In the Tibetan leadership case, it’s very funny that after losing your country and you still want to separate and create more suffering for your people just because of you a protector practice??? OK….Tibetan leadership had banned the practice for 20 years now, so has Tibetan cause been achieved? Can the Tibetan in India or all over the world go back to their homeland? Or not WHY??? The Tibetan leadership already ban it for so long and what is the result?

The world should examine this strongly and question the Tibetan leadership as this is not just a ban about spiritual but it’s totally violating human rights and religious freedom.


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Re: Tibetan govt MP Tenpa Yarphel says to stop segregating Shugden people!
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2019, 03:42:38 PM »
It’s very true that why alienate your own people just because every individual has their practice from their Guru? Why use such immature and ridiculous reasoning to ban a protector practice? Why the Tibetan leadership come down so hard on your own people choice of right? In fact, if the Tibetan leadership use the same amount of effort and resource to work out the relationship with the Chinese I strongly believe that by now something good would have achieved or at very least the Tibetan leadership don’t have to spend such resources for such an unnecessary ban. Really, at this modern time every leader of the country very particular in harmony and peace. No segregation to be tolerated as it will bring disaster for the country. But In the Tibetan leadership case, it’s very funny that after losing your country and you still want to separate and create more suffering for your people just because of you a protector practice??? OK….Tibetan leadership had banned the practice for 20 years now, so has Tibetan cause been achieved? Can the Tibetan in India or all over the world go back to their homeland? Or not WHY??? The Tibetan leadership already ban it for so long and what is the result?

The world should examine this strongly and question the Tibetan leadership as this is not just a ban about spiritual but it’s totally violating human rights and religious freedom.

Yes, I agree with you. Dorje Shugden ban had been around for over 20 years now and if the Tibetan government should be able to do achieve whatever goals that they want to achieve since they accused Dorje Shugden of being the cause of them to fail. Now that 20 years had passed, what did they manage to achieve anything?

They said Dorje Shugden is the cause for the Tibetan cause to fail and now without Dorje Shugden's interference, the Tibetan leadership is still unable to fight for a free Tibet. They can't even make any progress with China and that is why Dorje Shugden is proven to be not what they claim it is. They just use him as an excuse for their failure and hope that no one will notice.

However, Tibetans are not stupid and they will not take this anymore. Many of them have started to look for ways for them to escape their current situation. They can join India as a citizen, go back to Tibet under China or go overseas and be a refugee in those countries. Any of the options above is better than staying in Tibetan settlements.

Tenzin K

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Tenpa Yarphel is questioning from the practicality side of the action and reviewing to see if the ban does benefit as it was said before. Why he review this? it's simply because of the Dorje Shugden ban causes so much suffering and created separation. This is a negative move to make Tibetan weaker. That 's why the action needs to review.


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Tenpa Yarphel is questioning from the practicality side of the action and reviewing to see if the ban does benefit as it was said before. Why he review this? it's simply because of the Dorje Shugden ban causes so much suffering and created separation. This is a negative move to make Tibetan weaker. That's why the action needs to review.

Tenpa Yarphel is right. Dorje Shugden ban does not benefit anyone in the community, and it created a lot of unnecessary suffering. It has been used as a weapon for people to target each other, and it became a political issue instead of a religious issue.

This ban is not beneficial for the growth of the Tibetan community. The only party that it benefits is CTA when they use the ban as an excuse to attack people that threaten their position and power.

Since CTA told the whole world that they are a democratic body, they should adhere to the constitution of democracy, which clearly states that anyone can have their religion without being persecuted. Hence, Dorje Shugden practitioners should be able to do their practice without the fear of being caught and punished.


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Re: Tibetan govt MP Tenpa Yarphel says to stop segregating Shugden people!
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2019, 10:12:21 AM »
Tenpa Yarphel is questioning from the practicality side of the action and reviewing to see if the ban does benefit as it was said before. Why he review this? it's simply because of the Dorje Shugden ban causes so much suffering and created separation. This is a negative move to make Tibetan weaker. That 's why the action needs to review.
Dorje Shugden ban brings no benefit to the Tibetans or the free Tibet movement. The ban only breaks the Tibetan community and the Buddhist community apart, creates more conflicts and mistrust among people. Without harmony and unity, how to make the free Tibet movement a successful one? There is no wonder after 60 years, the CTA is still struggling to fight to free Tibet.