Author Topic: very nice applique tangkha on a website  (Read 12912 times)


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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2012, 05:01:59 PM »
If this is the case that Dorje Shugden practice is dying off then what do you call this???

Chatring Samphel Ling Monastery,

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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2012, 10:22:19 PM »
Hi Tenzin Gyatso,

If DS lineage is dying, why the famous Shar Gaden is building the new school and hostel for monks, do you think they really have so much of money that nowhere to go ? If DS lineage is dying, why Trijang Rinpoche still visit Monglia ( not long ago?) What about Geshe Wachuk that gave DS initiation to thousands of people? If DS lineage is dying, why Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and all DS lama in the world still taking rebirth and come back to us ? All DS lamas should die off too if their practice can’t even protect them, don’t you think so ? The point is no matter what people said about DS, we all know that DS supporters have strong faith towards their gurus  and practice, and they never let go of their promise.


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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2012, 04:16:55 AM »

And it is really hilarious is 90% of the world does not even care about the ban and controversy. I think they have far more global issues to think about and people are more concern like about their economy and their own lives and how to stay in balance with it all. The one thing good that came out of this ban is that more and more people got to hear and see and read about Dorje Shugden. Whether or not they care is a different story but at least by one glance of an ENlightened image it is said that the seed is planted in them which is not bad I must say.

It's more like the rest of the world has more pressing issues than just Tibet's independence from China (Given that how powerful and strong China is at that moment, i dont see anything happening anytime soon, why not Nechung assassinate or take permanent trance of some of the Chinese leaders, then declare that Tibet is not part of China? If Nechung is that powerful and that he really cares about the Tibetan cause, he could have easily done that, right?) There's the Palestine issue, the terrorist issue, the world economic why is it that the Tibetan independence is more important than all of these? wake up already...sigh

Gabby Potter

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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2015, 10:05:54 PM »
oh yes! This is a very nice thangka! It's very nicely and well done. Thank you for sharing harrynephew, this is absolutely stunning! :)


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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2015, 07:30:06 AM »
This is a very big and beautiful thangka. Wonderful!!! Glad the monks are fortunate to be able to practice in China where there is no persecution or discrimination.

May Dorje Shugden's practice prevail and flourish to benefit more in this degenerate time!


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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2015, 03:06:54 PM »
Very nice thanka. On one hand I rejoice that the monks in China are able to practice Dorje Shugden but sad that the ones that Dorje Shugden has helped and brought their leader the Dalai Lama to safety are now banned from doing the practice or have abandoned the practice. May the ban be down soon and all can be reunited.


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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2015, 03:19:14 PM »
Oh yes, just look at the sheer size of the monastery building will tell that the lineage had been well preserved and being practiced by many in Kham region where Pabongkha Rinpoche perform a miracle power of his Samadhi by defeating groups of Bonpo priests who cast black magic against him by stirring huge lightning storm. Rinpoche gathered all his entourage under his tent and sat there performing the subjugation ritual by collecting the lightning into his pocket and later had his assistance release it outside. Many saw red colour light and liquid as they threw it out which burn the grass and everything. Many inhabitant of Kham develop great faith in Rinpoche and his teaching.  8)


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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2015, 03:24:00 PM »
Never stop admiring this beautiful and unique tangka .Awesome!!  This monks definitely have great affinity with Dorje Shugden in order for them to practice this great and powerful king dharma protector. May Dorje Shugden’s practice spread and flourish  far and wide throughout the map to be in the benefit of more.

christine V

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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2015, 08:18:10 AM »
This is a very beautiful Piece of work. It is from the big Thangka, i wonder what are the whole Thangka showing.
Thanks for sharing this nice art work.

christine V

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Re: very nice applique tangkha on a website
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2015, 06:25:59 PM »
Tenzin Gyatso - lessened? Die off? Au contraire. Didnt read the news report? Says that the practice is strong in Western China. Kindda matches what people always say about Dorje Shugden being a widespread, mainstream Gelugpa practice.

If it werent mainstream and widespread, why bother with spending so much time and effort suppressing a minority practice? If its a minority practice, leave the minority be. I dont see the CTA spending this much time and money suppressing Tibetan Muslims...and their a whole other religion! So maybe it means Dorje Shugdens something special for the CTA to pump in so much of their FOREIGN AID into suppressing him? What a horrible way, btw, to use foreign donations, to perpetuate human rights abuses.

Irony also about the practice dying off. Because I certainly wouldnt have heard about Dorje Shugden had the monks not been protesting outside the Dalai Lamas talks. From what I can tell, the practice has only gone around the world since the ban...kind of like how Buddhism went around the world when the Tibetans fled Tibet.

Truly agreed. People will not spent money , time and human resource with any meant just to suppressed something which is not important. The matter of facts, Dorje Shugden have been suppressed to the extend the monk have to have seperate monastery- Gaden seperate to Shar Gaden, have clearly said Dorje Shugden's practices bought tremendous benefits on dharma.   Look at the Lineage Gurus. Whom have reincarnate again not only as human being, but also high lama.