Author Topic: Press release Dorje Shugden society  (Read 10656 times)

three pots

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Re: Press release Dorje Shugden society
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2008, 04:35:10 AM »
Dear Maryjane and everyone,

There is word that the Dalai Lama has told the abbots that he has six more points that he is going to implement and that they have not seen anything yet!  In addition to this I have heard that Pomra Khangtsen is filing a law suit in the Indian court system regarding their expullsion and that "the Indian police have made them sign papers that they would continue to stay open and practice as a monastery."  Not sure of the specifics on this statement yet.

I am sure there is plenty more to be heard and shared, but what to do?  Here are some thoughts, of value or not we shall see:

I think that talking about a fund at this point in time is a bit pre-mature due to the fact that we still don't have a thorough handle on what is happening on the ground.  We might begin assessing our own finances however, and reach out to those we feel are willing to help.  That way we will be ready when it is time to figure out where the money is going.  I think it would also be beneficial to look at what skills we or our close friends or associates might be able to offer, be it computer; printing/graphics; writing; legal; you name it. 

Of most importance though is to get an idea of where everyone is in relation to one another.  We have the Dorje Shugden Society, we have Dhokhang Khangtsen, Pomra Khangtsen, individual monks who have recently been expelled and those who have left a long time ago.  At some point we need to know if they are all working together or taking care of themselves as individual groups and who to contact with regards to fundraising and for which projects.  (I know that the Dorje Shugden Society would greatly appreciate financial assistance at this point so please, if you are itching to give, contact them - whether or not they will be coordinating the re-location or support for the monks leaving the monastery is not certain as far as I know but please correct me if I am mistaken.)

I think that we will have a hard time getting organized ourselves until we find out how the parties involved will be working with one another.  If you have friends in any of these different groups you might request them to explain what their thoughts are on this and who their individual representatives or spokes-persons are.  It sounds as though they have a bit of negotiating left to do before all is said and done so we may just need to be patient for a while.

It might also be helpful to have a collective list of all the addresses that have been shared on this post and if possible to keep it at the top of the page so that people can visit and revisit it easily.  I will be happy to go back and gather all the addresses and to add a few more - I was also recommended to write to the Indian Embassador in the US (address below) and that would probably be a good idea for each of our corresponding countries.

Indian Embassador to the United States

Embassador Ronen Sen
2107 Massachusetts Avenue  NW
Washington DC 20008
Phone: (202) 939-7000
Fax: (202) 265-4351

That's all for now ;o)

Gabby Potter

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Re: Press release Dorje Shugden society
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2015, 06:43:13 PM »
It saddens me as I was reading the article, it's so sad that the ban has caused so much anxiety, danger and most importantly is that people are discriminated in a way that it's not even legally approved. I think that the blame should not be put onto His Holiness, an enlightened being will not do things like this to hurt people. It's the CTAs who are behind all these and using His Holiness's name to make things up or even worst, to create disharmony and confusion among the people. When will the CTAs realise that what they are doing is wrong and that it is separating a lot of families, acquaintances and friends. We have so many proofs to prove that Lord Dorje Shugden is not a 'demon' but instead an enlightened Buddha who has been benefiting millions of lives, please stop lying and creating confusion to the people out there. Number one, you all have accumulated massive heavy negative karma, if you don't believe it, that's too bad. And for Buddha's sake, your egoism is nothing compared to the pain Dorje Shugden practitioners have to endure EVERY DAY, trust me. If you think otherwise, I'm sorry to tell you that you all are so blinded by the lies, hatred, selfishness and ignorance that you have built up YOURSELVES, and this is also a form of your karma ripening. It's obvious, everyone else is capable of realising the truths but you who are so blinded don't. So what else could it be?