Author Topic: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions  (Read 10758 times)

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2015, 08:52:31 AM »
Not just because you share my view that Dalai Lama is a Buddha, I agree with Kris that Dalai Lama is a Buddha and as such has no Karma.

As a Vajrayana Buddhist especially within the Gelug doctrine, it is important that we voice our concerns and have debates with clear and right intention and motivation. From this exercise we share and learn.

That is why as to whether the Dalai Lama will have repercussions to the DS ban, is for me to have the realisations and hoping will learn from comments from fellow contributors on this forum.  Thank you all as your comments are welcome.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2015, 08:02:52 PM »
I think we really do not need to worry about His Holiness the Dalai Lama's karmic result he is Chenrezig after all. But we do need to be concerned with our own practice and mental disposition in the light of facing difficulty and oppression from others who do not view Dorje Shudgen as the Wisdom Buddha.

The Dalai Lama through the powers of his motivation and prayers will once again turn the wheel of dharma for the benefit of migrators.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2015, 05:07:07 AM »
It all depends on who we believe Dalai Lama is, in terms of mind continuum. If he is an ordinary human being i.e. unenlightened then he will be reincarnated in the hells for causing schism in the Sangha.

But for me he is Chenrezig, based on the fact that no high Lamas ever doubted that the Dalai Lama is the incarnation of Gendun Drub , a direct disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa and an emanation of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig in Tibetan.  In other words the Dalai Lama is of an enlightened mind and is beyond karma and more importantly such a being can never act negatively but always act out of compassion due to His Bodhi mind.

But from our point of view, we perceive as though the Dalai Lama has caused schism within the Sangha and the persecution of the Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhist Community. As a results some suffers and some benefited. We must understand no results can be experienced if one has not created the cause according to the most basic tenets of Buddhism. Hence, those experiencing it caused all their own sufferings and benefits. The Dalai Lama can be said to be purifying negative karmas and benefitting others at the same time. And this is an act of a great Mahasiddha.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2015, 08:51:24 AM »
As unattained, samsaric being that I am, from a samsaric and relative point of view, it is very distressing to have to look at and live the ban on Dorje Shugden. From the same point of view, so much negative karma is generated from so many people for causing suffering to so very many families in that they are split and harmed by their own family and others. In such circumstances, we tend to see the Dalai Lama not as Chenrezig but just another worldly being.

But, there is the absolute truth which I cannot see and understand as yet. (heh heh -  see how I aspire?) This can only be apparent to me in the future, so I do not wish to collect negative karma anymore by condemning anyone. I can only support Dorje Shugden practitioners in ways that I know.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2015, 01:58:43 PM »
I agree with Kris that Dalai Lama is a Buddha and as such has no Karma.

As much as any Taliban terrorist agrees that Osama bin Laden was sent by Allah, and as such went straight to the Muslim heaven after being shot by CIA operatives.

Incidentally both Osama bin Laden and the evil dalie are well known as having been on the CIA payroll. And the evil dalie would surely meet the fate of his terrorist colleague if only he would show any pro-China proclivities.

And here is your pathetic “Chenrezig”: a payrolled terrorist hostage of his bosses, trying by violence to assert his local dictatorial authority just like any Pahlavi, Suharto, Pinochet, and so many other bestial clowns cluttering the garbage bin of history.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2015, 02:02:38 PM »
But for me he is Chenrezig, based on the fact that no high Lamas ever doubted that the Dalai Lama is the incarnation of Gendun Drub

How can you know the thought of high lamas, and thus that they have never doubted the divine status you ascribe to the criminal dalie? Are you omniscient?

Anyway, Buddhists do not rely on authority, but on direct perception and inference. Your reliance on the authority of what you think is the though of high lamas make of you just an ordinary fanatic, not a Buddhist.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2015, 02:07:06 PM »
so I do not wish to collect negative karma anymore by condemning anyone

So be happy with whatever karma you collect by condoning and thus supporting the evil dalie's gruesome crimes as the deeds of Chenrezig.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2015, 02:34:55 PM »
We must understand no results can be experienced if one has not created the cause according to the most basic tenets of Buddhism. Hence, those experiencing it caused all their own sufferings and benefits.

How great! Let's now perpetrate every kind of barbarity against innocent people, let's kill, steal, lie, and rape, because they the victims deserve it anyway! This is the most basic tenet of the “Buddhism” you learned from your cult leader, the evil dalie, right?

The Dalai Lama can be said to be purifying negative karmas and benefitting others at the same time. And this is an act of a great Mahasiddha.

Then according to you mass murdererers such as Islamic State terrorists are surely “great Mahasiddhas” too, because all of them are purifying the negative karmas of their helpless victims, and benefiting others such as their own cronies at the same time.

Your debased statement shows the inconceivable level of corruption and insanity resulting from religious extremism and fanaticism. One is not free from this abhorrent evil just because one proclaims to be devoted to Dorje Shugden.


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Re: What would be the karmic result of HHDL Actions
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2015, 03:28:38 PM »
But for me he is Chenrezig, based on the fact that no high Lamas ever doubted that the Dalai Lama is the incarnation of Gendun Drub

How can you know the thought of high lamas, and thus that they have never doubted the divine status you ascribe to the criminal dalie? Are you omniscient?

Anyway, Buddhists do not rely on authority, but on direct perception and inference. Your reliance on the authority of what you think is the thought of high lamas makes of you just an ordinary fanatic, not a Buddhist.