Author Topic: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June  (Read 7864 times)


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DHARAMSHALA, April 23: The University of Sydney is set to hold an on-campus lecture by Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in mid-June reverting an earlier decision to cancel the event.

In a public statement issued by Professor John Keane, Director of the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, University of Sydney, he said the University and the representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Australia “agreed to host an on-campus lecture for students at the University of Sydney in mid-June 2013.”

“The IDHR looks forward to hosting His Holiness the Dalai Lama under the theme 'Education Matters,'” Prof Keane said in the statement. “It is hoped the mid-June event will form part of a determined commitment of the University of Sydney to develop a constructive dialogue on matters concerning Tibet and the wider region."

Earlier this month it was reported that the University, which has close links with China, had cancelled the Tibetan Nobel Laureate's talk.

Last week, Australian Broadcasting cooperation obtained emails exchanged between Prof. Keane and the University's Vice-chancellor, Michael Spence, which confirmed the decision to withdraw the Dalai Lama’s lecture.

"This is to confirm that the decision was taken to withdraw our support for hosting His Holiness the Dalai Lama's planned speech at the University on June 18th," Prof. Keane's email said. "I am of course happy to talk with you further about the reasons why we have taken these difficult decisions."

The cancellation of the talk raised many serious questions and students and politicians blamed the University of having compromised its integrity to uphold warm financial relations with the Chinese government.

“This is an insult to the students and it also direct hit on the university's reputation for independence and for its capacity to exercise intellectual leadership," John Kaye the New South Wales Greens Parliamentarian had said reacting to the cancellation.

"I've never seen a university try to give up, and try to share with other universities, a jewel like having the Dalai Lama coming. People are very keen to see this man - a significant intellectual and political figure of the 21st Century."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is scheduled to visit Australia from June 14-23 and give a series of public talks and teachings in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Darwin.


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2013, 06:13:54 PM »
It's now getting increasingly difficult for universities or nations to invite the Dalai Lama as China's influence is growing big. I am not surprised at this at all as it would be very dangerous now for any nation to tempt fate to be against China as they would lose a valuable ally. However on another level, I do not see how the Dalai Lama could preach in a university of people who could barely understand the basics of Buddhism benefit from the Dalai Lama's ocean like knowledge of Buddhist wisdom. Dalai Lama a jewel? yeah, but you aint got the tools to polish it just yet. So what's the use/point of inviting other than for glory of the university?


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 03:35:27 PM »
Yes, Universities and Colleges all over the world will hesitate to invite HH the Dalai Lama for any lecture or talk. Already, countries have started showing their reluctance to invite HH Dalai Lama for a visit.

However, this growing reluctance or unwillingness to invite HH the Daiai Lama, which seems to be spreading, does seem to be expected by the Dalai Lama as a 'foregone conclusion .As China grows stronger and stronger as an economic and political power house, HH Dalai Lama, as China's Public Enemy No 1, will stand condemned and begin to be ostracized by those who would be China's friends.Thus does Chenrezig, through powerful compassion and skillful means, cause China to move away from Him and closer to His other 'enemy', Dorje Shugden.


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 03:31:41 AM »
Yes, Universities and Colleges all over the world will hesitate to invite HH the Dalai Lama for any lecture or talk. Already, countries have started showing their reluctance to invite HH Dalai Lama for a visit.

However, this growing reluctance or unwillingness to invite HH the Daiai Lama, which seems to be spreading, does seem to be expected by the Dalai Lama as a 'foregone conclusion .As China grows stronger and stronger as an economic and political power house, HH Dalai Lama, as China's Public Enemy No 1, will stand condemned and begin to be ostracized by those who would be China's friends.Thus does Chenrezig, through powerful compassion and skillful means, cause China to move away from Him and closer to His other 'enemy', Dorje Shugden.

That's because Universities and Colleges all over the world dont really have a real reason to invite the Dalai Lama to their institutions. It is only for publicity that they do so. But if they have a connection with China, that is not a very good idea as it would be very disrespectful against China. It's getting increasingly difficult to get away from China's influence and Dalai Lama's presence is getting less and less significant which is why theres less and less universities inviting the Dalai Lama. In due time, I'm pretty sure that China will eventually not see the Dalai Lama as a threat but the CTA and the more radical Tibetans as a more dangerous threat


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2013, 04:53:50 PM »

“The IDHR looks forward to hosting His Holiness the Dalai Lama under the theme 'Education Matters,'” Prof Keane said in the statement. “It is hoped the mid-June event will form part of a determined commitment of the University of Sydney to develop a constructive dialogue on matters concerning Tibet and the wider region."

Education matters?? With the theme of constructive dialogue concerning Tibet? Sounds very political to me. No wonder the Chinese would not have been happy. Australia was essentially wanting to engage in a political conversation with the leader of an exiled government which is a threat to the stability of China.

The cancellation of the talk raised many serious questions and students and politicians blamed the University of having compromised its integrity to uphold warm financial relations with the Chinese government.

This may not be a popular viewpoint but I think it's ironic that people often demand 'fairness' and 'freedom' and 'integrity' when it is FREE for them to say so, but nobody cares that it may cost the University dearly in financial terms and the university isn't exactly going to get extra funding because it hosted the Dalai Lama! All those calling for "integrity" should be willing to put their money where their mouths are and say ok if the Chinese pull out of financial support because of the Dalai Lama coming, *I* will contribute X amount to ensure there is no financial loss.

Perhaps this is a caveat emptor to all those establishments who even consider inviting the Dalai Lama. There will be a cost to the establishment, whatever it is - in this case the University of Sydney. Should the establishments be willing or able to bear the negative financial consequences in the name of 'rights'?

“I've never seen a university try to give up, and try to share with other universities, a jewel like having the Dalai Lama coming. People are very keen to see this man - a significant intellectual and political figure of the 21st Century."

People may be keen to see the Dalai Lama - but isn't or rather, shouldn't he be more well known for being a spiritual figure as opposed to an intellectual and political figure? The Dalai Lama has resigned from being the political head of Tibet - but perhaps many people don't know that.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 01:28:18 PM »

“The IDHR looks forward to hosting His Holiness the Dalai Lama under the theme 'Education Matters,'” Prof Keane said in the statement. “It is hoped the mid-June event will form part of a determined commitment of the University of Sydney to develop a constructive dialogue on matters concerning Tibet and the wider region."

Education matters?? With the theme of constructive dialogue concerning Tibet? Sounds very political to me. No wonder the Chinese would not have been happy. Australia was essentially wanting to engage in a political conversation with the leader of an exiled government which is a threat to the stability of China.
Personally, I dont really think that the Dalai Lama was invited for educational matters as said by the university because what could the Dalai Lama really educate them about? how bad the situation in Tibet really is, or about Buddhism? If it was about Buddhism, why is it at a university and not at a local temple? Why are things not clear cut?

The cancellation of the talk raised many serious questions and students and politicians blamed the University of having compromised its integrity to uphold warm financial relations with the Chinese government.

This may not be a popular viewpoint but I think it's ironic that people often demand 'fairness' and 'freedom' and 'integrity' when it is FREE for them to say so, but nobody cares that it may cost the University dearly in financial terms and the university isn't exactly going to get extra funding because it hosted the Dalai Lama! All those calling for "integrity" should be willing to put their money where their mouths are and say ok if the Chinese pull out of financial support because of the Dalai Lama coming, *I* will contribute X amount to ensure there is no financial loss. You're right. It's always easier for people who do not need to take any responsibility to talk and open their mouths about the situation. I mean, anyone can just pull a statement like that out when they dont have to do anything at all to take responsibility about it. I like your thinking. They should be more responsible with their words.

Perhaps this is a caveat emptor to all those establishments who even consider inviting the Dalai Lama. There will be a cost to the establishment, whatever it is - in this case the University of Sydney. Should the establishments be willing or able to bear the negative financial consequences in the name of 'rights'?
If they had to bear any costs with regards to anything, they would have kept their mouths shut, really

“I've never seen a university try to give up, and try to share with other universities, a jewel like having the Dalai Lama coming. People are very keen to see this man - a significant intellectual and political figure of the 21st Century."

People may be keen to see the Dalai Lama - but isn't or rather, shouldn't he be more well known for being a spiritual figure as opposed to an intellectual and political figure? The Dalai Lama has resigned from being the political head of Tibet - but perhaps many people don't know that.
Or perhaps, people are too enraptured in propaganda that they receive from mainstream media?

I wouldnt say that your views are unpopular, I'd say that they are quite interesting indeed and they provide a different dimension to the whole incident. It's definitely more than just what it seems.


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2013, 10:46:48 AM »
While China has gain more and more power and trying to influence other countries (using the economy) on HH Dalai Lama issue, Australia is one country who dares to (at times) to stand against China :)

Here are a list of videos uploaded:



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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2013, 08:17:09 PM »
Thanks kris. Putting aside politic, it is really news to be rejoiced to hear that HH Dalai Lama is spreading Dharma in Sydney.
Although HHDL is not welcome in China, Dorje Shugden lamas such as Lama Jampa Ngodrup Rinpoche is spreading Dharma to the public such as giving Dorje Shugden and Amitayus initiations, Chengdu, March 2013 ( He is also attending the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) 10th government committee’s first conference  ( Therefore, I am thankful that with the blessing of Dorje Shudgen and Dorje Shugden Lamas, the Dharma is still able to be spread in China.


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2013, 07:02:07 AM »
While China has gain more and more power and trying to influence other countries (using the economy) on HH Dalai Lama issue, Australia is one country who dares to (at times) to stand against China :)

Here are a list of videos uploaded:


Not really, eventually australia will still have to answer to China who would question them for doing something like this and in the end is the government that would need to justify. The university who invited the Dalai Lama would not be held responsible for anything at all if China gets angry at Australia, although one really wonders why would they want to invite the Dalai Lama as they are not even a religious institution in the first place? What would their intentions and motivations be for the Dalai Lama to visit them?


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2013, 03:20:49 AM »
The Dalai Lama has acquired a reputation as being very wise and philosophical, and with his status as a Nobel Peace prize winner and spiritual head of an exiled Tibet, as well as being very charismatic (despite his lack of fluency in English, which i believe is slightly put on.. he has been in the West for so long, i do believe he speaks it well but portrays a lack of proficiency for mass appeal) he has become someone who unmistakably draws crowds. Any institution, educational or otherwise, would be honoured to have him grace their premises.

Their motivation i believe is glamour, as well as a genuine interest in what the Dalai Lama would say. After all, Buddhism is an all-encompassing life philosophy which is appealing to the west, and who better to elucidate it than the romantic figure of this holy smiling monk.

If it was any other monk who banned Dorje Shugden, it would not have received such far reaching media attention. Let us hope that when the ban is lifted or fades, the Dalai Lama will also use his considerable influence to change the perspective of our holy protector.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: The Dalai Lama to speak at the University of Sydney this June
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2013, 03:53:44 PM »
Totally agreed with Wisdom Being. By inviting the Dalai Lama it does not have to be religious reasons, it could be because of the philosophical knowledge that the Dalai Lama has. However, when people think about it, we would usually think that the reason behind the visit is to spread Dharma, or for China's case, for propaganda purposes.