Author Topic: From the Tibet Times  (Read 4936 times)


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From the Tibet Times
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:12:30 PM »
Translation from Tibetan text)

Tibetan Newspaper, Tibet Times, mouthpiece of Tibetan government in exile
They surrendered to Communist China.
Excerpt 1:
“Your path is not mistaken. We are religious persons and we practice religion. Please
look into Lamrim and Buddha’s teachings concerning who is more important – Guru or
deity. The Dharmapalas of Gelug Tradition are Mahakala and Dharmaraja. Among them
is Dharmaraja. As I said in the past, if we hear the demise of Dharmaraja, we have to
discover a new deity. Apart from that Dharmaraja is sufficient.”
In the afternoon in Sera-May monastery, the Dalai Lama consecrated the new house of
Pobor Khamtsen, who has left Pomra Khamtsen due to Shugden controversy. He also
planted a tree for auspicious.
During the long-life empowerment, he spoke about Dholgyal(Shugden) together with
introduction of Buddhism to public:
“If you receive teaching with recognition of master-disciple relationship, it is vital to
have a pure commitment. As for Shugden, I did worship in the beginning. Later I
gradually came to know the realities. In (Thapa) section of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s
collection of writing, he wrote:
If Drakapa Gyaltsen, the evil spirit born out of wrong prayer, pose harm to Dharma and
living beings, you should not support, rather annihilate him.
Therefore he is wrong prayer and evil spirit. He also poses harm to Dharma and living
beings. Most of Gelugpa Lamas criticizes him. Nevertheless it became widespread since
the time of Pabhongkha.
Generally speaking, Pabhongkha is the lord of Gelug Tradition. However he made
mistake in some cases. It is mistake that Pabongkha widely spread Shugden immediately
after the demise of my predecessor.
It is wrong that some says this is order of the Dalai Lama. You ought to know the
significant and reasons, as well as what the previous lamas have done. If you examine,
then you come to know why I imposed a ban [on Shugden]. These days, they are being
extensively supported by Communist China. Few monasteries are asked to worship
Today they are making noise, pretending to be debating over there. The debating is
good. If they make noise, it is not right if I do not say something.
Sera-May monastery faced serious difficulties. Being headstrong, Shugden devotees of
Pomra Khamtsen beat and kill. Also they surrendered to communist China. He became
real Chinese spirit. Therefore [they] do not know. I have nothing to say if they
voluntarily and knowingly [worship Shugden]. It is religious freedom. It is up to you
whatever deity you want to worship. But I should explain its source and background.
This is my responsibility. And it I up to your consideration whether you listen or not.”
Excerpt 2:
At 5 PM he arrived at Pobor Khamtsen and gave speech.
“You have recognized the kindness for centuries by Gaden Podrang (the name of the
Dalai lama Administration), and said that you would follow single-pointedly under the
administration of Gaden Podrang. You then set up a new Khamtsen (monastic section).
It is really good and I extend greeting of Tashi Delek. You all know about Shugden. The
fifth Dalai Lama made a decision. No one can defy his words as long as there is no one
who is equal to his spiritual realizations. In the past Sera-May and Jangtse monasteries
have faced difficulties. All of you here have not made mistake in your choice of path. We
are religious and we practice. Please look into Lamrim and Buddha’s teachings
concerning who is more important – Guru or deity. The Dharmapalas of Gelug Tradition
are Mahakala and Dharmaraja. Among them is Dharmaraja. As I said in the past, when
we hear a word that Dharmaraja pass away, we have to discover a new deity. Apart
from that Dharmaraja is sufficient.”

Dear Friends, yesterday reported that the Kalon Thripa or Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government- in Exile had stated in a speech in New York City that those Tibetans propagating Tibetan Freedom or genuine autonomy were even more dangerous than Shugden practitioners or the "Chinese Communists". It seems that there is much disagreement even within the exiled Tibetan leadership.

Please find the entire article on at   


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Re: From the Tibet Times
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2010, 01:56:33 AM »
Thank you for sharing this article, Thaimonk. I find the following points interesting:

if we hear the demise of Dharmaraja, we have to discover a new deity. Apart from that Dharmaraja is sufficient.
So perhaps this indicates that when Nechung moves on, a new Dharma Protector will be discovered.

2. The Dalai Lama refers extensively to the 5th Dalai Lama's condemnation of Shugden. However, he ignores the fact that later, the Great 5th changed his mind, propitiated Shugden and established the first Shugden temple, Trode Khangsar.

3. "Pabhongkha is the lord of Gelug Tradition." - The Dalai Lama acknowledges Pabongkha's status yet contradicts this when he says that Pabongkha has made mistakes.

These days, they are being extensively supported by Communist China....Shugden devotees of
Pomra Khamtsen beat and kill. Also they surrendered to communist China. He became
real Chinese spirit.

The Dalai Lama blames Shugden practitioners of violence but it is quite tempered here. He does not emphasise it as he has done before. He is also not talking about Shugden shortening his life or stopping Tibetan independence, he is now purely political, focusing on his nemesis, China.

It is religious freedom. It is up to you whatever deity you want to worship. But I should explain its source and background. This is my responsibility. And it is up to your consideration whether you listen or not.
He is telling the monks that it is up to them whether they listen to him. Again, this is unlike the past when he has just told them to obey his edict.

You all know about Shugden. The fifth Dalai Lama made a decision. No one can defy his words as long as there is no one who is equal to his spiritual realizations.
We all know what the 5th Dalai Lama said in the end, so what if we follow the 5th's later stance? Also, what happens if someone does appear who is equal to his spiritual realisations - Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Big Uncle

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Re: From the Tibet Times
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2010, 04:03:37 AM »
Thank you for sharing this article, Thaimonk. I find the following points interesting:

if we hear the demise of Dharmaraja, we have to discover a new deity. Apart from that Dharmaraja is sufficient.
So perhaps this indicates that when Nechung moves on, a new Dharma Protector will be discovered.

Dear WisdomBeing,

Dharmaraja in Tibetan is Chogyal and that I believe refers to Kalarupa and not Nechung. However, we all know Kalarupa is Enlightened and the emanation of Manjushri so how could he possibly die? It is strange thing to say and probably said to taunt Shugden practitioners that look, there is no way Kalarupa is going to die and so he will remain as the main Dharma Protector indefinitely.

On the other hand, I like that the Dalai Lama respects Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and then tell everyone that our lineage Lama is wrong. If he can make mistake with Dorje Shugden, what about the Lamrim, Vajrayogini and the list goes on. It is an amazing thing to say as that opens the doors for more questions and doubts about Pabongka Rinpoche because Pabongka Rinpoche promoted Vajrayogini a lot and that is not in accordance with tradition. Traditionally, it is Heruka, Guhyasamaja and Yamantaka that were recommended by Lama Tsongkhapa.

However, Pabongka Rinpoche with foresight chose to teach and promote Vajrayogini. Why did he do that? His crowd of students were a mix crowd of lay  and monastics. Hence, Vajrayogini with her easier commitments are more suitable for many of his lay students. But not everyone knows that and they just saw that he broke with tradition and he was criticised for that. Anyway, I find the statement by the Dalai Lama pretty "interesting" and thought-provoking.