Author Topic: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?  (Read 10510 times)


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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2011, 10:20:41 PM »
After I knew this protector practice, I feel very safe and secure. The important thing is everything happen around me no matter good or bad I am still can very calm and didn't feel pressure compared before I had met DS. My point here not try to convey people into this practice, but I too have very good intention to share with all of you my good experience with this precious experience.

For example, I found out my self be more alert after practice this protector practice. One day, I went to overseas for work, the second day in travel, I get trouble by local police and someone I didn't know. That day within 5 minutes two different polices stopped me for spot check. I feel like very disturbance.

So, while the second police stopped me, I quickly chanting protector mantra in my heart. The miracle happened! No more than two, three minutes the police stopped her check out and let's myself and friends go without any reason and say much. Cannot believe she is so strict before...

At there same time, I told myself wah....protector really help when I am at there situation. I feel so good at that moment:) That why I want to share!   


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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2011, 09:57:47 AM »
Special Offering Thanks to DS website!

Definitely an oasis of many offerings for newbies like myself, a resource for increasing knowledge and a precious gift that brings peace of mind in a world of so many distractions.

I have only recently found DS practice  and have noticed a great deal of benefits in relation to being able to practice freely and receive support from those around me (work, family, friends).

The greatest benefit I have noted is that their is increased acceptance to my Dharma practice (open practices of course in future I pray for open practice of DS). Many years ago when I took refuge with my lama and started my practices their was definitely a degree of uncertainty and anxiety regarding my studies and change to a dharma lifestyle.

Obstacles were abound on all levels financial / personal / family / job but my faith and consistency in my Lama, Protectors and Yidams was rock solid no amount of coercion would sway my mind or my heart for dharma in any shape or form.

It is very true that a practitioner who gives his or her  heart to DS practice sincerely will receive all of DS's help in return.

Just in the past year the change in my relationships with family couldn't be more different than chalk and cheese!
My mother though christian / adventist background is now open/accepting and reading various dharma books that in the past would not consider looking twice at, to having discussions about what she liked? and what she got the most out of in an open/heartfelt conversations.

In the end its the little things that really matter? not how many houses you have, how many holidays you go on but how much dharma (just a word for knowledge) that truly benefits us or the ones we love in this life and the next.

I am so happy for DS to help me share some dharma, plant some dharma seeds and prepare my Mother to make her transition to her next life a less stressful one. She was especially open to Death and Dying practices (and the experience of seeing first hand and being the one passing, and saved by Lama's advice and practices). Her faith grows day-by-day and dharma advice seems to go in faster with less resistance than before. Presently she is reading Milarepa so that's great!

So for myself my relationships are better with all those I care about? being present and appreciating the little things with awareness is what it is all about for myself.

I would rather give up my life in a heart beat than give up my DS practice  and samaya to my Lama without who's advice and practice has blessed my life in so many ways to list here!

My advice to other new DS practitioners and existing DS practitioners we want  to receive the blessings of DS, we want happiness, we want peace of mind, we want to practice dharma, we want to create merit and plant dharma seeds for next life, we want DS practice ban to be lifted.

DS practice is definitely a great practice that can meet all our requirements the real question is how we apply our DS practice? As an enlightened protector for generating that type of RESULT or as a mundane / samsaric requests? and that RESULT.

DS is so kind to achieve all our aims. My idea is that with this precious opportunity I will not restrict my thinking of how DS can help just me but think what is bigger than me that benefits others? and can only think to dedicating to making the dharma grow, dedicating to achieving my lama's projects! and achieving my potential and not giving up!

Much Love N Prayers



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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2011, 03:23:33 PM »
I truly believe clean samaya with our Guru, holding our vows and good motivation lead to spontaneous help and care from Dorje Shugden.  This formula has been tested and experienced.  No doubt about it. 

Hence, I believe I have to change for the better to become a more Dharma abiding person to receive DS's grace for my temporal goals.  However, ultimately it can lead to the highest goal eventually which presently I cannot fathom or has no inkling at all.


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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2011, 04:51:56 PM »
After propitiating Dorje Shugden, I noticed that no matter how tight my cashflow is, somehow I can make ends meet every month. I believe it's Dorje Shugden's blessings.


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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2012, 10:45:00 AM »
To me, I feel a very big difference in my mind ever since I have started practicing Dorje Shugden. The biggest change in me is that I am much more calmer now compared to the past especially when it comes to dealing with stressful situations which would usually make my mind break down and unable to function, I can easily regain focus very easily instead of still being mentally stuck on a time. My mind recovers a lot faster. It was something that I was never able to do. I felt much more calmer as opposed to before I was introduced Dorje Shugden. My mind used to feel stuck at every turn, every time when things change and there are slight changes, but it has become so much more smoother now. In the past, I felt like I did not know what to do or how to react in so many situations, but after being introduced to his practiced, I get it faster than before. There is clarity of mind now and people around me can actually feel the difference.

I also feel a stronger affinity with Nagajurna's teachings after being introduced to Dorje Shugden. If previously when I read his works, I could not understand what it was taught but after being introduced to Dorje Shugden, it seems to make so much sense. I cannot have any logical explanation for that, but it works. Also, my Guru's instructions, if before they sound hard to apply, becomes so much easier to apply after I started Dorje Shugden's practice. I cant say much about the financial situation, because that is not my main concern as I just want to practice Dharma and as long as there's enough to go around to support myself, I am fine. What made me the happiest was to experience being easier to practice the Dharma and to study it, and I am eternally grateful for Dorje Shugden's help in that aspect.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2015, 05:25:44 PM »
It is always good for us to reflect the cause and effect of our lives.  Write on this post of your experience with Dorje Shugden.

Personally, the ups and downs in my secular life seem to have more meaning and whether I resolve my problems or not, I know that doing my best is never in vain.  Through propitiating Dorje Shugden I have a much large and deeper understanding of events in my life. 

When I am in dire straits, with the knowledge that I have such a power protector, I know that bad events are not punishment and dwell in self pity, I take the courage to rectify and if things don't turn better, I know it is meant to be.  A purification.


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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2015, 03:23:04 PM »
After I propitiate Dorje Shugden, I became more calm and focus. My life became smoother and whatever I want to achieve was easier. My spiritual practice and my understanding of the dharma became easier too and I began to let go a surrender to Dorje Shugden. I became less worrisome and am a happier person now.

Gabby Potter

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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2015, 02:48:29 AM »
Personally I felt more controlled in the sense that I'm not so angersome like how I used to be before, I'm more mindful and started to learn up I'm taking responsibilities. That's why I really do not understand why people called Lord Dorje Shugden nasty names as we wouldn't get all these good changes from a "spirit".


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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2015, 06:07:53 AM »
I feel less worrisome and I know that my protector Dorje Shugden will help me somehow. I have strong faith in Dorje Shugden and each time a problem arises I pray to Him and then I can feel a calmness and my problems seems to be lifted.
Thank you Dorje Shugden for the protection to me and my family.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: What changes do you feel after propitiating Dorje Shudgen?
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2015, 09:30:50 AM »
It is wonderful to be able to answer this question.  On hindsight we are able to realise how much Dorje Shugden has helped us in small, medium and big ways.  On secular and spiritual aspects of our lives.

On our reflection, our faith is definitely enhanced.  With our relationship with this Enlightened Protector, we are beyond doubts that He is a Buddha and not a spirit.

I was told that when Worldly Gods grant us our requests and wishes, there is always a ''pay back''. But with my experience with Dorje Shugden, He will grant us our wishes and requests only if we have the Karma or created enough merits to receive such blessings.  In this way, Dorje Shugden guides us to be able to be granted our wishes and in a way earned it.  So no ''pay back''.  Buddhas need nothing from us except for our own good and path to enlightenment.