Author Topic: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's incarnation should be called Zimkhang Gongma Rinpoche...  (Read 11007 times)


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Just because a culture doesn’t have a tulku system, it doesn’t mean there are no bodhisattvas there. Likewise, just because someone is recognized as an incarnate doesn’t mean that he or she is a bodhisattva. That person might have a great deal of positive potential but hasn’t yet entered the Mahayana path of accumulation. Or there might been incorrect identification.

This is definitely true. Let's not just talk about Buddhism. What about all the many, many other great beings out there in lots of other religions, some of which don't even believe in reincarnation. Whether they believe in it or not, there are great bodhisattvas there too, doing the good work that they have been doing for countless lifetimes. So they don't get recognised in this lifetime, perhaps, but eventually, they do eventually get recognition anyway by their deed, action and compassionate work. There are examples in every single culture, religion, country. (sure, there are also bad examples, but let's not allow the few bad examples to "win" and override all the great, inspiring ones)


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I like what you say VajraProtector... Definitely possible that GKG would reincarnate back as a lay person. With an organisation soo big the only way to truly come back and take the helm of the mothership would be to do it the hard way.

No recognition, no reputation, no backup, just like all the past high lamas such as Trijang Rinpoche. If you were an NKT member and responsible for soo much wealth and peoples practice who would you listen to as to the authority on GKG's incarnation?

Or would you be folded hands to someone who through his own perserverance and practice proved himself as a highly attained being.

GKG I would think would not abandon what he has created himself, it would be logical that he would come back also to continue his works.


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Valid points, Vajra Protect.

In any case, outer growth does not reflect inner growth.

Whether a center has 10 members or 1000 members, what truly matters is how the students are transforming or not.

A true Guru would be most concerned with one's inner growth and not outer growth. This is the whole point of transformation.

I know my Guru could not care less if our center is getting more members or not, or if we remain small. But he is most concerned about how we, his students, are transforming or not.

Perhaps, in the future, there would be reincarnated Tulkus who would deliberately choose not to be recognised and live among the masses to remain incognito and influence from the grass roots without being known. It is very possible.

Bodhisattvas will always find the best and most beneficial ways to help all sentient beings. They will choose to appear where they need to appear and as whatever form that is best.