Author Topic: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets  (Read 4034 times)


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Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« on: November 02, 2011, 05:52:26 AM »
This information just came to me that Dorje Shugden monks who are in Taiwan, sometimes when they are spotted on the streets by certain fanatical people, they will be shouted at for causing harm to the Dalai Lama.

But the monks respond with patience and go on their way, well it really shows the character of the Dorje Shugden followers they are the real Mccoy. Are people so rude in India too? 


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Re: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 07:39:46 AM »
This information just came to me that Dorje Shugden monks who are in Taiwan, sometimes when they are spotted on the streets by certain fanatical people, they will be shouted at for causing harm to the Dalai Lama.

But the monks respond with patience and go on their way, well it really shows the character of the Dorje Shugden followers they are the real Mccoy. Are people so rude in India too?

Be rational.  Taiwan has population of 28M, just Taipei alone it should be at 6M population, not 20k or so in the refugee camp in south India, it is not a small community.   Do you think there are much Taiwanese know about DS issues? Even for those with some knowledge about Tibetan Buddhism do you think they know what lineage you are in if you dress in monk's cloth?  For those experienced enough able to distinguish you  be Gelukpa monk how can they know whether you practice DS or not, by just an encounterment in the street?

Only the 'green lineage' monks with special dressing someone 'familiar with' Tibetan Buddhism can distinguish him out, but that's another story ... 

That's doesn't mean there is no rude guy against DS practitioner though, as the Tibetan Buddhist's view on this issue is much biased, but the chance of a Gelukpa monk be scolded as DS practitioner on the street be quite slim..


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Re: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2011, 08:47:30 PM »
Yes I agree that not all are able to tell whether a Gelug monk is a DS practitioner or not.  But somehow if a center is open about practicing DS, i am pretty sure the other centers or people who know about it who oppose will make noise.  But i think it is pretty common now, putting down, talking bad, cursing and protesting; what else is new?  But personally I think the situation in Taiwan is not as bad compared to India.  There are sure going to be some obstacles but over all, i think the majority of Taiwanese will still respect Buddha dharma in general. 


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Re: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 04:37:39 PM »
Wang, I think the people who identified the monks were on the lookout for their 'enemies' , they know enough to spot their so called adversaries.  I can't see why my statement is not rationale, I am not saying it happens non stop, it happens once in a while in taiwan. People in taiwan are really smart, I have met many in uni. 


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Re: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 08:23:12 PM »
I think monks and or any religion practitioners should not be shouted at each other regardless it's on the street or behind especially Buddhism which teach loving kindness to all beings.

I have met a few monks who are based in a monastery in Nepal. They faced a lot of difficulties when the ban just announced, they couldn't get food supplied from the shops that propitiated to HHDL nor transportation. Even someone will scolded or throw things at them, they remain calm and not responding by doing the same treatment that they received from the public. To them, they know they are not doing any bad, theirs guru will not be wrong, theirs linage can not be wrong, since they are not wrong but clear that whatever they are doing are not opposite from their vows, they will not need to explain to others, they endure the pain.

This has been mentioned in the 8 Verses of Mind Transformation. We should not fight back but offering the victory to whoever is mistreat us.

If someone who is not sure about the whole situation, he/she should not make any comments on it. For a lay person or whosoever is a Buddha Dharma follower, we should not insult any mankind who taking up the monk vows no matter what they did, and this is one of the basic teaching of Buddhism.

So this is not about who's wrong or right, by hurting others thru any actions no matter you're wrong or right, it still bring bad karma to us, hence we should hurt other then.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2015, 12:11:23 PM »
Wow, this is how some people call themselves better Buddhist practitioners? By shouting at Sanghas? Who taught them that? By them calling themselves the students of His Holiness, they are actually defaming Him, I say this with no intention of insulting anyone. It's the truth, His Holiness never taught us this, He has always been promoting peace and harmony, so are they any better by doing exactly opposite as what the Dalai Lama has taught?


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Re: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2015, 03:34:12 PM »
Wow, this is how some people call themselves better Buddhist practitioners? By shouting at Sanghas?

This is because they are followers of the evil cult leader dalie lame, who while calling himself a “Buddhist” promotes an anti-Buddhist witch-hunt which is much worse than just shouting at Sanghas.

Who taught them that?

The evil dalie did. He is the leader of the anti-Buddhist witch-hunt, and he is the one who furiously said that his witch-hunt would be “like the Cultural Revolution” (just check the video), and therefore should include mass-murdering and torture, not just shouting at the Sanghas.

By them calling themselves the students of His Holiness, they are actually defaming Him,

They are just being true to their evil teacher.

I say this with no intention of insulting anyone. It's the truth, His Holiness never taught us this,

You are undergoing a serious condition of denial. The evil dalie has explicitly ordered a religious persecution “like the Cultural Revolution”, no matter how much he lies about compassion in his books and speeches for idiotified Westerners.

He has always been promoting peace and harmony,

Giving in to the evil dalie's lies, you become a liar yourself. You are perfectly aware that the demented criminal explicitly ordered a witch-hunt “like the Cultural Revolution”, and that he explicitly encourages racist bloody riots and gruesome self-immolations.

so are they any better by doing exactly opposite as what the Dalai Lama has taught?

The evil dalie himself does exactly the opposite of what he teaches to his idiotified Western audiences.


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Re: Lamas and Practitioners shouted at on the streets
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2015, 07:45:27 PM »
Revisiting this post after so long I feel the social media has a huge part to play in the lifting of the ban. As buddhist we abhor violence and do not wish any harm even to our so called 'enemies'. So social media is the best way to highlight that the ban and discrimination creates no harmony and only brings up unhappiness for practitioners on both sides of the issues.

When we bring this issue over and over again, to the public, the public who is getting more informed will eventually not stand for the intolerances and lack of decorum exhibited by the people who pressure and persecute others because they do not share the same beliefs as others. The general public will start asking the right questions and hopefully this then leads to the right results the lifting of the Dorje Shudgen ban.