Author Topic: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind  (Read 8433 times)


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An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« on: August 21, 2010, 10:00:41 PM »
I received a really amazing teaching yesterday about Dorje Shugden:

In this day and age, when we have more distractions and supposed "conveniences", obstacles are actually much stronger to our Dharma work. We find it much more difficult to practice or be involved in our Dharma work precisely because the pull of modern distractions is so much stronger. Now, the world encourages our selfish mind - everything now helps to increase our desire and our selfishness. It has literally become "convenient" for us to doing negative things and create more negative karma.

Dorje Shugden, as an emanation of Manjushri (who is the embodiment of all the Buddha's enlightened Wisdom), is the direct opponent to ignorance, which is the root of our selfish mind. By doing his practice, we are making a profound connection to wisdom to destroy obstacles arising from our degenerate minds and the negative karma arising from all actions motivated by our ignorance and selfishness. Any connection to DS is therefore a direct counter to our selfish mind - we gain attainments to combat this ignorance and gain wisdom.

This is therefore how he is one of the most "suitable" and "powerful" protectors of our time, who helps us overcome the problems and obstacles to Dharma that we face today.

So we are one step closer to great wisdom and enlightenment!


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2010, 10:14:23 PM »
Thank you for this lovely sharing! I was quite excited to read from the other thread about Shugden arising as a Yidam, i think that Dorje Shugden would be such a suitable Yidam and Protector for us. Everyone (especially myself) really needs the wisdom he represents and I know that the root of my problems is my selfishness.

The past few days have been rather emotional for me, and I know that the root of it is selfishness so your sharing is very well timed! I am very heartened to know that Dorje Shugden is particularly suitable to counter my selfishness and I will take refuge in him and request him to help me demolish it!

One step at a time...
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2010, 01:31:34 PM »
Thank you for sharing this with us. Dorje Shugdan is such a suitable Protector for us at this time where selfishness is the root of most problems. By cutting out our selfishness, we learn to let go and become a better person.

It is through ignorance that selfish mind arises and as Dorje Shugdan is an emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom, I will take refuge in Dorje Shugdan and slowly cut away my selfish mind to benefit others.


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2010, 12:09:03 AM »
And isn't it just so logical!

People often have a mistaken view that the protector helps us by something solely mystical. This is not true, as our sweet dakini has shared with us. It is very logical, actually that the swiftest way to combat our selfishness (ignorance) is by creating a connection with Wisdom.

Also, don't forget that Dorje Shugden's previous emanations have also been lamas, so he can also manifest to us in a teaching form and give us teachings via oracles. We are spoilt! We have a protector, a yidam AND a Lama all in one.


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2010, 09:17:06 AM »
Beggar, you are right about us being spoilt to have a Protector, Yidam and Lama all in Dorje Shugden! This relates back to HoneyDakini’s writing: we are living at a time when it is “convenient” for us to engage in actions that cause negative karma. Therefore, a “3 in 1” Dorje Shugden is the perfect efficient and effective antidote to this condition!

It is awesome how the Dharma rolls out perfectly to benefit sentient beings.

WisdomBeing, I agree with you that we need to take a step at a time towards the ultimate goal of liberation and enlightenment. Wanting to speed things up too much can be overwhelming and defeating. To ensure that we stay on the right track, we need to have consistent contact with our Protector through His practice and having His images near and thoughts of Him etc.

How kind our Protector is to watch over us patiently as we struggle with our ignorance, self-grasping and self-cherishing mind!

Once again, we are truly spoilt!


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2010, 02:43:45 PM »
With Dorje Shugden as a Protector, we are receiving the swiftest aid to cut our self-cherishing mind.

With Dorje Shugden arising as a Yidam, we would be receiving the swiftest aid to gain ultimate Enlightenment.

Because Dorje Shugden is so quick, our path to realisation would also be expedited.

It seems in our degenerate times, whereby degeneration occurs at such alarming rate/speed, we do need the swiftest form of transformation - the express route to Enlightenment.

 And if Dorje Shugden can do that for us - I would certainly welcome that with open arms and embrace it in a heart beat.

I do not want to waste any more time and stay in Samsara.

Any time spent trapped in Samsara is a second too long!


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2010, 07:26:20 PM »
Aha! And another thing to remember!

Many also believed that Dulzin and Lama Tsongkhapa (student and guru) were of the same mind, emanations of each other who manifested to show us the way to practice.

So now, when we pray to Dorje Shugden, maybe it is actually a 4-in-one because along with everything, we are also making a direct connection to Lama Tsongkhapa, the root of all the teachings we receive and are working hard to practice. This way, Dorje Shugden too is the Lamrim – the actual path itself.


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2010, 11:49:01 PM »
Aha! And another thing to remember!

Many also believed that Dulzin and Lama Tsongkhapa (student and guru) were of the same mind, emanations of each other who manifested to show us the way to practice.

So now, when we pray to Dorje Shugden, maybe it is actually a 4-in-one because along with everything, we are also making a direct connection to Lama Tsongkhapa, the root of all the teachings we receive and are working hard to practice. This way, Dorje Shugden too is the Lamrim – the actual path itself.

You're right - since Lama Tsongkhapa, Dulzin, Dorje Shugden are all emanations of Manjushri. Some say that Dorje Shugden is a wrathful emanation of Tsongkhapa too. Is that true?

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2010, 09:28:46 AM »
I like what you wrote, Beggar and I can relate.

The Dorje Shugden Practice leads one to Lam Rim because Dorje Shugden is one with Lama Tsongkhapa, Manjushri, Yamataka - its Guru, Proctector and Yidam as one, plus the path itself.  4 in one indeed!

Thank you for bringing another valuable perspective to our learning.

I like how our minds gets to open up and expand with more learning.

That should be the way.

We should not become more limited, rigid and constricted with more knowledge and experience.

Then something is clearly wrong.

Aha! And another thing to remember!

Many also believed that Dulzin and Lama Tsongkhapa (student and guru) were of the same mind, emanations of each other who manifested to show us the way to practice.

So now, when we pray to Dorje Shugden, maybe it is actually a 4-in-one because along with everything, we are also making a direct connection to Lama Tsongkhapa, the root of all the teachings we receive and are working hard to practice. This way, Dorje Shugden too is the Lamrim – the actual path itself.



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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2010, 07:24:20 AM »

You're right - since Lama Tsongkhapa, Dulzin, Dorje Shugden are all emanations of Manjushri. Some say that Dorje Shugden is a wrathful emanation of Tsongkhapa too. Is that true?

Ah, I believe that technically, you could say this but the way DS manifests is within a different function. Tsongkhapa arose as Lama/ yidam; DS manifests as a dharma protector so their function (from our side) differs to us. From "their" (DS and Tsongkhapa's) side, yes, they remain the same. It is how WE propitiate them for our practice that differs. This is my understanding.


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2010, 02:20:03 PM »

You're right - since Lama Tsongkhapa, Dulzin, Dorje Shugden are all emanations of Manjushri. Some say that Dorje Shugden is a wrathful emanation of Tsongkhapa too. Is that true?

Ah, I believe that technically, you could say this but the way DS manifests is within a different function. Tsongkhapa arose as Lama/ yidam; DS manifests as a dharma protector so their function (from our side) differs to us. From "their" (DS and Tsongkhapa's) side, yes, they remain the same. It is how WE propitiate them for our practice that differs. This is my understanding.

Since Dorje Shugden and Lama Tsongkhapa are all emanations of Manjushri, Dorje Shugden's wrathful emanation as a Dharma protector is very appropriate at this time, infact it is very much needed. When degeneration is accelerating, even buddha has to appear wrathful before the practitioners whose ignorance and self cherishing mind are so strong. Like mothers, they have no choice but to look fierce and even scream at their children more now than before as it is so easy to do things which create more negative consequences, and hence negative karma.


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2010, 06:03:16 PM »
speaking of wisdom, this has brought to mind another aspect.

Connected closely to the practices of Manjushri and Lama Tsongkhapa (therefore, Dorje Shugden also) are meditations on the 7 wisdoms. These wisdoms are mainly discussed in context of a dharma environment - e.g. how we apply to our own spiritual practice, debates, composing dharma texts.

it could be a common mistake for practitioners to think, "oh, this doesn't really apply much to me, i could never compose dharma texts or be a great debater etc." Actually, they are all tools to get through everything we are doing. In fact, we probably need these wisdoms all the more now that we have so many more distractions, delusions, complications, attachments from the modern world. They will help us to be more discerning between what is actually beneficial for us or what is disguised as something beneficial. The wisdoms will help us to speak clearly and honestly, which is necessary now that our world is adopting so many other "languages" - the language of advertising, technology, media which is all trying to sell us something that is usually not real. The wisdom will help us to speak in a way that will benefit and clear people's minds of doubts - and WHO DOESN'T HAVE DOUBTS and troubled minds these days. Much more than before, surely, for all these same reasons of the distractions and bluffs of the 21st century.

So it is very useful to contemplate and think about the 7 wisdoms in relations to Dorje Shugden. This can help us very much in our meditations on this part during our guru yoga practice, for a simple start.

humbly (and in need of more wisdom!),
yours, beggar


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2010, 10:42:33 AM »
Well said, Beggar and thank you for highlighting the 7 Wisdom to us all.

In this age, where marketing means making oneself or a product as appealing as possible, it is all about HYPE. Hence, it is not about truth.

speaking of wisdom, this has brought to mind another aspect.

Connected closely to the practices of Manjushri and Lama Tsongkhapa (therefore, Dorje Shugden also) are meditations on the 7 wisdoms. These wisdoms are mainly discussed in context of a dharma environment - e.g. how we apply to our own spiritual practice, debates, composing dharma texts.

it could be a common mistake for practitioners to think, "oh, this doesn't really apply much to me, i could never compose dharma texts or be a great debater etc."

Actually, they are all tools to get through everything we are doing. In fact, we probably need these wisdoms all the more now that we have so many more distractions, delusions, complications, attachments from the modern world. They will help us to be more discerning between what is actually beneficial for us or what is disguised as something beneficial.

The wisdoms will help us to speak clearly and honestly, which is necessary now that our world is adopting so many
other "languages" - the language of advertising, technology, media which is all trying to sell us something that is usually not real. The wisdom will help us to speak in a way that will benefit and clear people's minds of doubts - and WHO DOESN'T HAVE DOUBTS and troubled minds these days. Much more than before, surely, for all these same reasons of the distractions and bluffs of the 21st century.

humbly (and in need of more wisdom!),
yours, beggar

We do desperately need the discerning wisdom to act, think and speak in ways that are beneficial and not harmful.

We also need the discerning compassion and courage NOT to continue allowing these "harmful languages" to do their damage unto ourselves and others.

I believe, when we do not buy into all that bluff and puffery, it will stop. Just like the WWF Ad - when the buying stops, the killing stops.

The world's media, marketing and advertising industry can only go on in this manner because the greater whole allows it and buys into. Hence, we do play our roles in perpetuating it all.

When we exercise discerning wisdom and choice for clear, honest, truth - perhaps we may see a whole lot of difference. First and foremost, within ourselves, for sure.

Thanks for sharing, Beggar.

This has been really helpful.


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Re: An emanation of Wisdom and counter to the selfish mind
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2010, 04:45:02 PM »
Dear Beggar, I love what you wrote: “when we pray to Dorje Shugden, maybe it is actually a 4-in-one because along with everything, we are also making a direct connection to Lama Tsongkhapa, the root of all the teachings we receive and are working hard to practice. This way, Dorje Shugden too is the Lamrim – the actual path itself.”

It is really “Aha” to read the clear and straight link as put forth by you between Dorje Shugden, Lama Tsongkapa and finally the LAMRIM itself!

Being so comprehensive, Dorje Shugden practitioners only need to focus and master the worship of our Protector. There is not need to dip our finger into every pie we see. This reinforces the teachings of some Dharma masters that it is better to do ONE practice well than to do many practices superficially. Off course, this should not become an excuse to be lazy with our Dharma learning and growth!