Author Topic: Real Wisdom  (Read 6756 times)


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Real Wisdom
« on: December 29, 2010, 07:26:20 PM »
If the moderators don't mind, I'd like to start a new topic folder.
I'd like to use it as sort of a "sand-box" where I can play and post
information concerning Dorje Shugden and the practice.

I have received the empowerment of the practice from Kelsang Jampa at the KMC Arlington, TX.

My goal is to post information about the function of dharma protectors
that is not normally available online.

My intention is to make precisely clear with logic and reasoning
why this practice is an ultimate object of refuge.

-Bodhisattva Wade


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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2010, 07:50:08 PM »
If the moderators don't mind, I'd like to start a new topic folder.
I'd like to use it as sort of a "sand-box" where I can play and post
information concerning Dorje Shugden and the practice.

I have received the empowerment of the practice from Kelsang Jampa at the KMC Arlington, TX.

My goal is to post information about the function of dharma protectors
that is not normally available online.

My intention is to make precisely clear with logic and reasoning
why this practice is an ultimate object of refuge.

-Bodhisattva Wade

If your intent is as stated, then this would be welcomed. Whatever information you can contribute to this practice being a supreme and ultimate object of refuge will benefit many.

If applicable we will post some of your information under the reading section of this website so it becomes available always in the future for many.


Big Uncle

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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2010, 08:24:36 PM »
Good idea Bodhisattva.wade,

I have been reading up on Dorje Shugden. I have read recently that Dorje Shugden ritual practice text in the Gaden tradition seemed to have been composed by two great Lamas:-

1. A Dorje Shugden fulfillment ritual text that is being used in Trode Khangsar (Dorje Shugden temple in Lhasa) was composed by Gaden Jangtse Serkong Dorje Chang, which apparently contains excerpts from earlier texts from Morchen Dorje Chang of the Sakya School and Dre'u Lhas, the fourth incarnation of Drukpa Kunleg, an incarnate Lama and Mahasiddha of the Drukpa Kagyu School. This is requested by Dorje Shugden via the famous oracle at Trode Khangsar.
(These excerpts used by Serkong Dorje Chang are perhaps scriptural proof that Lamas from these two great tradition accept Dorje Shugden as a Protector)

2. Another Dorje Shugden ritual text was of course composed by the Great Je Pabongkhapa called Melodious Drum Victorious in Every Direction. This text apparently was also composed at the request of Dorje Shugden himself via an oracle and passed down to many Great Lamas and students including Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche.

Besides that I know that a lama by the name of Dagpo Kelsang Kedrub composed a praise to Dorje Shugden called Infinite Aeons. This is the root text from which Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche composed his own commentary of Dorje Shugden in his text, Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors. Even before that, the Great Fifth composed a praise of Dorje Shugden.



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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 05:49:58 AM »
Bodhisattva Wade
Welcome to and we look forward to your participation and contributions to this site.


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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2010, 07:55:56 AM »
Nine beautiful goddesses

“The purified nature of the four elements and five sense objects such as form are the nine beautiful great consorts of each family who, exquisite in their youth, with the arts of love, liberate from the bindings of e...xistence, to you I praise.”

Eight monks

“The purified nature of the sources, nerves, veins, ligaments, and joints are the eight monks who guide in virtuous activity who, with an emanated drama of whatever tames each being, protect those bound by samaya like a son, to you I praise.”

Ten young wrathful guardians

“The purified limbs of the body, in a powerful, wrathful dance, in the manner of torturers ruling over the lives of those with degenerated samaya, wandering in all directions, wearing outfits of China , Mongolia , Nepal , Tibet and Kashmir , to the ten wrathful young guardians, I offer praise.”


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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2010, 07:57:54 AM »
There are four parts to this picture. (Not counting the very top with Buddha and Tsongkhapa and however that is on the upper left.) The four parts are Outer, Inner, Secret, and Suchness. The ten deities, being closest to you in the painting..., purify the secret obstacles. A little further away from you are the eight monks that purify inner obstacles, and farthest away from you are the nine goddesses that purify outer obstacles. Shugden and his four friends, above in the sky, represent purified suchness. These four groups represent the four tantric maras which are also expressed as four sutric maras. These eight maras represent the union of sutra paths and tantra paths. Also, represented are the five tantric paths and how to perform them in order. The path of meditation being included in the path of application much in the same way that Ratnasambhava and Amoghasiddhi are grouped together; because Action and meditation are implied by the others, so there are five included in the four.


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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2010, 08:11:03 AM »
This is similiar to the method described by Machig Labdron and the Surmang Tradition.

According to her there are six classes of gods and demons. Of those, there are eight types of demons, four sutra demons -- otherwise known as the four maras -- and the four tantra demons. The first demon of material suffering is severed at the first path of accumulation. The second demon of immaterial suffering is severed at the second path of preparation. The third demon of arrogance occours and is severed at the path of seeing. And lastly, the fourth demon of pride occours at the fifth path of no more learning. The forth path, the path of meditation is included within the others. The four represent Outer, Inner, Secret, and Suchness, respectively.


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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2010, 08:14:56 AM »
*Note - The demon of pride on the fifth path is not severed, but rather transformed into the qualities of a deity.
Those qualities include the four fealessnesses which are:

   1. fearlessness in asserting their own perfect realization
   2. fearlessness in asserting their own perfect abandonment
   3. fearlessness for the sake of others in revealing the path to liberation
   4. fearlessness for the sake of others in revealing potential hindrances on the path


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Re: Real Wisdom
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2010, 08:21:35 AM »
Hi Wade..

Glad you are contributing here and look forward to reading your informative posts!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being