Author Topic: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha  (Read 6091 times)


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Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« on: June 10, 2012, 09:50:47 AM »
When His Holiness the Dalai Lama(Avalokiteshavara) left for the safety of India and the West, Panchen Lama (Amitabha) stayed behind in Tibet to help the Tibetan people, and went through the Cultural Revolutions and eventually the Panchen Lama had to endure death by poison. The Panchen Lama endured imprisonment and probably torture from the Chinese, as he spoke very clearly about China's repressive practices in Tibet.

Now we have the Dalai Lama who has given up his political power among Tibetan exiles, and sometimes even hinting perhaps the Dalai Lama role need not be maintained anymore. At the same time despite the Chinese treating the 10th Panchen Lama so badly is now promoting this 11th Panchen Lama to be more in the limelight and prominence. As the Dalai Lama tases a step back the Panchen Lama comes to the fore to lead China and the rest of the world towards illumination.

Things seem to have been reversed now. Is this just samsara or the wisdom of the enlightened beings?


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 11:10:33 AM »
Whether it is samsara or the wisdom of enlightened beings, I do not know. What I know is that the roles of the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama is to spread Buddhist teachings. The Dalai Lama has made a lot of grounds  in the spread of Buddhism since his exile from Tibet especially in the Western world. This has made Buddhism famous and continued to flourish in degenerating times.

The Panchen Lama on the other hand has stayed back to preserve Buddhism in China. Maybe in his wisdom that he left earlier so that his new reincarnation can take over the role to work hand in hand with China in this era where China wants to spread Buddhism in their country because their nation has become more and more materialistic.

There is always a reason and we will never know why. But it is interesting to see that China has involved the Panchen Lama in many big official events and meetings. Is this their weapon against the Dalai Lama?


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 11:12:43 AM »
In the face of danger, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and His Holiness The Panchen Lama took the most practical and wise approach to preserving the Dharma. One escaped and the other stayed behind so that they can split the risk. Should one party fall, then the other party can continue the Teachings. Personally I think this is the true sign of enlightened minds that are not afraid of losing something as inherently impermanent as one's life.

The Dalai Lama "escaped" while the Panchen Lama was "killed". I doubt if you can kill the emanation of Amitabha unless the Panchen Lama felt that since the Dalai Lama was safely away, the best thing to do would be to "die" so that the Panchen Lam's next reincarnation can take birth quickly and be of the right age when the Dalai Lama is ready to pass the baton as it were.

The 11th Panchen Lama which I firmly believe to be the same mind stream as the 10th Panchen Lama is now ready to take world prominence and with the backing of the Government of the most populous country in the world. Imagine if the 10th Dalai Lama is still alive and is still another symbol, other than HHDL, of defiance to the Chinese. There would be no Chinese backing.

And with this new development, His Holines the Dalai Lama is preparing to retreat so that the 11th Panchen Lama can more easily be the next world symbol and leader of Buddhism. The suggestion by the Dalai Lama that there may not be another Dalai Lama is very much in line with the strategy to stay focussed and promote the 11th Panchen Lama.

At some point, HHDL will go into clear light and the world will turn its attention on the 11th Panchen Lama. With the passing of HHDL, the Shugden ban will disintegrate. The 11th Panchen Lama will then pave the way for Dorje Shugden to be the widest Buddha practice in the world.

Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha have long understood the duality of the human mind and have played a very effective strategy to spread the Dharma through the practice of Dorje Shugden, recognized to be the most effective for our time.

Just look at the nett results of events in the last half century or so when Buddhism was in decline.


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2012, 12:45:13 PM »

The Dalai Lama "escaped" while the Panchen Lama was "killed". I doubt if you can kill the emanation of Amitabha unless the Panchen Lama felt that since the Dalai Lama was safely away, the best thing to do would be to "die" so that the Panchen Lam's next reincarnation can take birth quickly and be of the right age when the Dalai Lama is ready to pass the baton as it were.

Just look at the nett results of events in the last half century or so when Buddhism was in decline.

The timing is just right for what all meant to happen.  I like what Vajratruth wrote, the entire post about how the two great masters work hand in hand in spreading the dharma.  His Holiness's achievement is remarkable, no lama can surpass his accomplishment to date.  Whether or not His Holiness will "return" is not the issue, the issue is that what will happen to the ban then?  Maybe it is like what Galen said, is Panchen Lama the weapon against His Holiness?

By promoting Panchen Lama, Buddhism will grow so will Dorje Shugden's practice, a direct counter to His Holiness.  Looks like a competition?  History has it that Panchen Lama was killed and Dalai Lama escaped.  Perhaps in this very life, it is quite the opposite.  The Panchen Lama who was killed, survive in this very lifetime and His Holiness who escaped perhaps decided to escape forever.  Who says that Avalokiteshvara can not manifest in other forms?

Big Uncle

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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2012, 02:08:19 PM »
Yes, it is definitely the wisdom of the enlightened Beings combined with the Karma of our times. I believe that very much and this relationship that the Panchen Lama have with the Dalai Lama is very much like how the Dalai Lama has with Dorje Shugden's previous lives as well (and current life).

Previous Dalai Lamas had been Guru and student to previous Dorje Shugden's lives like Panchen Sonam Drakpa. Hence, the powerful affinity they had with each other is extend to the present time as well. It is a matter of results that one should look and not the enlightened methods that one may not fully understand.
This kind of relationship is prevalent with many high Lamas and they work simultaneously to further the Buddhadharma.


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2012, 08:10:05 AM »
Based on the many actions and the results of those actions, it is very clear that the Dalai Lama still has his samaya intact or else he would not be able to gather so many followers. There is probably an agreement between him and Dorje Shugden on the ban for reasons that are not known to us. Else, it would be impossible for Trijang Rinpoche and Ling Rinpoche to return as broken samaya causes lamas to not return.

The Panchen Lama in one of his incarnations appear to have gone against Dorje Shugden and he had to suffer consequences from it but not the Dalai Lama. Even the anti Dorje Shugden information on the various websites and whatever the army of scholars wrote are not substancial and are based more on opinions rather than hard cold facts but yet many people choose to down it.

The Panchen Lama might not  be on CTA's side in this lifetime, but he is definitely carrying the words of his predecessors, irregardless if the CTA thinks otherwise. I prefer to look at the deeds and actions of the incarnations rather than just look at recognition and title alone. Tulkus can still perform huge actions to benefit a massive amount of sentient beings, irregardless of whether or not they're officially recognized.

If China's Panchen Lama was fake, I dont think China would need to put him through years of monastic training and neither did they have to put him as the head of the Buddhist council in China. They would have just let him be, doing his little thing and not put in effort to promote him at all and even if he did the pressure that is put on him would have manifested in scandals by now if he was just an ordinary person.

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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2012, 02:57:28 PM »
Yes, it is definitely the wisdom of the enlightened Beings combined with the Karma of our times. I believe that very much and this relationship that the Panchen Lama have with the Dalai Lama is very much like how the Dalai Lama has with Dorje Shugden's previous lives as well (and current life).

Previous Dalai Lamas had been Guru and student to previous Dorje Shugden's lives like Panchen Sonam Drakpa. Hence, the powerful affinity they had with each other is extend to the present time as well. It is a matter of results that one should look and not the enlightened methods that one may not fully understand.
This kind of relationship is prevalent with many high Lamas and they work simultaneously to further the Buddhadharma.

I do like what you said here Big Uncle. There is certainly immense wisdom and compassion at play here. These enlightened beings have complete control over their death and rebirth and based on this very fact, surely everything they do is premeditated to ensure their mortal lives are used to serve it's best purpose!

The only reason any of these enlightened beings are here is to spread of the Dharma and the "tag-team" approach makes a lot of sense as it will ensure the continuation of qualified teachers in a seemingly smooth transition.

However it is also been said that due to the degenerate times and our collective negative karma, such continuation, in the form of qualified teachers, will eventually manifest into another method of spreading the Dharma. We can see it take form already in great masters such as HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche the incarnation of HH Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang. Though of the same mindstream the perception of this great master is very different from his previous life through no fault of this enlightened being but more to serve the needs and perceptions of this age.

There are also many young incarnations that have returned and will resume their rightful place on the chess board of Dharma. Take for example Domo Geshe Rinpoche who was recently enthroned and who is none other than the emanation of Tsongkhapa himself.

Beautiful Biography of Domo Geshe Rinpoche here:


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2012, 03:34:18 PM »
Yes I do believe that it is the wisdom of the Enlightened ones because their motivation is ultimately to spread the Dharma. HH Dalai Lama bring Dharma out of Tibet and to the WORLD while the Panchen Lama stays behind to PRESERVED so that the FUTURE SUPER POWER could revived the Dharma. FABULOUS!

All seems like very skilful means as all the Gurus who spread Dorje Shugden are back! All the Gurus who taught HH the Dalai Lama who practice Dorje Shugden are also back! And well if Dorje Shugden really was a demon and a cult practice... the Gurus would not be back and their centres not growing, if this can happened then why would we even bother taking refuge in the three jewels who is powerless to Dorje Shugden (the demon) - ILLOGICAL. 

And if HH the Dalai Lama is doing something terribly wrong then His teachings, world tours and meetings with Global leaders would not have so much impact STILL even after court cases and law suites. I am sure if HHDL was evil he would have long degenerated. I am sure the Buddhas would not have allowed it.

So let's take a minute and think about the whole connection and watch this video... :)

Panchen Lama, Dalai Lama, Dorje Shugden, China Government Small | Large


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2012, 07:42:32 PM »
I am confident it is pure wisdom of enlightened beings manifesting again and again to benefit all sentient beings. Apart from Panchen Lama and the Dalai Lama, let's not forget an important figure in this equasion as well - Trijang Rinpoche.

Reading Dagpo Rinpoche's speech while the 14-year-old Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche visited Paris will give us a clue of this. Also, I believe that enlightened beings who worked closely together will continue to do so, despite what we perceive as taking opposite sides.

Everyone knows that our Tibet has long benefitted from the Lord of the World Avalokite?vara’s caring protection. He appeared at different times as king or as minister, as learned pandit or as a complete siddha. Each time, he made the light of religion and culture shine brightly so as to dispel the darkness that enveloped Tibet, and each time you were at his side.

In the eighth century when Avalokite?vara manifested as the great king Trisong Detsen, you, Rinpoche, were the pandit ??ntarak?ita, the Indian monk who brought and established in Tibet the tradition of vows and religious commitment which form the basis of Buddha’s Teachings. It was you who brought to light the vast and profound systems, while assuming the shape of the victorious Padmasambhava, first among the Tantrikas. As such, you overcame the obstacles that stood in the way of spreading the Dharma on earth. It was you also who passed the profound and secret teachings to the King and his ministers (how lucky they were!) and thus justified their waiting.

When the good qualities of human beings and the doctrine declined, you were the second Buddha, well known by the name of Ati?a D?pa?k?ra ?r?jñ?na. During the middle of the eleventh century you founded the Kadampa tradition with the help of his spiritual son Dromtönpa Gyalwé Jungne, who was none other than Avalokite?vara.

In order to consolidate and spread that tradition, you soon reappeared under the name of Langri Thangpa Dorje Senge, well known as the eminent guardian of bodhicitta, in other words, a bodhisattva.

Some time afterwards, the good qualities of human beings diminished yet again, and the doctrine underwent another decline. You immediately assumed the shape of the second Buddha Je Tsongkhapa. That time your disciple was Avalokite?vara, later considered the First Dalai Lama. Together you took it upon yourselves to spread and expand the Teachings of the Buddha throughout the entire country.

Shortly afterwards, you were Mönlam Pelwa, one of the First Dalai Lama’s main disciples. You succeeded yourself, becoming the eighth Ganden Tripa, that is, the eighth head of the Gelugpa school.

Later on, as the head of the Kagyupa order, you were the eighth Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje, close friend of the Second Dalai Lama Gendun Gyatso.

When you returned to the school of the Nyingmapas in the seventeenth century, you were the dazzlingly brilliant light with the name of Zurchen Chöying Rangdröl, one of the Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Gyatso’s principal Masters.

Next, during two consecutive lives, you again took charge of the Gelug school: you were the sixty-ninth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Jangchub Chöpel, who was also the tutor of the Ninth Dalai Lama Lungtog Gyatso, and later the eighty-fifth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Lobsang Tsultrim.

And now we come to your immediate predecessor Kyabje Yongdzin Trijang Dorje Chang Chenpo, who for forty years was assistant and then tutor of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.

Here you have a brief reminder of how and for how long you and the Buddha Avalokite?vara have been doing significant and enduring work for the benefit of sentient beings.


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2015, 04:53:03 PM »
This very subject matter had always been on mind in the sense that the Dalai Lama left Tibet and the Panchen Lama stayed behind and went into clear light in China.

Point one is that the Dalai Lama has mentioned that he will not have an incarnation does it then mean that the next highest level monk will take over. 

Point two the 11 Panchen Lama is very well respected and exposed in China since he was very young.

Point three the Dalai Lama has propagated Buddhism internationally.

Point four the Panchen Lama is reintroducing Buddhism to China.

Hope that my thoughts per above will have Buddhism spread to all ten directions and create the world a Buddhaland.

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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2015, 03:44:52 PM »
The relationship between Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama is father and son. One life time Dalai Lama who are like a father recognize the son and vice versa. This 2 are the great beings. They work solely for the benefit of sentient beings. Not with fame, not wanting name or even scare to die. For ignorant being like us, they willing to scarified even their life to bring dharma to the world. They put Dharma in the first place.

At this age of time, our mind are becoming more polluted, more hallucination and more difficult to tame. I believe this ban is to help us to understand more on our mind. Understand more on the core knowledge of dharma than the ban itself.   Look, through this ban, Dorje Shugden becoming more famous.


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Re: Avalokiteshvara & Amithabha
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2015, 08:28:30 AM »
I think no matter what this two great master role is to preserve the buddhadharma ,they are here to help us to be able to release our suffering with the holy Dharma, but whatever the outcome is we as a practitioner want to world peace and more people will be benefits from the holy Dharma. I think China people are lucky to have such a great lama who are spreading the teaching to the Chinese people who are very much needed to religion because they are too much focus on wealth and forgot about the good human value.