Author Topic: Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation – L.G.W.P.F. United Nations Affiliated NGO  (Read 4728 times)


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Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation – L.G.W.P.F.
United Nations Affiliated NGO
“Help in Action”

Headquarters: Ishar D.-Adler Via Zara 2, 28813 Albagnano di Bée-Verbania, Italy
Tel/Fax: +39-0323-569608 Email: [email protected] &

Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation - L.G.W.P.F. “Help in Action” in Tibet, China
Tibet 2006

During the summer trip to Tibet the aid on behalf of the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation reached 23 villages
in the surrounding area of Shigatse where the children adopted at a distance through “Help in Action” live. There,
with the coordination of the local government, goods and supplies acquired in the cities of Lhasa and Shigatse have been

The area is located in the plateau of central Tibet, an altitude of 4.000 meters; life conditions in the
villages are extremely harsh due to the natural conditions and extreme climate.

Houses are built with mud bricks, have a central fireplace and very few windows in order to avoid ice
forming inside. There is no water, electricity nor heat; furniture, mattresses and bedcovers are often
lacking. The climate is very cold and arid therefore there is often a dramatic lack of water with years of great
drought. Many times there is not even a fountain in the village
and hygienic services do not exist.

Due to the altitude and arid environment, trees are rare, dry twigs and yak excrements are used for fire. Due to the lack of water,
essential cultivations such as fruit and vegetables are also lacking.

The foundation built an aqueduct and water ways to bring water to the populations and therefore make irrigation possible, as
well the generation of electricity and so forth. There is often no medical assistance and the few structures in the cities are too far due to the
additional lack of means of transportation. There are no shops and no postal services. The only source of livelihood is the mountainous
agriculture, but, the harvest from this arid and harsh land only supplies the population enough
food for 6 or 7 months a year. Therefore, there is nothing to sell and the families have no available
income so as to provide their children with clothes or school supplies. Thus children often confront the rigors of such winters wearing a few rags and homemade shoes while not attending school.

Thanks to the aid, each of the approximately 2.000 children of the area have received clothes: a jacket, wool pullovers, shirts, trousers, long underwear, leather and canvas shoes, socks, hats, soap and towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste and, according o their age, school uniforms, notebooks, pens, ink and pencils. Money and rice and flour sacks have been distributed to  families for the winter, which, it is feared this year will be very harsh due to the serious drought registered in 2006.

Thanks to the donations received, activities such as the realization of humanitarian projects and
development of the villages have followed through: The kitchen and the refectory of the Nye village school have
been completely reconstructed; they now have capacity for a growing number of children up to sixth
class, a total of almost 500.

Before, the old kitchen was in terrible condition and was insufficient, while the new kitchen is large and built
according to the best criteria based on the local reality. A complete aluminum set has been bought for each school
child including cups, saucers and dishes so that each can use their own, an improvement of hygienic conditions.

The Nepu school, built last year by the Foundation, asked and obtained help for maintenance
work, indispensable due to the extreme climate of Tibet, and it has been supplied with notebooks, pens, pencils and books
for the next year. As the teacher proudly informed us, in the month of June the school obtained from the governmental
authorities the prize as best elementary school of the region for building and teaching quality; there children study Tibetan,
Chinese, Mathematics, Design, Social studies, Physical education and are given ample space for
playtime and socialization.

The new recently built dispensary of Nye has asked and obtained help in order to supply essential medical tools.
Maintenance and sustaining activities of other schools and dispensaries already realized in the region continue as well as those of
the aqueducts that always undergo a harsh test due to the winter ice.

Within the “Nepu village” project, the construction of greenhouses for the cultivation of orchards in the village
has since begun. The Tibetan climate is extremely arid due to the lack of rain; strong winds harden the earth.

Due to these adverse conditions, there is practically no cultivation of orchards in the village, this gives way to a
poor diet in general as well as lack of vitamins and minerals that affect general health, eyesight and so on.
The installation of greenhouses (a recent novelty in the area surrounding the capital of Lhasa) can give optimal
results as the sun is in any case strong during many months per year, the greenhouse allows for the earth
to maintain humidity and for the protection of the cultivation itself from the winds. The availability of
fresh orchards will therefore mean a unique contribution to the health of the population of this
area. Moreover, over 20.000 trees have now been planted in the area.

The help of the Foundation has also reached various Tibetan monasteries
where the ancient spiritual, cultural, artistic and medical tradition –
patrimony of humanity - is preserved. It is also here that
the poorest children can receive an education according to their tradition.

But the monasteries are very old since they are sustained by donations.
Often lacking is the money to insure a livelihood for the monks, the
maintenance of the buildings, the buying of medicine, clothes, shoes, beds, covers, combustible and

The Foundation rebuilt some monasteries and the aid received allows for them to survive and continue
the precious cultural heritage of Tibet.

And the TGIE want to bring down this lama who propitiates Dorje Shugden, who will help these children then?


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Ha. I dont think they could care less. Theyre not in their jobs to benefit Tibetans, theyre in it to benefit themselves. How else can you explain why they grab at the chance for a visa or green card whenever one comes up?  ???

Okay so its slightly cynical of me to think this way but I cant help it when I have to stomach their nonsense about Rinpoche after he does so much to preserve Tibetan culture and tradition and religion  >:(

Big Uncle

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And the TGIE want to bring down this lama who propitiates Dorje Shugden, who will help these children then?

That's so true! Who is going to help the thousands of children, the innumerable people that his charitable works will benefit and the spiritual development of many students both close and far. Who will help them if we bring such a beneficial Lama down. What about the many other Lamas on the hit list of the TGIE and this doesn't count the numerous practitioners of Dorje Shugden who bring tremendous benefit to so many people. Well, the TGIE obviously wouldn't care about such matters and that does not bode very well with the survival of the TGIE. Such mindless persecution has karmic repercussion that is just welling up and will one day explode.


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TGIE will not be able to affect Lama Gangchen very much. Lama Gangchen is very smart... not necessary the UN will back him up but so long as TGIE is his enemy then China will be his friend and I think they will do alot to prevent Lama Gangchen from falling due to unfortunately political agendas.

However, Lama Gangchen has so many powerful sponsors from so many parts of the world, I am sure they will remain loyal and faithful to him and protect his movement and vision.

Lama Gangchen has survived this long and grown so huge, building monasteries even in Tibet... no way TGIE can ever bring him down no way. If I was them I'd befriend Lama Gangchen. Perhaps TGIE needs his help to lias with China or open some kind of dialog, perhaps?


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Lama Gangchen has probably laid a lot of groundwork for Dorje Shugden and Lama Tsongkhapa tradition to spread all over China.  Chinese people may have more affluence now due to their economic ascendancy but they are known to be spiritually poor.

What protector will then be suited to the Chinese masses if not dorje shugden?