Author Topic: What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?  (Read 6375 times)


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What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?
« on: July 01, 2013, 05:31:50 AM »
I was just wondering one day whatever happened to the huge Maitreya Project. There has been very little news about so I did some search and this is what I've found. Here is the latest update of the challenges they've been facing getting land, with the Indian govt, fund raising etc.

There is also been a change in Directorship along with major re-organization of the whole project. I wonder why is there a change in Directorship? Has Mr. Peter Kedge formerly Director of the project given up due to the many obstacles he faces? Why was he incapable of continuing the project? Isn't it crucial when a student is assigned a project/assignment, they are to fulfill it no matter what unless there are good reasons for them not to. I'm just curious what were the reasons, though I am sure it is based on good reasons. If anyone knows more do share.

However the switch of Directors sounds pleasant and mutual here with letters of appreciation written in acknowledgement of the change and acceptance. Take a read... more details here 

Maitreya Project

Important changes underway
For the last 6 months we have been working hard on a major re-organization of Maitreya Project. We expect the newly structured Project and web site to be launched very soon. In the meantime we thank you for your support, past, present, and future, and thank you especially for your patience while we implement these significant changes.

Details of the re-structuring are announced below by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Spiritual Director of Maitreya Project. Please also see, below, the letters of appreciation from  Ms Nita Ing the new Director of Maitreya Project, and Peter Kedge, outgoing Director of Maitreya Project.

    Announcement by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
    - Letter from Ms Nita Ing
    - Letter from Mr Peter Kedge
    - Announcement by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

    My dear kind friends, those who like to benefit other sentient being through the teachings of the Buddha.

    I would like to announce that the Maitreya Project director is changing from the current director, the precious kind Peter Kedge, to the precious kind Nita Ing.

    Also, the Maitreya statue will now be built in Bodhgaya, but due to restrictions there, the statue won't be as tall as originally planned (500 feet); now it is going to be 150 feet in height. For the past nine years we have worked hard with Uttar Pradesh state government to locate the Project in Kushinagar but because of very difficult issues regarding land acquisition, with the approval of His Holiness the Dalai Lama we have now decided to build the Maitreya Statue in Bodhgaya.

    For the last fifteen years Peter Kedge has dedicated his life to the Maitreya Project, working really, really hard. He has travelled to many countries such as China, Japan and so forth where other large statues have been built, to check the statues, meet the organizers and find out what difficulties they encountered with different aspects of the project, gathering as much information as possible so that our planned 500-foot Maitreya statue would be a great success, last for a thousand years or more and bring vast benefit to sentient beings and the world.

    Peter also worked for many years in India, bearing many hardships and experiencing problems and difficulties there. The key difficulty, however, has been acquiring sufficient land together in one parcel.

    There have also been other significant setbacks, such as major donors being unable to fulfill their commitments through difficult economic conditions and untimely death.

    Once the Maitreya Statue has been built it will benefit the world and the sentient beings of the six realms, particularly those in this world, not only for a thousand years but also for a very long time after that. Any sentient being who remembers, sees, touches or hears about the statue—and of course, no question, those who actually build the statue, who offer time, life, money and all the different things needed to actualize the statue—all those sentient beings will ultimately achieve full enlightenment. By the way, they will also achieve ultimate happiness, liberation from samsara and temporary samsaric pleasure while still in samsara. So it is unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable, most unbelievable, the benefits that the Maitreya Statue will bring. It will bring happiness to numberless sentient beings; this is what they will receive from the statue.

    Because of the inconceivable benefits that the statue will bring sentient beings, then of course we have to expect there will be many obstacles. As you know, you have to have good karma and unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable merit to be able to finish building such a statue and then for it to last for such an incredible length of time, benefiting so many sentient beings. Even many ordinary companies in India that are only doing work for this life have to stop all their work and close down after some time because it is too difficult or there are too many obstacles. Of course, for us, there is no way that we will close down the Maitreya Project.

    Thank you

    I want to thank from my heart all the people who have dedicated so much of their life trying to help us build the Maitreya statue—those who have made offerings and given their time and energy. All the merit you have created will become the cause of enlightenment, to fully awaken your own mind. Even though we have not yet actualized the statue, helping in the various ways you have still becomes the most unbelievable purification, purifying negative karma and defilements created from beginningless rebirths, and an unbelievable way to collect skies of merit, especially if your help has been offered with bodhicitta motivation. In that way, every single action becomes a cause to actualize the Maitreya statue, every single action becomes highly meaningful, and so you have already collected immense, immense merits. So don't have any regret at all. You should have not one single regret—if you do, you will harm the merit that you have already collected.

    Letter from Ms Nita Ing

    Dear Friends,

    I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our most beloved  precious Rinpoche, for Rinpoche's patience and guidance which has brought me to The Maitreya Project. I promise to dedicate all my efforts in fulfilling Rinpoche's Holy Wish, to actualize this Statue of Maitreya in Bodhgaya.

    I wish to thank Peter Kedge for his assistance in bringing clarity to the years of the most difficult and intricate work carried out by himself and so many others. Peter and all those who were involved had tirelessly devoted over fifteen years of their lives, overcoming enormous obstacles with their devotion to Rinpoche and the Project. My deepest appreciation for Peter's assistance in this transition, my admiration for all of his team's dedication to the Project. I am humbled by their endeavors.

    At this time the Project is in the re-organization phase, it is my wish that in the very near future we will be able to provide an update, and be able to re-open new channels for donation.

    The Maitreya Project cannot succeed without your support. I wish to thank you for your patience and understanding, I also  earnestly request for your future support in fulfilling Rinpoche's Holy Wish together.

    Sincerely with love,

    Nita Ing

    Letter from Mr Peter Kedge

    Dear Friends and Supporters of Maitreya Project,

    As you now know, we are delighted to announce a major reorganization within Maitreya Project.

    Nita Ing, a long time student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, is now taking over from myself as Director of the Maitreya Project. With Nita's vast and highly successful commercial and construction experience, we are confident the goal of building Lama Yeshe's vision in Bodhgaya will quickly succeed.

    As Director, Nita kindly takes responsibility for the construction of a Maitreya Buddha statue in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India. This will now be the principal focus for the Maitreya Project.

    In addition to design and construction, Nita also takes on responsibility for fundraising for the Bodhgaya Statue Project. Fundraising will be coordinated through FPMT Inc. in Portland USA.

    The Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic Tour continues as a standalone FPMT project based in UK, and dedicated to the promotion, support, and success of, Maitreya Project.

    Maitreya Project was the vision of Lama Thubten Yeshe more than 30 years ago. The Project began with the wish to build a Maitreya Buddha statue symbolizing loving kindness, the root cause of fulfillment and peace.

    Carrying this forward this has been a herculean task. Over time, the specification was developed to one that demanded the boundaries of technical, architectural, and engineering skills to be pushed to the very limit.

    At times the legal, social, financial, technical, and logistical, challenges have seemed overwhelming and insurmountable. A succession of truly fearless directors and project staff have faced and overcome difficulties and situations which, without any exaggeration at all, have been unthinkable and unimaginable.

    In the meantime I thank most sincerely, those who have worked directly for, and with Maitreya Project over these 30 years, and during the 15 years of my own involvement.

    Thank you to those who have carried forward the vision. I thank all those who have volunteered in so many ways with time, energy, ideas, and skills, to bring the project to this point.

    Each stage of the Project's development takes place, "on the shoulders" of those who have carried the vision this far – my predecessor Project Directors, our wonderful and dedicated Project staff, our exceptional international architectural and engineering team, our fund raisers, donors, volunteers, sculptors, accountants, legal advisors, spiritual advisors, contractors,  printers, webmasters, lamas, monks, and monasteries who performed pujas, drivers, cooks, those who have supported the Project in unimaginable ways – where the Project is today has been made possible by the efforts of thousands of people all over the world. I thank all those who have sincerely donated in order that the Project could continue. Lama Zopa has expressed the fact that building Maitreya Project is not just the job of those on the construction site. Every person who has played any part whatsoever in the process over the last 30 years and who will do so into the future, is building Maitreya Project even though the physical statue has not yet appeared.

    Some of the great monuments existing today have stood for centuries, even millennia, but they took hundreds of years to complete. We expect things to happen fast in today's world - we don't build buildings to last more than about 100 years. The Maitreya statues are being designed and built to last like monuments of old.
    Thank you to Lama Zopa Rinpoche for allowing me the privilege of participating in Maitreya Project, and thank you all for your belief and patience. You will not be disappointed.

    With very best wishes to Nita and her team,

    Peter Kedge
    Maitreya Project Director 1997 - 2012[/list]


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    Re: What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?
    « Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 06:03:30 AM »
    Wow it has been 30 years already? and the project has gone completely silent for a period of time with no updates whatsover for such a long time. Nobody knew what was going on or what was happening and the website was outdated for the longest time. At least an update on the website would be better than the deafening silence from the site. And now the sudden change of management. But in any case, news is good news and shows that the people in charge has not  given up yet. Lets just hope that the project will actually fruition.


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    Re: What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?
    « Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 09:40:05 AM »
    I had heard about the Maitreya Project awhile ago, while Peter Kedge was in charge. Peter is or was one of the directors of FPMT, and i wonder if he still is Another interesting point is that Lama Osel is also a director! Anyway, i digress.

    As far as i heard then, Peter Kedge was a pretty good guy, and according to Lama Zopa, the project ran into many challenges - of course due to karma. Doesn't everything begin and end with karma?

    i have read that whatever spiritually positive projects we wish to undertake, our negative karma will manifest as obstacles and the bigger the project, the bigger the obstacles, which seem to have manifested strongly for the Maitreya project so that the 500 feet statue became impossible to carry out and now they only have the ability to build a 150 foot statue in Bodhgaya.

    Perhaps if FPMT were to apologise to Dorje Shugden and take Dorje Shugden as their Dharma Protector to clear obstacles, this project will have a better chance of manifesting!

    Lama Zopa said the below on the Maitreya Project website ( )
    The Maitreya Project

    Regarding the Maitreya statue, it's true that we made some mistakes. This was due to karma. We discovered much later that we made some wrong decisions with respect to expecting more money for Maitreya after we spent some or hoping to get a big amount and so forth. That didn't work out. So we did make some mistakes along the way.

    However, there are no words left to thank Peter Kedge, the past director of the Maitreya Project. For the past fifteen years he has sincerely dedicated one hundred percent of the efforts of his body, speech and mind to the Maitreya statue. Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! It is amazing the way he has dedicated his life to this. From the depths of my heart, I really, really want to thank Peter and express my appreciation for him. There really are no words left to thank him.

    He never wasted his life, his perfect human rebirth. He never wasted it; he made it so meaningful. Even though the statue has not yet been actualized, all the work Peter did has laid the groundwork for the statue to be built. It has also served as a way for us to gain experience and has helped us prepare to actualize the statue.

    I also want to thank from my heart all the past directors of the Maitreya Project and Ven. Pende Hawter, Marcel Bertels, all the kind benefactors, and the many other people and companies who dedicated their time and energy as well.

    All their work and our many years of experience will serve as the basis for building the statue in Bodhgaya. Also, I hope that we will be able to build large Maitreya statues in other countries. So all that has happened has been very useful, very important experience, for the future and for the many other large statues that I hope will be built in this world.
    Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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    Re: What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?
    « Reply #3 on: July 02, 2013, 04:36:35 AM »
    I agree with Wisdom Being that perhaps, if FPMT were to resume worship of Dorje Shugden, there would be less inner and outer obstacles that they would face. Anyway, it doesn't look like the project is stalled now because the project is redefined and made more manageable. Now, if the new project team is led well and that they work towards the goal with a good motivation, they should be able to complete the project.

    I was reading the project and the new height of Maitreya has made it more feasible to be maintained in the future. I think that would be better for everyone. If they were Dorje Shugden practitioners, recitation of Dorje Shugden's kawang would do a lot to purify negative and obstacles while increasing merits to be able to engage in such a huge project. Building statues and temples are always meritorious and would purify a lot of karma. Not just anyone has the merits to do so. Hence, if we are engaged in the project, it is very important to step up on our practice and offerings to shore up the merit needed and purify certain negative karma that would be an obstacle for us.


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    Re: What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?
    « Reply #4 on: July 02, 2013, 05:09:58 AM »
    I had heard about the Maitreya Project awhile ago, while Peter Kedge was in charge. Peter is or was one of the directors of FPMT, and i wonder if he still is Another interesting point is that Lama Osel is also a director! Anyway, i digress.

    As far as i heard then, Peter Kedge was a pretty good guy, and according to Lama Zopa, the project ran into many challenges - of course due to karma. Doesn't everything begin and end with karma?

    i have read that whatever spiritually positive projects we wish to undertake, our negative karma will manifest as obstacles and the bigger the project, the bigger the obstacles, which seem to have manifested strongly for the Maitreya project so that the 500 feet statue became impossible to carry out and now they only have the ability to build a 150 foot statue in Bodhgaya.

    Perhaps if FPMT were to apologise to Dorje Shugden and take Dorje Shugden as their Dharma Protector to clear obstacles, this project will have a better chance of manifesting!

    Lama Zopa said the below on the Maitreya Project website ( )
    The Maitreya Project

    Regarding the Maitreya statue, it's true that we made some mistakes. This was due to karma. We discovered much later that we made some wrong decisions with respect to expecting more money for Maitreya after we spent some or hoping to get a big amount and so forth. That didn't work out. So we did make some mistakes along the way.

    However, there are no words left to thank Peter Kedge, the past director of the Maitreya Project. For the past fifteen years he has sincerely dedicated one hundred percent of the efforts of his body, speech and mind to the Maitreya statue. Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! It is amazing the way he has dedicated his life to this. From the depths of my heart, I really, really want to thank Peter and express my appreciation for him. There really are no words left to thank him.

    He never wasted his life, his perfect human rebirth. He never wasted it; he made it so meaningful. Even though the statue has not yet been actualized, all the work Peter did has laid the groundwork for the statue to be built. It has also served as a way for us to gain experience and has helped us prepare to actualize the statue.

    I also want to thank from my heart all the past directors of the Maitreya Project and Ven. Pende Hawter, Marcel Bertels, all the kind benefactors, and the many other people and companies who dedicated their time and energy as well.

    All their work and our many years of experience will serve as the basis for building the statue in Bodhgaya. Also, I hope that we will be able to build large Maitreya statues in other countries. So all that has happened has been very useful, very important experience, for the future and for the many other large statues that I hope will be built in this world.

    this is odd. Lama Zopa and failed investments? Wouldnt he be able to do a divination to determine if the venture is to be undertaken or not? If the investment was doomed to fail, why is it that Lama Zopa decided to proceed with it? somehow, it does feel like that Lama Zopa created the Maitreya project to sort of remind everyone that they do need Dorje Shugden's help. I am pretty certain that once the ban is lifted, Lama Zopa will declare that the only way for Maitreya project to take off is through Dorje Shugden's help and FPMT will all start worshipping Dorje Shugden again.


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    Re: What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?
    « Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 09:03:37 AM »
    Perhaps it is not that Lama Zopa's divination failed but that his students failed to do certain things and thus changed the karma for the success of the project to failure. As i understand it, divination is always subject to certain conditions which need to be fulfilled. Perhaps Lama Zopa's students could have not kept good samaya with their teacher which also led to its failure. We do not know and cannot guess at this time but i do believe that Lama Zopa knows what he is doing at all times but the only unpredictable factor is the actions of the students.

    I wish Lama Zopa well on this endeavour and hope that finally his dream will be fulfilled.
    Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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    Re: What's been happening with the Maitreya Project?
    « Reply #6 on: July 03, 2013, 05:11:40 AM »
    Perhaps it is not that Lama Zopa's divination failed but that his students failed to do certain things and thus changed the karma for the success of the project to failure. As i understand it, divination is always subject to certain conditions which need to be fulfilled. Perhaps Lama Zopa's students could have not kept good samaya with their teacher which also led to its failure. We do not know and cannot guess at this time but i do believe that Lama Zopa knows what he is doing at all times but the only unpredictable factor is the actions of the students.

    I wish Lama Zopa well on this endeavour and hope that finally his dream will be fulfilled.

    In other words, the project's stalling is caused by broken samaya and broken samaya alone, by students who do not trust the Lama. But i guess, sadly, for FPMT, it is a repetitive theme that they have never seem to learn. First, Lama Zopa manifested stroke to show them that their samaya is bad and that they should do something about it (other than the pujas, of course) but it still persists..and now the investment failure is another sad story. When will they learn to not break their samaya with their Guru? And to cause others to break their samaya with theirs?