Author Topic: What some young people do at sunrise  (Read 9320 times)


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What some young people do at sunrise
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:42:02 PM »
See what the teachers of tomorrow do early in the morning in Serpom:

If many more could have this type of training Everyone would be benefitted by this type of morning training daily.



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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2011, 10:44:54 AM »
This is wonderful. thanks for the sharing. How blessed to begin the day with Manjushri in our mindstreams. A good practice for anyone to start the day! I was given very good advice by my Lama once to begin every day, just before we begin our work, with a short prayer to a particular Buddha. For example, if you are in an career that requires the skill of communication or speaking or public relations, to do short prayers to Manjushri or of course Dorje Shugden. Even if you can't remember the actual prayers, just think before you start your work, or begin typing your first word, or make that first phone call, "May I use this day to be beneficial and useful to others". Then do some mantras at least if you can. Then we have the Buddhas with us, and good motivation throughout the day.

This example here of Serpom is also very good for us to reflect upon what we were doing at their age, or even what we are doing right now when we are much older than them! It is awesome to think that many of these monks (if not all) will dedicate the rest of their lives to the service of others until they are well into their 70s or 80s, just like the many old monks we see today in the monasteries too.

What we will be doing when we're in our 70s?


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 08:08:40 AM »
Thank you Mana for the Ganglongma prayers. Such a short and beautiful prayer which will take very little time to do yet, certainly brings huge benefits.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2011, 05:53:55 PM »
What an awesome sight!  I wish I had the karma to be one of them, to be able to be educated in a Buddhist monastery from such a young age and receiving all the teachings and training within the monastery curriculum. These young monks do not have to waste their time doing things that take them away from the real purpose in life that is to study and practice to become enlightened for the sake of others. 

The Gangloma recitation by these young monks is beautiful.  How fortunate they are.  They must have done many aspirational prayers and deeds in the past to be able to be where they are now.  May I have the good fortune to be like them in the future.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 11:36:52 PM »
This is wonderful. thanks for the sharing. How blessed to begin the day with Manjushri in our mindstreams. A good practice for anyone to start the day! I was given very good advice by my Lama once to begin every day, just before we begin our work, with a short prayer to a particular Buddha. For example, if you are in an career that requires the skill of communication or speaking or public relations, to do short prayers to Manjushri or of course Dorje Shugden. Even if you can't remember the actual prayers, just think before you start your work, or begin typing your first word, or make that first phone call, "May I use this day to be beneficial and useful to others". Then do some mantras at least if you can. Then we have the Buddhas with us, and good motivation throughout the day.

Hey dont forget dedicating!!! My lama taught me that if you dont dedicate your merits, they go to waste. Imagine - you put a lot of effort into something and then in one moment of anger, its all burned up. Fantastic. So my anger burns up my merit AND helps me to create negative karma... back to square one. So dedicate dedicate because you dont want to take two steps back after taking one step forwards.

Like what you said though about good motivation. From good motivation only good things come... even if things go to pot, s'okay because you meant well. Of course its not an excuse to fail repeatedly or do badly all the time, but I think everyone appreciates a bit of sincerity.

What we will be doing when we're in our 70s?

Hopefully NOT fighting off Alzeihmers because Ive been doing my Manjushri diligently... ever seen an old monk suffering from dementia? Yeahhhhhhh.... no.



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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 11:40:40 PM »
Seeing young monks in this video and  their direction in life ie to benefit others makes me realised that in this era, a lot of kids out there are so spoilt (little prince and princess syndrome) and the effect when the grow up shudders me.  Therefore, it is awfully important that the parents enrol their children in dharma at a young age, for them to learn how to be good and benefit others.

I remember Manjushri mantra was given to a young 4 year boy who had autism by my Guru and it was incredible to see how he improved within a year.  His parents especially his mom without fail does the mantra with him every night.  This is how powerful the mantra is.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2011, 12:21:54 AM »
Wow.  This is definitely different from the kids that I know.  The kids i know wakes up screaming i want this and that but seeing these young monks started the day with such great positive motivation, wanting to learn up and benefit others; what a noble act!  How blessed that at such young age be able to get in touch with dharma!

Manjushri practice is powerful and will plant seeds of wisdom into one's mind.  Imagine starting it since young?  hope that dharma will spread to many young kids, which means we adults must learn up and set a good example for the next generation!  :)


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2011, 02:34:33 AM »
It's so cute to see all the young monks doing this as part of their daily practice or "morning exercise". Instead of McDonalds the sangha are blessed by the Manjushri early in the morning. Manjushri is also as one with Tsongkhapa, Yamantake and DS, if we do the prayer every morning, we will sure gain wisdom mind in the future. Since young they already get in touch with Manjushri every morning, they will sure gain the wisdom and knowledge in the future.

Imagine our children could be like that, they will grow up to be a better person.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 03:49:50 AM »
If I had recited Gangloma daily when I was younger, perhaps I would have a much better memory now!! I sure hope next life I will have a chance to meet the Dharma much earlier, so that I dont waste anymore time than I have to. Even the way these young monks leave the courtyard is orderly and controlled - much needed discipline that they will apply to their studies and meditations.

With Manjushri blessing their minds first thing in the morning, their day is blessed. This is just like how my Lama tells me that every morning when I wake up, i should recite Tsongkapa Guru Yoga or Vajrayogini prayers, and that should be the first thing I do. Likewise, I should do the same when I go to sleep, and it should be the last thing I do. Start and end the day with good motivation and action... I try to do that as much as I can, and I envy these young monks who are able to do that from such a young age.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 04:41:42 AM »
What a lovely and inspiring sight of young monks in prayer at this early hour of the morning, when most of their peers elsewhere would be still asleep or waking up disgruntled, complaining and full of demands already. These teachers of tomorrow are already receiving such powerful training reciting Manjushri's Gangloma and mantra for memory and wisdom.

I too wish i were younger when I was introduced to this lovely practice by my Spiritual Guide and I too wish my children were young like these young monks. How wonderfully blessed my children and i would have been if I had been introduced to Dharma and to Manjushri many years ago. Nonetheless, I'm thankful that I have met my Spiritual Guide and  have received this practice and I'm happy that this practice is spreading. All who watch this video should be inspired to do this practice, if we have not done so yet, for the benefit of all beings.



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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 06:03:03 AM »
What an awesome sight!  I wish I had the karma to be one of them, to be able to be educated in a Buddhist monastery from such a young age and receiving all the teachings and training within the monastery curriculum. These young monks do not have to waste their time doing things that take them away from the real purpose in life that is to study and practice to become enlightened for the sake of others. 

The Gangloma recitation by these young monks is beautiful.  How fortunate they are.  They must have done many aspirational prayers and deeds in the past to be able to be where they are now.  May I have the good fortune to be like them in the future.

I agree. That is why I was taught before that when you go to very holy sites, you make strong aspirations so that you will meet the dharma or your guru at an early age. It's easier to stay on the path or be nurtured towards what you aspire previously. Holy sites are very powerful because of the energy and all the aspirations done there before thousands and thousands of time.

Oh btw, it's also good to recite Manjushri mantra and blow in the mouth of a newborn to create the connection with Manjushri. That way, even if the child does not have the karma to wake up and recite Gangloma, you can plant seeds that way.  ;D


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 11:02:54 AM »
I can't even remember the finer points that I studied many years ago in University let alone Chemistry class during my high school days. Periodic Table is over for me also. But for these young monks to learn the recitation of Gangloma has power.

You just have to see the monks debating when they are older finer points in Dharma, switching between for and against arguments to realise they would have started their younger years somewhere and that would have been Gangloma.  A short recitation to Buddha Manjushri to cultivate our wisdom, intelligence and memory.

Guess my merits weren't enough to be born into Dharma, but I am glad my path did cross at least in this lifetime.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 12:14:44 PM »
what a wonderful things to begin the day with the prayer. All little monk are so fortunate to start their spiritual path since they are so young. Thank you for sharing this.

In some of Buddhist country, in the school every morning 8am all students will assembly together at the courtyard to do a buddhist prayer for 15-20mins, how blessed to start a day with a prayer to 3jewels.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 03:59:30 PM »
I remember once my Lama asked us to contemplate : What is the first though come into our mind when we woke up? Money? Food? Benefiting others or how to take revenge on people?

Seldom or never for first though is to help others, putting others more important than us.

Look at all the young monks doing Manjushri prayer in the morning, set their motivation for the day, what a good way their start our day! Not only the kids but us should do the same too. It is very inspiring to see video like this, thanks for sharing.


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Re: What some young people do at sunrise
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2011, 07:11:04 PM »
The other benefit which was taught by a high lama by reciting Gangloma beside gaining wisdom are
- Your sensory becomes sharper
- Awareness increase
- Dreams become more lucid
- Deeper sleep but lighter