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Early in Christianity, the Christians were persecuted and thrown to the lions to make sport of and eaten. And look how far Christianity has spread. Definitely Dorje Shugden's practice, lineage, rituals, benefits will spread farther and wider into the ten directions.

HH the Dalai Lama is very kind to 'push' Dorje Shugden to the Chinese and to bring the Chinese Government's attention to it. Lets hope more and more Chinese in China will practice Dorje Shugden and spread it. After all, China doesnt like HH the Dalai Lama at this time, so any practice put down by him, they would not be negatively affected.  In fact they would be encouraged to take up this practice that
'harms' the little minority region within the Chinese Motherland and it's de facto leader, the Dalai Lama. Of course we know Dorje Shugden could never harm anyone as he is a Buddha.  As the Chinese practice Dorje Shugden more and more, then they will see the benefits. If at first they promote Dorje Shugden for political reasons, slowly it will filter down and become a genuine practice. From that it will grow.

We can see the might and power of the Chinese country grow in the world. As they grow, so will their ideas, culture and religion spread and influence the world as the Amercian culture currently holds sway worldwide. So therefore China has 1.2 billion people as compared to 6 million plus Tibetans. Who would be more powerful to spread Dorje Shugden? Of course China. I do not lose confidence in HH the Dalai Lama and Lord Dorje Shugden. After all, the many dharma protectors of Tibet coudnt stop the Chinese invasion in 1959 which forced Tibetan Buddhism onto the world stage. SO WHY SHOULD DORJE SHUGDEN BE BLAMED NOW FOR NOT ACHIEVING INDEPENDENCE OF TIBET?? SHOULDNT NECHUNG, PELDEN HLAMO, MAHAKALA BE BLAMED FOR LOSING TIBET IN THE FIRST PLACE. WEREN'T MILLIONS OF TIBETANS BACK IN 1959 AND EARLIER DOING SO MANY RITUALS AND PUJAS TO THEM TO STOP THE CHINESE INVADERS FROM THE NORTH TO RANSACK TIBET?? WHAT HAPPENED?? WHY ARENT THOSE PROTECTORE BEING BLAMED FOR LOSING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE AND DORJE SHUGDEN BLAMED FOR NOT GETTING IT BACK???  Just like the Muslim invasion of North India forced Buddhism to the nearby Asian neighbours where it took strong roots.  The Muslim invasion at that time spread Buddhism to the world stage. So perhaps all this had to happen so Dharma can spread working with our negative karma and merits simultaneously. Due to our karma and it's instincsts, Dharma finds many obstacles to spread.

So lets promote Dorje Shugden to China. Then China practices it. Eventually China promotes it to the whole wide world.

No one wishes the Tibetan people and Tibetan Government any harm, or ill-will, but HH is directly promoting Dorje Shugden to China. Dorje Shugden has become a Tibetan National issue of patriotism now. Let's be realistic, Tibet getting freedom is unlikely, but autonomy is a possibility if Tibetan Government in exile stop provoking China. They should become freinds with China. So being a National issue, that is if you practice you are against Tibet, if you dont then you are patriotic to it's cause has become the catch phrase being repeated by HH Dalai Lama, Tibetan Govt and Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche. So the more China hears that Dorje Shugden practitioners are 'against' Dalai Lama and what he stands for, the MORE THEY WILL PROMOTE DORJE SHUGDEN AND FUND THE ACTIVITIES. HH the Dalai Lama found a very GREAT SPONSOR FOR THE DORJE SHUGDEN PRACTITIONERS TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR FINANCIAL NEEDS. After all, if the Chinese Government funds this cause, it would 'harm' no country, govt, ppl, organizations in this world besides the Tibetan government in exile.

AGAIN, LETS PROMOTE DORJE SHUGDEN TO CHINA. ALL ITEMS OF DORJE SHUGDEN HISTORY, BENEFITS, PRAISES, KANGSOL, WEBSITES,ATTICLES, INFORMATION SHOULD BE TRANSLATED INTO CHINESE. THAT SHOULD BE THE AIM OF ALL DORJE SHUGDEN PRACTITIONERS. TO GET IT INTO CHINA TO FACILITATE THE GROWTH OF DORJE SHUGDEN IN CHINA. NOT FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES, BUT STRICTLY FOR THE GROWTH OF BUDDHADHARMA. After all, if we believe in Dorje Shugden, then we believe in Buddha. If we we trust Buddha, we will have conviction towards the law of cause and effect. If we have conviction towards cause and effect, anything we do to promote Dorje Shugden should be done with patience, genuine concern and good motivation. Otherwise what is the point. Why should we 'fight' for Dorje Shugden out of anger, or revenge? That would not please him, nor help our future lives.  :)


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I'm not sure what to  say really,but
Part of my view is if Buddha's manfiest in any form..even wrathful.
How can we say for sure Mao was not a buddha manifesting to spread Buddhism in the West?
At least Kadampa/Ganden/Geluk/Tibetan Buddhism in my view,would not have spread if he did not "force" the Tibetans out of their own land. I think if I said this in front of the "Free Tibet" supporters  I would get shunned,but it's the truth.

As a Kadampa practioner within the NKT.Just last year Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche was in Singapore and I quoted him stating "This is like a dream for me" meaning This Dharma in a Periodontally Chinese Speaking area(video of this is on
Also Our tradition has many Chinese Teachers and Practitioners taking the Dharma with DS as their protector.
This is a great a wonderous thing.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 07:00:17 AM by Admin »


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Dear Dave,

Help to promote the general tradition of BuddhaDharma of Tsongkapa with Dorje Shugden as it's principle protector. While doing so of course be loyal and firm with your own organization. If you only concentrate on your own organization without helping the others get a foothold or become strong like NKT, then you have to think they are in need of your help at this time. After all we are all intertwined in one way or another. If all the organizations related to Dorje Shugden can grow, connect with eachother, and promote Dorje Shugden together, it will only grow more and more in the end benefitting everyone all around including NKT directly/indirectly, short and long term. With the deepest respects, think of the time when Geshe Kelsang enters clear light and then how. Then the support of other organizations indirectly would be very helpful. Thanks and just my humble thoughts and requests. I sincerely hope NKT members help out much more in spreading the general tradition of Dorje Shugden, not just within their own NKT ranks. And I do wish HE Geshe Kelsang lives 1,000 years with a excellent strong nirmanakaya body.

Bodpa Lhakpa

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So who is to congratulate? The chinese? or DS followers, or HH Dalai Lama?

Be realistic! If precious Je Tsong Kapa were with us, if Precious Dharma King Songtsan Gampo or the precious one, Thomi Samboda, to whom we Tibetan owe the most forever as long as untill Tibet to extinct, were with us, what would they suggest about the current Tibet?

None of the great persons in the entire Tibetan developmental history did/do not start their first step for achieveing ultimate goal(enlightenment for some people who think they are not responsible for persperity of their own land; regaining ownership of their own land for some other people) with learning KHA ka GHA NGA... and saying NGA RANG SOSO YI PA YU LA GHA...

Remember, Tibetan language is considered now a dying language! Do not rely the hope of rebooming of your own culture VIA another language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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As Dave, I am also part of NKT, and it is a very good idea if NKT can join to the cuase of support tha practitioners of Dorje Shugden that are not part of the NKT, because, as you said, after all we are all interwined, I think, deeple, because we all have faith in DS and we are united by him, because He is the protector of us. Much people that are suffering this ban in the Monasteries in India and Tibet need oir help. I believe that we have to help them and help eachother in order topreserve this holy lineage, because these were the wishes of lamas such as Trijang, Pabongkha, Zong, many many disciples of them etc, etc..., and they transmited DS teachings and empowerments. I think the NKT kows all this bad news. Nevertheless I am going to write a letter to the NTK Central Office or temple in Ulverston, Manjushri Kadampa Bhuddist Center.

I sincerely hope this would be the beginning of a new step or stage or opportunity for people who have faith in DS can be united and help each other for a good in common. But first of all we have to do all this in the righ way: WITH PEACE ADN CONCERN FOR OTHERS who share the teachings of Dorje Shugden.

the NKT web site is

It would be nice if we send letters to all the Dharma Centers in the world that practice Dorje Shugden to join to this cause.


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 But are`nt The Dalai Lamas actions actually helping the spread of Gyalchen? I think the NKT pretty much wants to be as far as possible from anything Tibetan,period. If you think about ,Ven.Geshe Kelsang was pretty much the whipping boy here in the west when this whole thing went down back in 97`.I was always impressed with the way he stood his ground and did`nt break under the massive PR attack he received.


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Dear Vajra,

THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART TO WRITE TO NKT CENTRAL OFFICE FOR HELP IN ANY WAY. Nkt is a big, successful and very beneficial organization. Nkt proves the power of learning and Guru Devotion (Geshe Kelsang Gyatso) and how far it can get us. It shows the power of Dorje Shugden if we rely on him correctly. Nkt does all Dorje Shugden practitioners very proud and very inspiring, and that is for sure. I always wish that NKT and many like organizations grow larger.

As Dorje Shugden's practice most likely will disappear from the Tibetan communities(I hope not of course), it will take root outside in the vast global arena. Nkt has a VERY IMPORTANT ROLE in this process I can see. Therefore, dear vajra, encourage more of your members to write in, do something, inform their communities, etc. Maybe at first you might get a reply that it is politics and maybe better not to be involved, but writing in and requesting again and again with a good motivation might do it.

Please do write to all the NKT organizations throughout the world besides just the central office if I may request, as you are many. At least in the western world, Dorje Shugden's practice grows. We have to find a way for the eastern side, as there are not many that can promote Dorje Shugden yet, and I hope I am wrong. If more people from the various Nkt centres around the world write into central office, it will expedite things. DO ALSO WRITE TO NON-NKT ORGANIZATIONS ALSO. Even the private office of HH the Dalai Lama and the Religious Affairs Department of the Tibetan Exile Government in Dharamsala please. After all, what damage can it do.

My thanks and humble appreciations.


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Please If  you can inform me on their response,that would be great.


PS,which center are you from?
Your name sounds familiar...
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 07:00:56 AM by Admin »


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Dear Johnny,

With respects, you should write in also in your own words.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 07:01:39 AM by Admin »


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Dear Johnny,
how can we know for sure that Mao wasn't a Buddha?
I have to say, i doubt very much that the hundred thousands who starved or died otherwise each time the chairman had one of his creative ideas - such as 'Let's melt all pots and pans and everything made of metal and make Chinese steel!'(three years of nationwide efforts produced a lump of completely unusable 'something'), or 'Let's kill all the birds so they won't eat the seed in the fields!' (of course they then didn't eat all the insects either who went on to destroy the entire country's harvest) - went to a pure land...
I doubt very much that one creates bodhisattvas by 'transforming' intellectuals and artists into pig farmers or simply shoots them...

I doubt very much that people who have ideas like 'Maybe i should drop an atomic bomb on my own people and blame the imperialists' when their power begins to wane, as Mao shared with his personal physician, have bodhicitta motivation...
If Mao was a Buddha, where is the revival of Dharma in his wake? Je Tsongkhapa's tradition was very strong in China before him; where is it now?

I think you mistaken 'environmental collective karmic cause' with 'a Buddha.'

When siddhas such as HH Garchen Rinpoche (imprisoned for 20 years) say that the Chinese were his greatest teachers, it shows the greatness of HIS attainment of mind-training, not Mao's!
I also doubt that Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche needed a 'Buddha' to make him eat feces or break his back in order to deepen his shunyata realization...

If i'm a drunk driver and kill your wife, and the result is that you become a monk, will i generate merit because i 'helped' you?

Wrong motivation and very dubious methods are not the trademark of a Buddha.

Let's please be very careful with sweeping statements and spiritual carte blanche generalizations that make it very easy to justify simply everything.

George junior is not guided by God when 'eliminating terrorism' with methods that create a thousand new candidates each day, even though an accompanying factor before blowing up something may be a profound sense of renunciation. Mac Donalds is not being animal-friendly by deforesting the amazon jungle to graze beef. And the Ku Klux Klan is not performing a jolly fire puja either when they burn down churches and houses, although it could be said that their acts probably eliminate a lot of illusions... but if the illusion destroyed is the belief in the basic goodness of humanity, what good can come of it? In each of these karmic equations the most important factors are the opposite of enlightened, and i really feel we should respect the conventional level and be mindful of cause and effect.
One last practical example - would you have liked to live in Mao's China?

Thank you for your consideration!
yours, beggar

« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 07:02:22 AM by Admin »


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It's Bodpa Lhakpa. For some unknown or partialy unknown reasons I am not able to log in with the user name I proud of. Anyway, I have got a more suitable name. I know very little about DS, SO I always try not to make comment about it.

Interesting to know that now you have got a Chinese version of the Website. I would like to extend my congratulation as long as you are able to adhear to what you have claimed that whatever you do is purely religious and cultural. But, I also feel a bit of sadness that you did not make an efford to build one website in the langaue from which all that became possible, and which is in a great dangerous from becoming extincted now. Well, before all, let's place HH Thomi Samboda IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL TIBETANS' MINDS! I am sure that Je Tsong Kapa and all sages in the past, present and future would agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Dear Realistic/ Bodpa Lhakpa,
So far, we only have a translation of the contents into the Chinese language, done by someone who has mailed us and offered to help with his skills.
As i've written to Samdhong Rinpoche, anyone with access to libraries and the net could have started this website (actually i couldn't even have started it without a friend who set it up, as i'm from the last century as far as technicalities are concerned). The beauty of it however, and the reason it has grown into something more than just a collection of what's available everywhere, is because of the kindness of people who know much more than me, who have appreciated our efforts and sent in pictures, texts, information, and so on.
How i would love to see this site in French, Italian, Mongolian, and and and... and most of all in TIBETAN!! How can we have a good debate if half the people involved don't even know what the debate is about? That's what we are here to change. I don't speak Tibetan, but maybe YOU do, dear Bodpa

I invite you very much to be our Tibetan translator and thank you ahead of time, Lotsawa!

yours, beggar

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What skillful ways befitting HH the Dalai Lama!!! I came across this and reposted to share with everyone so we can all absorb, analyse and conclude for ourselves the pure motivation behind the 'push'. How incredibly selfless of HH to use himself as the "object" of ill notion for the bigger picture. Let us rejoice, unite and help spread The King to the ten directions (starting with China :P)!


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It is unfortunate that many suffers due to the persecutions. We all suffer due to various reasons that is beyond our "control".. which is explained in Buddhism as karma. If we believe that HHDL is Avalokiteshvara, then no matter what he does, though it may look "contradictory" to compassion, it would all come from a good motivation. My heart goes out to those directly suffering from these persecutions. I believe that the persecutions will come to an end....very soon.

In the meantime, directly due to HHDL's action to suppress Dorje Shugden, this practice has not only endured but has become to most well known Protector in the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon of Protectors.

Would it have spread this quickly if not because of HHDL? I do wonder...


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Of late many older threads have been resurrected which I think it's great because they contain vital information on the DS ban that are important for people who new to this scene to know and for those who are around to refresh their memory so that we are able to explain to others when the need arises. Many of the topics may be old but it is important for all of us to be aware of the history of the DS issue so that we can understand the current developments better.

The way I see it is that the ban is a method used by higher beings in degenerate times to promote DS. Who exactly is behind the entire ban we may not really know.  On the surface, it may be the Dalai Lama but who knows, he may also be under the instructions of Trijang Rinpoche just like Samdhong Rinpoche. It must be our collective karma is such that this method would be the most efficacious.  After all, highly attained beings use their skilful means which may not be within the capacity of ordinary beings to perceive.